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GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Kid.Icarus Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:30 pm


So weird to actually finally be posting in here, but I'm doing it anyways, so DEAL!


Esmeralda: *is still propped up against the door of the base, prepared to stop the pacing griffin if she has to* ._. *stabs her leg with small pin she often uses for poisionings* ... ._.

Raven: *appears next to Esmerelda* ._. "You realize, you can’t stop him. He is determined." *blink*

Esmeralda: he doesn't know what he's getting himself into. It's a fools missions. *tense whisper*

Raven: "Love can turn the best of men into blubbering idiots." *blink* "He is doing it for you." ._.

Esmeralda: *grits her teeth**knows this, but it doesn't change anything. She was going to rescue her sister herself, it wasn't until grif fell in step by her side that she chose not to. As hard as it was... She was choosing to protect his life over her sisters* then he'll die for me. *snaps, obviosly pained* .-.

Raven: *blink* "He has died before. He always seems to find a way to come back. What makes you think this time will be any different. At least this time, there is a chance he may not die in vain." *blink* ._.

Esmeralda: ... *a single tear falls down her cheek which she completely ignores* and what if this time is different. What if he doesn't come. Back? What then?

Raven: *blink* "... ... ... then we hope he does not die in vain." ._.

Esmeralda: if dove were to die, would that really be your closer to her death for you? That it was not in vain? *monotone*

Raven: *tenses, the shadows shifting uneasily* "..." ._. *blink* *does not answer*

Esmeralda: *sees this, keeps going, desperate for him to see her point* better yet, if she died fighting your people, for you, would that 'settle your heart'? *almost bitterly there*

Raven: *does not answer* ._. *blink* "I see your point. But let me say this. Despite knowing how she would be affected, I would gladly throw my life away, if only to make Dove happy." *blink* "The only reason I have refrained from doing so until now, is because I know that as long as she stays here, she can never truly be happy. She will continue to have to deal with Falco and Orion, and I would no longer be here to stop them." *blink*

Esmeralda: *slow nod, staring at her hands* we need to get them out... But how? *last part was mostly to herself*

Raven: "I ask myself that everyday." *blink* "My original plan was to get my bounty high enough to get their freedom, tehn fake my own death at Griffin's hand, so that he could collect the money for him and Dove." *pause* "...but now that I have seen how many lives their Order has ruined, I realize it is not that simple..."

Esmeralda: *almost darkly* we need to take them down.

Raven: *nods slowly* "We do." *blink*

Esmeralda: ... I suppose, attacking head on is foolish...

Raven: "Of course..." *blink*

Esmeralda: *looks pointedly to griffin* ... will you help me stop him then? *totally led set up the convo for that point and question*

Raven: *blink* "No. Nothing can stop him. We can only delay him, and come up with an actual plan."

Esmeralda: *uneasy squirm* I was lucky to make it out alive... Going back in... *knows this is risky as hell, even planned out.... Someone will at the very leas get hurt...*

Raven: *blink* "You must remember that we are not alone here. There are other rebels here, and I'm sure at least one of them would be willing to help Griffin." *is just assuming, but wutevs*

Esmeralda: *scowls* no. No one else! *really doesn't get why so many have her back. To her she doesn't deserve it. Shes just a danger to them all* ._. fine. Post pone him. But /no one/ else. It is dangerous enough with just the two of us ._. *sigh*

Raven: *looks to her, for like, the first time since the conversation started* "Who ever said it was just the two of you?" ._.

Esmeralda: *blink...blink* No. *firmly*

Raven: *looks back at nothing again* "You won;t be able to stop me once I've made my decision." *blink*

Esmeralda: ... ._. I wouldn't make your decision till you fully viewed the situation. *looks at* you dont see what I see, do you?

Raven: *turns to her* "And what /do/ you see?" ._.

Esmeralda: *searches his face, or what she can see of it* that dove won't let you go without her. *simply*

Raven: *blinks* *looks in the direction of Dove's bed* ._. *...* "..." *would likely not outright deny Dove if she wished to come along, but also does not want her to get hurt* *looks at nothing again* *blink* ._.

Esmeralda: ... It's dangerous... I'm not just saying that. Imagine a whole castle filled with people like you and me. All. Trained, all ready to protect my sister and kill me. Powers... There's every power imaginable there. Even the conter part of yours. Four people sneaking in to steal the crown jewel of the coven... it's mad... None the less, you /have/ to have your head in the game if you wish to survive. We /need/ you to be fully there.... You will not be with dove around. And you know it.

Raven: *Can relate to the 'castle full of people with powers' part* "... ... ... ... ..." *sigh* "I see your point."

Esmeralda: ... *long, almost... Sullen silence* if I do this, I do this alone. Griffin... I'm too much of a distraction for him. Last time... *thinks back to the last encounter with her people* ...*shaky breath* he doesn't stand a chance. He just doesnt... Iwontloosehim... person can travel the halls unseen with... Minimal difficulty. But two? I can't protect him. This is suicide.

Raven: *blink* *...* *blink* "... ... ... ...Then let me do it." *totes serious* ._.

Esmeralda: dove would choose to come. And you don't know your way around. *simply*

Raven: "I won't tell her. And it will be easy enough to find my way, if I stay in the shadows." *blink* ._.

Esmeralda: you are vunerable to all the mind powers. As trained as you are, know that I'm amoung the weakest. .-.

Raven: "And remember how easily I could fend you off?" ._.

Esmeralda: *narrows her eyes unable help the mental retaliation she snaps at him* ... *grimaces, trying to gain back control* if I was willing to hurt you, it would have been a different story. *apologetic look for her slip, but at least I helped her point* I'm coming as well, if I train, I could serve as a shield.

Raven: "You just said that it's easier for one person to do it. And it is difficult for me to move one additional person through the shadows, let alone two."

Esmeralda: and sheilding two minds will be hard. But together, we are offer complete protection.

Raven: *sigh* *looks at nothing once more* "You truly are stubborn. You realize, I could simply leave right now, and you wouldn't be able to stop me..."

Esmeralda: *small, delighted laugh* course not. The problem is, you'd have no clue where you're going. ... And I'd tell dove. *raises a brow at, almost playful, but unquestionably serious*

Raven: *shoots her a look* "Fair enough."

Esmeralda: *nods, ducking behind her and surveying the room, eyes lingering on griffin* so it's a deal? We stop him and do it ourselves, alone?

Raven: *sighs* "It's pointless arguing with you. You already know the answer to that."

Esmeralda: *lips twitch* *says nothing, eyes softly following griffin*

Raven: *Sighs* *eyes drift back towards Dove's bed again* *dissolves into the shadows once more*

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:29 pm

...... *falls over* Dude, so much crap happens to these two, like,...damn.

Another happy update about their HAPPY lives. Nothing depressing about the whole situation at ALL

The title lies. Bad title.~

'Kay. So, in the book, there's this chick named Phoenix. I think she ends up being Griffin's lovemonkey, but they really hate each others guts, so it would take quite a while to happen.
I threw Pheonix in for Es, and...long story short....Esmeralda got shot in the stomach. ._.
Maybe I should extrapolate.
Phoenix is...overly sarcastic. And kind of an instigator. They traded some insults for a while, which ended up with Phoenix insulting Griffin, and Es was all "BJAFGNJFYNG WHUT."
So Es pulled out a dagger, Phoenix pulled out a gun and said, "You try to cut me, I shoot."
So, naturally, Esmeralda went for the mind powa instead.

Phoenix let her mind be all weak, while Esmeralda tried to convince her to shoot herself. Phoenix lashed down mantel defenses last second, and Es was all *flailfallovermerh*
Then Esmeralda was shot in the tummy, and also kicked in the face for trying to use mental stuffs again.

And Phoenix poofed with der magical poofing author thingymastuff.

Esmeralda blacked out, griffin ran in and healed her. She was also a bit drugged, and talked about this dude named Coren. What I got from it, was that Coren liked Es, which made him attain a bounty on his head, but he still liked her anyways. Oh, and he was the guy that helped her run away from the cult.
Then Coren ended up being set on fire by Mason, and Es had hallucinations that Griffin was Coren and that he was on fire.
There were also sombreros, purple polka dots, and apparently giraffes-on-shoulders.

Coren apparently had black hair and glasses, so Esmeralda was all "Hehe I like your dyed hair and contacts.", and Grif was like,"....HUH?"

After a while of all that, Es came back. Griffin had no idea what happened or who assaulted her. So he asked her for the description of her attacker, and she wouldn't say a thing. He ended up insulting her and using harsh words to squeeze it outta her, but she was not fazed.

He was then just all,"Fine. I'll go ask Heron, cause heron is a stalker and he knows everything."
(Remember that heron was the one who shot and killed Griffin.)
So Esmeralda freaked and scooted onto his lap, and tried....ahem. Seducing him again.
Griffin was pretty determined to find out who jacked up her face and stomach, so managed to get her to stop.
After a while of him constantly asking who her attacker was, she gave him a fake description. He didn't believe her, but he went with it anyway.

After some cuddling, Esmeralda fell asleep. Griffin called down Talon to watch her, then he left the box to go back to The Order and talk to Heron.

Es woke up, was all ragey, Cerberus came and calmed her down, blahblahblah I'mtootiredtobetypingallofthisrightnow.

Currently Esmeralda is running around, trying and failing to find Griffin while Talon follows her to make sure she doesn't throw herself in any fires or something.

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:42 pm


I staggered into the box place, rubbing my wrists, dark bruises covering my white skin.
I had managed to get back to The Order and confronted Heron, but the little brat cheated me out of fifty bucks, and gave me a battery that didn't even work.
Oh well. At least consulting him let me find out who had hurt Es.

Phoenix. My rival. I couldn't stand the girl, and most likely never will. She was rash and sarcastic, and she had crossed the line by shooting Esmeralda.
So what did I do?
I cut her hair off. With her own dagger.
It did not help that cutting her hair resulted in a fight, which resulted in Orion knocking us both out and Josiah dragging us to the cells for a twenty four hour sentence of hell.

Not literal hell, but close enough. Phoenix and I were chained to the walls and drugged with an odd narcotic, forcing us to delve into sleep and live through our worst nightmares.

A whole day of my worst memories, and terrible outcomes for the future.
Parents, handing us off to The order and leaving my sister and I.
Becca, perishing in that fire, never to be seen again.
Marie, being torn apart by Falco.
Constant memories of the many beatings Orion had presented unto me.
Watching fellow assassins lose their sanity.

All for The Order. It was a waste of good blood.

Not to mention the hallucinations of the future.
A few being with Dove, but most....Esmeralda.
Esmeralda being skinned alive.
Esmeralda's limbs being torn off by Falco.
Esmeralda being hanged by Astrid's chains.
Esmeralda being taken advantage of by Orion, and me unable to help, being forced to watch.
Esmeralda being poisoned by Willow, her skin falling off the bone.
Esmeralda screaming.
Esmeralda crying.
Esmeralda dying.

It made me realize she was the only bright thing in my life. The one person I wanted in my future. Those hallucinations...they felt real. I could feel her pain. It made me resort to a blubbering idiot, drooling all over the cold prison floor. I could hear myself yell at my hallucinations
over and over. I think I even succumbed to tears, Pheonix yelling hysterical things next to me, her own yells seeming distant.

That was the prison. Punishments at The Order are harsh. They show no mercy, and allow no fighting in the halls.

Well, my twenty four hours in hell were over now. I had cuts on my wrists from being chained up, and was also covered in bruises, my face sporting a black eye. Hell. Could have been worse. I could have lost my very sanity like most of the others had.

I slowly walked for a while, before just slumping against a wall. I was tired. Very tired. How could I sleep, though? The drug effects will linger, and the nightmares would just be back. I couldn't face that again, not yet.

Esmeralda. She had better be around. I needed to see her. Needed to know that Cerberus kept her safe.

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:06 pm


I walked and ran and searched, all day. Never stopping, I screamed out his name, looking for him.
How.could Cerberus just let this happen?
Well guess what, I didn't need him. Id find griffin own. The order had to be close, right?
Hence the screaming.
If.they're close, they'll hear me. And they cant have random outsiders spilling the beans on their location, right?
Odds are they'd capture me, and lock me up.
Then id be griffin. Closer to finding and saving.
Its funny what fear pushed you, and righ now, fear is all I'm feeling.
I swear, if they so.much as touch him I'll ...I'll ....
I pick up my pace desperation overridding any pain, hunger, or fatigue.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:42 pm


......Did someone just call my name, or was that just the drugs?
I frowned, my eyes flickering to the spot where I heard the yell. It was the unmistakable voice of Esmeralda, sounding as if she was flustered.
I didn't want to answer. If she was a drug effect, she would probably just come and die in front of my eyes, in some gorey way.

If she wasn't a drug effect, she would come over and make a big fuss over my injuries, and probably slap me for leaving her with Cerberus.
But I needed to know. Needed to be sure that she was okay, even if I did get a few slaps in the process.

".....Princess?" I croaked, throat annoyingly scratchy from dehydration and yelling my head off.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:56 pm


I froze, one precious name making it through the pounding in my ears.
"... Griffin?"
Small and feeble, that's what my voice probably sounded like right now. Because thats exactly how I felt- small and feeble.
The past 24 hours... While he was... Fighting for me... I was sleeping. While they were... Hurting him, I ran around like a useless maniac.
He was in pain, and indirectly- I had caused it.
Did I have to snap at that girl like that? Did I have to let myself get so caught up in it all that I /lost/? I never lose. Dammit. I may not be the strongest of the cult. But losings never an Option. What's gotten into me?

And then... Then I heard it. His voice, saying my name.
I once hated being called that. But he didn't care to know my shadow name; my fake name.
Now, after the last 24 hours of pure panic and fear, I realize one thing- I love that name. I love hearing it from his lips. I love him. And right now his voice sounds so weak saying it.
... ...
I will kill them all. Slowly.
"Griffin!" I yelled, kicking it into over drive as I headed toward the voice.

Finally i found him and stumbled the last few feet before I full out glomped him. My hands fluttered over him- "griffin, griffin, griffin," I kept repeating again and again, trying to make sure he was real; that he was really there.
Im nothing without him.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:45 pm


There she was. Esmeralda. I blinked and squinted at her, attempting to see if she was real or not.
Please...please be real. Don't die again like the other illusions.
Then I was glomped, blinking even more out of a slight surprise, barely registering her saying my assassin name over and over.

Phew. She was here. She was alive. She was with me. That's all that really mattered.

I shakily lifted my arms, wrapping her into a soft embrace, letting my eyes fall closed with relief.
My hands slowly ran over her back, feeling every inch, just to feel something familiar, and something real. The past 24 hours I had hugged many Esmeralda's. All of them bleeding or convulsing. Yet this Esmeralda had a feel to her, and was radiating warmth. And her smell. I could smell that sweet scent.

I didn't say anything; didn't think I needed to. It hurt to talk anyway. So I remained silent, and just...held her.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:04 pm


There might have been a few tears, but then again, I think I had something in my eyes. It didn't really matter in the end. He was here. He was back. And he was alive. I wasn't alone. Thank god, he was still here.
I pulled away, eyes taking in his face wordlessly.
My face was hard; my eyes pained.
I slowly reached my hand back out, cupping his cheek where I hit him, hidding the redness.
Hesitantly, I brushed my thumb across his bruised eye, taking in everything. I tilted my head, the lingering dispare and uselessness sparking a little at the sight of him.
He looked... Like hell.
I locked eyes with him, trying to see the story the wounds wouldn't tell. What happened? Who did this? Was he okay?
His eyes did no help my worry. They were... Pained. Pained, almos hallow looking. Like he not only fells like hell, but just saw it.
I will. Kill them.
And without breaking the silence, I smashed my lips to his in one desperate, rough, furious, needy, pained kissed.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:32 pm


Hm. I guess I saw that coming, but I still managed to be a bit surprised. I didn't say anything, just took the slap defiantly, my hands sliding down her back and resting on her hips.

I searched her eyes, taking everything in. She looked as if she felt...confused. Mixed with relief, anger, despair, happiness, love, pain, fear, and a few others. Emotions we had both been feeling a lot of lately.

I felt myself flinch just a little when she touched my eye, but then leaned into her hand, eyes not daring to leave her. Then she kissed me. Almost an attack, really. I can not recall feeling Esmeralda kiss like that before, she was always hesitant, but now she seemed to be pouring all her emotion into it.

I slowly kissed her back, not really having enough energy to go further. I took my time with it, slow and sweet, almost as if tasting her. Glad to have her back. The real Esmeralda.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:51 pm


After a minute of my desperate kissing, my desperate need to feel him; taste him; let him know how I felt- I slowed, matching my kisses to his.
I wasn't... Scared if kissing him anymore. No. I use to be. I use to be scared I wasn't doing it right. That it wasnt good enough. That the cult would see and kill him for it. There use to be so much fear in that simple action.
But now... Now it was gone. Now I didn't care.
Let them see us. And so what if Marie and Emmeline were... Better than I. I loved him. That's all that matters. Right? I poured myself into the kiss. I let my love, my conviction show.
If love wasn't enough to make those kisses... Special. Then... Nothing was.

Finally, after a long while, I pulled away. I rested my forehead agains his, breathing heavily as I shifted to support his weight. He seemed so frail.
And then i just... Stared.
God, I missed those eyes.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:47 pm


We kissed for a while, steadily and breath taking, no words being needed. It was nice. Just being able to relax, being able to close my eyes and feel her there. To feel the heat and closeness.

I listened to the sounds of our breathing mesh together for a while, staring at her softly. I probably looked like hell right now. Pale, bruised, tired, weak. I couldn't lose her. I knew that before, but the need to keep her alive grew after all of the drugs.

"Hey..." I said, voice quiet and strained, yet also peaceful.

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:55 pm


"hi." I whispered pathetically back.
I managed a weak laugh. Nothing was really funny. His delicate state was not funny. The 24 hours was not funny.
Still, I laughed. I laughed in relief. I laughed in fear. I laughed for no reason at all.
I slipped my arms under his, lowering him to the ground. My hands once again fluttered over him as I kneeled across from him. "are you okay?" I wispered feverously, pulling out a cloth and dabbing his eye.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:33 pm


I watched her, and she...laughed. Truthfully, I didn't see anything funny about this situation. It was a sort of strained laugh, though. She seemed conflicted. Yet, I love that laugh. I live everyday wanting to hear that one, precious laugh, even if it sounded a bit hysterical.
I allowed myself to be lowered, but sent her a stern frown when she dabbed at my eye.

"I'm fine, Es. Really. I'm still alive, aren't I?" I smiled a bit, a fake smile, but a reassuring one. I hated to see her worried. Her concern for me would override concern for herself. I was a distraction to her. We were actually distractions to each other. Could never focus in a fight, too busy worried that the other would get hurt, or worse.

"She's a distraction, Jonathan. Just like Marie was. You honestly think that loving that bitch will help you? We need profit. Need income. You're behind on payments, too worried about the girl." Orion had said, face set in that smirk of his.

"Well. I think you should stay the hell out of my personal life. And don't you dare call her that. She has a name." I replied, trying to keep the steadily rising fear out of my voice. Orion. He planned to offer a contract to have someone kill Es. I won't allow it.

Orion had just rolled his egotistical eyes, snarling. "I call her whatever I want. If you keep faltering in your payments, you know what will happen to your bitch. Now get your ass out of my office."

I tried to find a smart retort. I really did. But the fear made my throat tight, a breath seeming to be caught in my throat, the fact that I had just been dragged out of the prison making this even harder to swallow.

So I had turned on my heel and walked out of that office like a coward, not willing to have my arm broken or something.
........If they even go near Esmeralda, the little unnamed rebellion Deekan created might have to launch an attack earlier than planned. Losing her is just not an option. If I'm still breathing, she is too. Simple as that. I won't let her even think of dying.

Yes, I know. One can not prevent death. I'll still try.

I thought this over, suddenly going quiet, one of my hands setting itself on her cheek.
"I love you."
I had said this plenty of times before. But if she was going to die soon, I needed to remind her.

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:43 pm


My hand hOvered over his face, his own touch grounding me slightly.
... "I love you too," I whispered, going back to dabbing his eye.
"I...I swear, if you EVER do that to me again, I'll, I'll... "
What would I do? Slap him again? Leave him? Ha. What if he didn't come back? No. I needed more leverage than that to keep him by my side. But what?
... Idea!
Determination filled my voice and I dropped my hand, meeting his gaze coldly. "-I'll turn myself in."


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:55 pm


......................................Oh hell no.
What do I do now? I can't stay by her forever. I have to leave her sometimes. If I stay away from the main building for too long, they'll get suspicious. If I don't complete at least three contracts a week, they will get...suspicious. Hell, I do anything, suspicion will arise. I can't stay around Es, or they'll kill her. Yet, if she was telling the truth, if I don't stay by her she will turn herself in and be killed by the cult.

I stay with her too long-she gets killed by my people.
I leave her for a while-she will get killed by her people.
Shit. This really wasn't my day.

" can't do that." I said simply, with a glare. I pushed her hand away from my eye. "I have to go to The Order sometimes. I love staying with you, Es, but if I stay away too long..." I paused, clearing my throat, voice turning monotone. "They will kill you. Won't have even a small shred of mercy. You'll bleed, horribly. You might be tortured. Drugged. And when they've had enough of your screams...they'll rip you apart." I was mostly talking about Falco. He is Orion's favorite. Anyone else would simply hit Es with a few daggers to the heart, but Falco....he will do much worse.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:05 pm


Alright, so fear does a lot more than just make you irrational. It sticks fricken things in your eyes too.
I wiped away the annoying, hot tears, grabbing his hands desperately.
"run away with me, Grif. Please, let's run away and never look back." My voice was desperate. I was desperate. I couldn't loose him. That place was dangerous. His job was dangerous. Heck, I was dangerous. But at least I could protect him if he stayed with me.
"...please, griffin... Please... We can run, we can leave. We can eat meat and have soda! We will be free. We owe. The world. /Nothing/. .... I... Just just want to love you"- my voice cracked on love-", is that so /wrong?/"
I brought my hand back up, fingers hovering over his eyes hesitantly.
"is that so wrong?"


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:24 pm


It sounded good. Really good. Though, I could never run. I've already tried plenty of time. If I had a dollar for every time I tried to run away, I'd probably have my debt paid off.
My tired eyes wandered away from her and down to the ground, everything seeming hopeless. I was fed up from everything. Fed up with failing to run, being beaten, drugged, constant training and endless killings. The one thing always on my mind besides Esmeralda was freedom.

I couldn't fathom what freedom would be like. To be normal, and worry free. To just be lazy and lay around all day would be a miracle.
I shook my head, frown staying in place.
"Can't. Already tried. Can't..." My voice was quiet, still monotone. "Order will find me. They always do. And when they find me, they'll add to the debt. Besides. I can't leave Dove just to run off with you."

Yeah, they always found us. It was almost as if...they tracked us somehow.
Purple Dragon
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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:32 pm


I frowned. His face right now... He looked so defeated... I hated it.
I scooted forward. pulling him into a soft hug as I ran my fingers through his hair.
"that's not true," I mumbled into his ear, trying to sooth him. "you've never run with me before, you'll see. And dove, she can come too. ...please....please. I can't loose you to them."
I burried my face into his shoulder, taking in his scent as fear put more blasted tears in my eyes.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:07 pm


This wasn't really right. I was supposed to be the one to comfort her, not the other way around. I hugged her back anyway, liking the feel of her in my arms. It was protective. Having her right there, was the safest she could be.

I could see what she was trying to point out, but knew it would just fail. Even with Esmeralda, there's no way I can run away.
"I can't lose you, either. But no." I said, voice taking a stern tone. "No running. They. Will. Find me. They won't stop searching until they find me. Then when we are found, things would just get more difficult than they already are."
Purple Dragon
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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:16 pm


One shaky breath. Then two. Slowly I took in his words and tried to wrap my head around them.
"I must... I can't... If they /touch/ you again..."
I grind my teeth, pulling back to nurse his other wounds.
So he wouldn't run with me. Fine. Then I'd have to do everything within my power to protect him here.
"what did they do to you?" I asked darkly.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:27 pm


"Stuff. I...tripped. Hit my eye on a doorknob." I answered slowly, gesturing to my black eye, not really sure what else to say. What, tell her Orion beat the crap out of me, injected me with some random drug mixture, and had me thrown into a cell and chained to the wall? I already could tell she wouldn't react to that.

I love Esmeralda. But the fact is, she's rash. Doesn't think things through. I tell her everything, and she'll just get agitated. Which would result in her doing something stupid, and getting herself hurt.

I stared at her, face revealing nothing, my mind blocked off.
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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:32 pm


I stared at him, not amused.
"yeah, and my attacker was a tall guy with a hammer. /don't/ insult me, griffin. I know you found out. I know what you did. Now tell me. What hAppened."
My stare turned to a glare and I pulled out of his arms, probing is mind gently, but still forcibly.
He was such a hypocrite.


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:57 am


I glared back at her, stubbornly keeping my mind closed off. I need to think of something. Some clever excuse; a slight bend of the truth. I'm really not much of a liar at times. but Esmeralda will just get herself hurt if I didn't lie.
I sighed, as if giving in. "All right, fine. Got in. Had to do some extra, rough training classes. You know, drug immunity, close combat, stuff like that. Just to make sure my skills are still intact."
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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:02 am

I narrowed my eyes, still not buying it.
"funny, Cerberus meantion something abou 24 hour containment..."
I let that linger there then went back to checking his wounds, immensely worried.
"what drug, and what happened to that girl?"
I'd kill her. I swear. I'd inject her with whatever she stuck in him and deliver her a slow death even Jesus Himself would break down.
The bastard.

(I jus feel the need to state while I find that Jesus comment distasteful, it was coming from es, not me >.> shes... Pissed)


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GxE: awesome assassin lovin' - Page 8 Empty Re: GxE: awesome assassin lovin'

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:53 am

Mkay. So the scene above sort of died, cause Ella and I got bored and decided to test out an Evil!Esmeralda in the chatbox...


So, Griffin thought E!smerealda was the real Es, and they kissed for a while. Real Es came and was all confused, Griffin was even more confused, E!smeralda took over Griffin's mind while he was weak with confusion.

So, basically, Griffin was mind controlled and forced to kill Esmeralda. He was very sad, which moved him to also kill E!smeralda, of his own free will, cause she pissed him off and wouldn't go away.

So the now devastated loverboy held Es' dead bod for about ten hours. Emmeline was thrown in and managed to pry Esmeralda from him after a while, and even managed to get him to say a few things. Of course, this is Emmeline. So she tried kissing, and he got up and walked away.

Emmeline got drunk, I got bored, so also made Griffin drunk. >_>

He babbled for some time, before things got..........bgrjsbgre. Anyway. .-. Um. Yeah. Awkward. Naughty stuff. Fast Forward.

He woke up, had a major keyboard mash moment, basically told Emmeline to back off, then walked away again.

So yeah. Not a very good update, I know. Deal with it.

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