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Friend of Your Heart

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:26 pm

Lilian turned to look at Dorovan and just stared at him for a moment. She crossed her arms. "And why must we do that? Please do explain well because I'm just a clumsy, stupid, blind human that you seem to hate."

Once Lyna was away from Hades, May went over and checked him, thankful that he turned out okay. She turned, a small frown on her lips. "I see," she said dryly. "And granted Hades could have been nicer, but Lyna attacking him was unnecessary." She ran her fingers through Hades mane, straightening it. "I guess I'll bid you two goodbye," she said and turned around, starting to walk away.
Team Sherlock
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:37 pm

Dorovam: -so we both don't make fools of ourselves trying to figure this out. Don't you know ANYTHING?-

Amazi: I sighed "I am sorry. I often forget that times have changed and the lines of respect are different. We both do"

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:43 pm

"Whatever," Lilian mumbled. "Lead the way oh great pain in my butt," she said.

May turned slightly. "I forgive as I'm sure Hades does as well. It was... interesting talking to you, Amazi. Maybe someday we'll meet again," she mused.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:46 pm

Dorovan: -finally, intelligence- i muttered, walking

Amazi: I rubbed my face "You were born on the outskirts of the elven lands weren't you?"

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:49 pm

Lilian shook her head and rolled her eyes, but decided to stay silent as she followed him. Maybe they were wrong and they weren't really bondmates. That was Lilian's biggest hope for the moment.

May raised an eyebrow and her eyes locked on Amazi's. "Maybe, maybe not, why do you ask, Amazi?" she said. She watched him for a moment, wondering what was going through that head of his.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:54 pm

Dorovan: I swished my tail angrily

Amazi: I blinked "Just curiosity is all. So, am I right?"

Lyna: I dropped my had over his shoulder, snorting quietly

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:03 pm

Lilian watched him and finally decided to speak. "So, are we ever going to have a civilized conversation Dorovan?"

"Mmmm, yes, yes you are. So curiosity was the only reason you asked me that question?" May asked, tilting her head to the side. It was a rather strange question to just stem from curiosity.

Hades turned, watching Lyna carefully.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:05 pm

Dorovan: -hard to say-

Amazi: I blinked "Yes..."

Lyna: I tugged on his shirt lightly

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:07 pm

Lilian frowned slightly. "And why is it hard to say, exactly?"

May nodded. "Oh. How did you figure that out anyway?" she asked curiously.

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:09 pm

Dorovan: -because-

Amazi: I hesitated "There were several indicators"

Lyna: I nickered softly in his ear -Amazi, we should go-

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:12 pm

"Because why?" Lilian asked him.

"Ah. What were the indicators?" May asked curiously.

Hades nudged May with his nose, attempting to tell her without words that they should go.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:16 pm

Dorovan: I shrugged

Amazi: I opened my mouth and winced as Lyna nipped my shoulder lightly -Amazi stop.-

Amazi: "I'm not going to-'' My words were cut off as a band of assorted humans and elves rushed into the clearing, war cries sounding. I cursed and drew my sword, Lyna backing up and rearing with an angry bugle, flapping her wings and creating gusts of wind that almost bowled the warriors over. I lunged and stabbed a human through the heart, cutting through ones through as I pulled it out

Lyna: I screamed angrily as a rope was thrown around my neck _Amazi! Run!!-

Amazi: I turned around and ran towards her, focused entierly on getting to my bondmate. A sharp pain slashed at the back of my knee and my leg buckled as I groaned in pain

Lyna: I fought -AMAZI! AMAZI!-

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:27 pm

Lilian rolled her eyes.

May was watching Amazi when the warriors came rushing up. She took out her sword, defending herself and slashing at them while Hades bucked and trampled warriors. She noticed Amazi hurt and Lyna tied up. She fought her way toward Lyna, cutting the rope around her neck. May moved, continuing to clank swords with a few, her jaw clenched.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:32 pm

(nu let them get captured >Smile )

Dorovan: I snorted

Amazi: I struggled to a standing positon and growled as i hilt of a sword smashed into my stomach. I doubled over, losing my breath. The elves grabbed me and yanked my head up, putting a sword to my throat

Elf: -Weapons down freaks, or we'll slit his throat!" I snarled

Amazi: I swallowed, the blade nicking my throat and blood trickled down my neck

Lyna: I froze, my wings lowering slowly

Amazi: I closed my eyes, humiliation and self-disgust for myself boiling in my stomach. Pathetic.

Lyna: I took a step towards him, neighing softly in rpotest and stopped as the elf pressed the sword harder to his neck.

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:56 pm

(:3 Okay.)

Lilian shook her head. "So how much longer until we get to the elder bondmates?"

May frowned and slowly put down her sword, a frown on her lips. She didn't want anything else to happen to Amazi. Normally she would have loved to have commented about her not being a freak and she still did want to, but knew that it was an extremely bad time so she bit her tongue. Her eyes stayed locked on Amazi, concern filling them.
Team Sherlock
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:58 pm

Dorovan: -this is your town isn't it?-

Amazi: I grunted as they tied my wrists tightly and kicked me to the ground. They tied Lyna's wings and put a halter on her.

Lyna: I snorted angrily but let them, looking at Amazi in concern

Amazi: They hauled me up roughly and I winced. A rib was definetly broken. They tied May as well and Hades got the same treatment, minus the wing tying. They wade us walk, swords presed to our backs

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:05 pm

"Yes, but I just came to this town. I used to live in a different town so I have no clue where much is," Lilian stated.

May's jaw was clenched and she watched Amazi with concern out of the corner of her eye. She wasn't exactly thrilled to be tied up to say the least and could easily kill with the mood she was now in.

Hades snorted angrily, hating he treatment he was getting and looked toward May to see if she was alright. His gaze then landed on Lyna and Amazi.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:13 pm

Dorovan: -Great- I muttered -our best bet is the center of town then-

Amazi: I stumbled over rocks and roots, my head down.

Lyna: I swished my tail angrily, wanting to get to Amazi -You'll be alright- I said to him privately -I'm right here, you can do this okay? You've handled it alone before. You can do it-

Amazi: I grunted as they threw me in the back of a carriage and I fell over a stool. I sat up and then grimaced as I hit my head on a bench on the side of the carriage. The elves laughed, sneering at me and I grit my teeth

Lyna: I bit one of them hard, cutting right through his ear and glared at hi as he howled

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:55 pm

Lilian just stayed silent and walked along with Dorovan.

May walked along, somehow managing to keep her balance. Her jaw was still clenched and she was starting to think of how they could get out of this mess. Her mind kept going over it and she was eventually thrown into a carriage. She hit the floor of it hard and bit back a wince. "You know, that is not how you treat a lady," she said before she could even bite her tongue.

Hades snorted angrily when they threw May in the carriage and he bucked, sending one of them sprawling on his back. Hades nudge him hard with his hoof, causing the man to groan from pain.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:01 pm

Dorovan: I plodded alng angrily, cursing the world

Amazi: A couple elves jumped in and held swords to our throats and I growled

Lyna: I lashed my tail, pressing my ears back, fuming.

Amazi: "Let Them go, thay have nothing to do with this" I said and then grunted as they unched me in the face and kicked me in the side


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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:13 pm

Lilian sighed sighed and looked around her as they walked. She hoped they would find the elder bondmates soon.

May clenched her jaw again and let out a growl like noise toward the elf holding a sword at her throat. Her eyes darted toward Amazi and she frowned. He kept getting himself hurt even worse and May didn't like it.

Hades stomped and snorted angrily still, his ear pressed all the way back against his head. His eyes held a fire in them.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:15 pm

Dorovan: I shook my mane out, glancing at her

Amazi: I looked in her direction and frowned "Let them g-" I goand as they kicked me in the back of the head

Lyna; i snapped my teeth

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:24 pm

Lilian glanced at Dorovan when he glanced at her. "What?"

May couldn't take anymore when they kicked Amazi and she kicked the elf that had kicked him. She couldn't stand to see Amazi hurt anymore without doing something about it.

Hades made an annoyed sound and snapped at the elf that had kicked Amazi.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:27 pm

Dorovan: I shrugged and then trotted over to a human and werewolf, my ears down -it seems....we have found a connection in eachother-

Amazi: I frowned "May don't."

Lyna: I nickered, reaching my head out to him and drew back as they jammed the hilt into my nose

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:49 pm

Lilian followed Dorovan over to the human and the werewolf. "But this connection is rather odd considering he can't stand me," she said dryly.

May frowned and looked at Amazi. "I'm not about to sit here and watch you get hurt and do nothing about it. I'm going to do something about it whether you like it or not Amazi."

Hades sunk his teeth into the elf's shoulder after he hit Lyna and pulled back, content that the elf was letting out a howl of pain and bleeding.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 3 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

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