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Friend of Your Heart

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:33 pm

what you think of Amaqzi and Lyna?

Amazi: I shrugged

Lyna: I nickeered and grabbed the chunk of hair that fell on his forehead and tugged lightly

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:54 pm

(Amazi is kind of good looking and Lyna's pretty.)

May pulled her knees to her chest and watched Amazi quietly, wondering what he was thinking and what was going through that skull of his. Finally she asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Hades made a noise and once he managed to get his hair free, he grabbed at a little of her mane and tugged very lightly.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:56 pm


AmaziL: I paused "Home"

Lyna: I nickered and flapped my wings, clipping him behind the ear lightly

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:01 pm

(O.o Ouch what?)

May nodded as she listened to his answer and her gaze turned to Hades and Lyna. A small smile found it's way to her lips as she watched the pair. "So what is your home like?"

Hades snorted, somewhat annoyed. -Not fair Lyna, you have wings and I don't. You using them against me is utterly unfair,- Hades told her, almost whining.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:03 pm

you not droolin over him XDDD

Amazi: My lips twitched in dark humor "dirty"

Lyna: I laughed -don't cry young one-

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:33 pm

(XD What I said is actually good. It's just I'm not big on looks.)

"Dirty? that's not very descriptive," May said. "So please do tell me exactly what 'dirty' means."

Hades let out an annoyed noise. -Like I would cry. And why do you call me young one?- His eyes locked on lyna.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Age : 28

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:35 pm

i love hot guys XD

Amazi: "Dirty as in allways and doorways" I muttered

Lyna: I nickered -because you are not but a child-

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Ravyn Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:08 pm

Name: Ailee

Gender: Female

Age: (If you are bonded you are instantly going to live the lifespan of the longer living bondmate) 19

Race: Elf

Appearence: Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Helena_the_archer_by_3dsquid

(Something similar to this, anyways....)

Personality: No idea yet. She's undeveloped, so we'll jsut have to see how she works out.

Bonded? If so, to what?: Not YET, no.

(if Bonded) Describe the bonded's personality and looks: N/A, for the moment.


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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:13 pm

(XD And hot guys are rather nice eye candy. You would love my city then becasue most of the guys in my city look like freaking models.)

May frowned slightly, not sure she heard him correctly or at all. "I didn't hear you, come again?" she said. Her gaze shifted from Lyna and Hades to Amazi once again, watching him closely.

Hades nickered slightly unhappily, always touchy about the subject of being considered a child. -I am not a child,- he stated stubbornly.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Age : 28

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:24 am

Amazi: I chuckled "You heard me"

Lyna: I luaghed -I am over a century. You are a young one to me-

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:55 am

Name: Drakon

Gender: male

Age: (If you are bonded you are instantly going to live the lifespan of the longer living bondmate) he's a yearling so about the size of a horse drawn carriage

Race: Dragon (subspecies would be aquatic but he has legs Razz)


Personality: He's a big bluffer, always acts tough n such. This is because generally aquatic dragons are small and weak and stuff so he needs to act like a big bad dragon of doom. He likes sleeping underwater and other general water dragon things but also enjoys diving into volcanoes for diamonds to give to a certain someone Wink

Bonded? If so, to what?: Nope

(if Bonded) Describe the bonded's personality and looks: Nada yet

Posts : 1050
Join date : 2011-12-12

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:58 pm

Ailee: The leaf-dappled sun filtered through the trees and hit my face, the light forcing its way in under my eyelids, causing me to slowly wake. I sat up and stretched, yawning. I was still in my gear from yesterday and i hadn't bothered to set up my tent - the weather had been good last night. I crawled out of my bedroll and carefully packed it away, securing it to the rest of my packs for later transportation. After a quick meal of dried rations and some water, i secured my packs to my back and continued on my trek. Four days since i had left home to travel, and i hadnt once looked back. Soon i'd be out of my native woods and off seeing new places. Home was nice, but there was a whole wide world out there and i wanted to explore, see all of it, learn all that it had to offer me. Perhaps i was foolish for simply packing everything i could carry on my back and setting out to see the world on foot, but for me, that was part of the adventure. A part i refused to miss out on, even if it was harder. Because often the harder road was more rewarding in the end. I focused carefully on simply placing one foot in front of the other, moving steadily forward, pacing myself. I had a lot of ground to cover and a long day still to go. No sense tiring myself out as soon as i woke up.

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:06 pm

Drakon: I flapped my wings, searing high above the plains, stretching all the muscles in my body as i shivered joyfully at the strain. It felt good ti stretch me wings and just fly for a while. Not a lot of the other waters had wings so there was nobody to fly with me. I snorted, a jet of scorching steam flying from my nostrils. I winced as a bird below me sqwuaked and started to fall, its feathers destroyed. I sighed and snapped it up, ending its misery and making sure it wouldnt have to endure the pain of being broken and dying slowly on the ground. I had misjudged my distance though and one of the tips of my wings caught a branch of a tree, ripping a long tear ad I rairee in pain as I crashed down into the forest, the bones of my wings snapping like twigs. I howled in pain

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:13 pm

Ailee: There was a great crash overhead and i heard an awful, unmistakable noise. The sound of someone or something in pain. I paused only momentarily to consider the potential danger before deciding i didnt care and rushing ahead the short ways to where i'd heard the commotion. And when i saw what had caused it, my heart practically stopped. I didnt know what i'd expected to see, but i definately hadnt expected to see a dragon of all creatures. I'd never seen one before, didnt even think they lived around here! But it was obviously hurt.... Instinctively, i wanted to help it, but i'd spent enough time around sick and injured animals to know that it may not welcome my efforts. I approached it a cautiously, staying far enough back that i could back off quickly if necessary. Feeling almost stupid, i called out to it. "Ah..... are you all right....?" i asked, not knowing if it could understand me or not. I knew very little about dragons, but i supposed it didnt hurt to try talking to it.

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:17 pm

Drakon: I looked at the figure with pain glazed eyes -does it LOOK like I'm alright?!- i snapped, trying to stand and collapsing with a howl of pain again. I snarled at the figure, dimly recognizing the voice as female and brought my head around, the horn on my chin scraping a deep gouge in the earth -now get lostbefore I eat your alive and use your bones to clean my teeth...or something like that...- I mumbled, trying to push myself to my feet again wiht a groan

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:23 pm

Ailee: "Hmmm..... so you CAN understand me. I dont know a lot about dragons, really, so i wasn't sure....." i muttered absently. "Look. Im not about to go anywhere and leave you alone when you're hurt. So you can either eat me alive or you can hold still and allow me to try and patch up your wounds. I've never worked on a dragon before, but i've helped a lot of other creatures, so im sure i can do SOMETHING to help you." i said, studying him calmly.

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:25 pm

Drakon: I snarled at her and slumped to the ground again -fine- i muttered, looking away -but if you try anythingi will kill you-

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:28 pm

Ailee: I shrugged, taking off my pack and digging through for my medical supplies. "Fair enough. But i have nothing to ttry, so don't worry about it. My name's Ailee, by the way. What's yours?" i asked as i carried the now-found supplies over to him and went about taking inventory of his wounds. "Hmmm..... a lot of broken bones, it looks like.... those'll need to be set......." i muttered. "I think im going to have to splint most of your wings. There's a lot of breaks.... can you feel any other breaks or cuts or anything that may need addressing?" i asked.

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:31 pm

Drakon: -Gods this is so humiliating- I growled and then shook my head -No I can't feel anything else and my name is Drakon- I snorted a ball of steaming air -stupid bird...-

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:37 pm

Ailee: "All right. Nice to meet you, Drakon." i said, pulling a bunch of branches into the clearing and beginning to pick out good sturdy ones to use as splints. "A bird did this?" i asked, chuckling a little. "Must've been one huge bird.... right. Now hold still. Im going to try and make this as painless as possible....." i muttered, taking my splints and a bunch of rope and bandaging and going about re-setting all of the bones into their proper places and splinting them in place so they'd heal straight. Finally the job was done. "Right. I dont know how long you're gonna take to heal up, but until those bones are completely healed you're going to need to leave hte splints on and you won't be able to use your wings." i informed him.

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:44 pm

Cairo wrote:Amazi: I chuckled "You heard me"

Lyna: I luaghed -I am over a century. You are a young one to me-

May shook her head. "But what if I didn't hear you though, Amazi?" she asked.

Hades shook his head, knowing that she had a point. -True, but I'm still not a child.-
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:53 pm

Drakon: I growled in annyance and stood slowly, holding my wings out awkwardly -well not what?- i muttered, shaking my head to dislodge the dirst and leaves. -I'm suck here....of course...I could always eat you if I had too- I said, eyeing her

Amazi: "I said as in alleyways and doorways. Elves have too good of hearing to mistake what someone says May" I muttered

Lyna: -No, not to most- I said, looking in Amazis direction, snorting angrily and trotting over, draping a wing over his back -You should stop being so nosey!- I snapped at May, drawing Amazi close to my side

Amazi: I rested my head on Lynas shoulder, troking her side -Easy Lyna, I was telling her without her pushing-

Lyna: I snorted, tossing my heaed -well...-

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Ravyn Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:00 am

Ailee: "Im warning you, i don't taste good." i said levelly. "But if you want, you can tag along with me until you heal up. Im a pretty good hunter, so i'll be able to get at least SOME food for you. And you wont have to eat me and then be out of luck." i suggested. Of course, there were ulterior motives. First, i wanted to get to know more about him. I'd never met a dragon and i was curious. Second, he's probably scare off any incoming danger, even in his state, so i'd have less to worry about at night. And third, he seemed amusing and would probably make decent travelling company. I found myself hoping he'd agree, even if it meant extra work hunting for me.

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:02 am

Drakon: I snorted, regarding her and raised a claw to get out a branch stuck between my teeth -pah, you could hardly be able to provide for ME-

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:04 am

May nodded, now knowing that what she thought she had heard the first time was correct. She watched him a moment before speaking. "true about Elves having good hearing, but not all have great hearing necessarily," she muttered. She wanted to know why they stayed in alleyway and doorways, but she knew better than to push. When Lyna snapped at her she raised her hands in a surrendering way. "He didn't have to tell me. Hell, he doesn't even have to reply to anything I say, but it's his choice as to whether or not he talks. And why did you tell me, Amazi?"

-But I'll always be a child to you probably whether I like it or not,- Hades stated and shook out his mane. He moved closer to may and nudged the back of her shoulder with his snout lightly. Eventaully may stroked his snout, her eyes still on Amazi.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Age : 28

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 7 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

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