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Friend of Your Heart

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:10 pm

Dorovan: I snorted and pressed my ears back in indignation -I am NOT a pony-

Amazi: "We're elves. Our aging process is very slow, therefore, I would look young at just over a century' I said, looking at her

Lyna: I tossed my head -105 years old- I gave a whinnying laugh

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:41 pm

Lilian rolled her eyes. "Whatever. And if you don't like being called pony then tell me your name." She crossed her arms and watched the pegasus closely, wondering why he thought the way he did about humans. "Also, why do you say humans are stupid, blind, clumsy and what not?"

"True," May stated. "So how did you and Lyna run into each other and stuff?" she asked curiously. She hoped that it would lead to more conversation with the old elf.

-You're old- Hades stated simply while he watched Lyna. -And what's so funny?-
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:06 pm

Dorovan: -My name is Dorovan. And because they are-

Amazi: "She came to my villiage when I was ten with her own father and mother and, like always, there was an instant connection." I shrugged 'We've always been especially close to eachother. But yes, we grew together"

Lyna: -because I knew what you were going to say- I said, huffing into Amazis hair -excuse me, but I was fully grown while you were still a child- I said to all of them

Amazi: I scratched her cheek lightly, my lips twitching in a smile

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Avery Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:43 am

Name: Valorian

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: Human

Appearence: Dark brown hair and wide blue doe eyes. About 5'8", fair skin, fairly thin. Lean muscles and always worried about something. He tends to smile, even if he's worried, always trying to please people, but his eyes are a dead give away of his emotion. Almost has a feminine build because of how soft his body is to the eye, but he’s actually quite strong.

Personality: He's always quite worried about something and it cautious. He likes to know the details of plans before he puts them through and he likes dreaming. He tries to be equally in the clouds and on the ground. He's a very sweet boy with good intentions, but sometimes he snaps a bit when overwhelmed. He doesn't try to hide when he cries, not really caring what people think about him.

Bonded? If so, to what?: Yes, to a small shifter called Saia.

(if Bonded) Describe the bonded's personality and looks: Saia is a small pup, probably appearing 3 months old at the most. In her human form, Saia is only 8, but fiercely protective of Valorian and willing to take a bullet for him. In fact.... She already has. She has long black hair and slightly tanned skin. She’s taller than average and slightly lanky looking, but she’s quick and dangerous. She has quite a temper, but she only wants what’s best for Valorian. Oh! She also tends to get jealous if his attention gets redirected.

Name: Wren

Gender: Female

Age: Somewhere in her 50s, but she only looks to be around 19.

Race: Elf

Appearence: She's about 5'9" and has peachy pale skin. She has long, slightly wavy hair that is honey blonde and falls to her lower back. Dark green eyes that look like gems, hard, cold, and piercing. She doesn't smile a lot, but when she does, it's either endearing or sadistic.

Personality: Wren tends to be always looking for something busy, whether it's pursuing a fit gentleman or reciting a spell to bring something to life. She feeds off chaos and nervousness, but she's also a sucker for romance. She doesn't remember her past as well as a lot of other elves might, but she blames it on having a fuller life. In most cases, she comes off as rather cold and reserved, almost seeming rude.

Bonded? If so, to what?: No.

(if Bonded) Describe the bonded's personality and looks: n/a

Last edited by Avery on Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:42 pm

I like them but (and I probably should have said this in the beginning) the Werewolves DON'T have human forms. They're just wolves with humanish features.

and Ok, Gordon could loosen Wren up lol
and my new girl char would work with Valorian I THINK but im not sure until I've fixed her personality...
I'd start but I'm actually off to take a nap soooo bye! Smile

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Avery Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:50 pm

Heh, he can try. I've used her once before and she's hard to break.

And I should probably have mentioned, but Valorian is also a bisexual.

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:00 pm

lol okey dokeys

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:51 pm

Lilian rolled her eyes. "That's wrong, you're basing an opinion on a whole group of people based on what?" she said. she shook her head, turned and started to walk away. Maybe, they were wrong and they weren't meant to be bondmates.

May listened to their story, a smile spreading across her lips. She found it kind of sweet. "I see. So you two have been bonded for a long time then," she stated.

Hades listened to the story. He found it cute and sweet that they had been bonded for so long.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:52 pm

Dorovan: I snorted angrily and followed

Amazi: I nodded, tracing Lynas eye lightly as I looked in Mays direction "And you and Hades?"

Lyna: I cupped my wing over him, sheilding him from the sun

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:59 pm

Lilian sighed when he followed her and stopped for a moment. She turned toward him, her eyes narrowed slightly. "Why are you following me? It's obvious that you can't stand me and that destiny is wrong. I highly doubt the two of us are meant to be bondmates."

May ran her fingers through Hades mane. "When I was eleven I decided I was going to leave home and fend for myself. Granted, it was stupid and I was stupid back then. Along the way I got lost and ran into Hades. He led me back to town and we've been bonded since."

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:05 pm

Dorovan: -Magic is never wrong you fool- I snapped, fliking her wiht my tail as went by

Amazi: "sometimes foolish moves prove to be the best things. but rarely"

Lyna: -Amazi made a funny- I said, nickering

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:29 pm

Lilian swatted away his tail and glared toward him. "There's a first time for everything you know," she stated. "And if magic is never wrong then why don't you try to like me some instead of hate?"

"True," May said simply, running her fingers in Hades mane again. Hades shook his head, his eyes on Lyna.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:35 pm

Dorovan: -because I don't want to-

Amazi: I looked at her "Are you still under a mentor?"

Lyna: I flicked my ears curiously at Hades again, tossing my creamy mane

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:40 pm

"Okay then, so we're bondmates, but you're just going to hate me until the end of time, basically?" Lilian asked, glancing at Dorovan. She really had to wonder what had made him the way he was.

May shook her head. "No, I am not, why do you ask, Amazi?" she asked.

Hades stayed silent, just watching Lyna. He wondered about her slightly, but not a lot.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:46 pm

Dorovan: -that's the plan- I said airliy, flapping my wings and whinnying as the gust nearly knocked her over

Amazi: "you just seem young to not be still under a mentor. Six years of teachings only is quite impressive even for an elf"

Lyna: I returned my attention back to Amazi, picking a leaf out of his hair with my teeth gently and swatted away some mosquitos

like I said, she's obsessively protective of him lol

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:56 pm

Lilian started to lose her balance and then caught it. She glared toward Dorovan. "What the hell made you so that you hate humans so much, hm? We're freaking bondmates which means we're bonded which means we are supposed to learn to get along," she said.

May shrugged. "I am young and I know it's impressive, but what's your point?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. She crossed her arms staring at him curiously.

Hades watched Lyna, amused at how protective she was of Amazi. -You really are protective of him, aren't you Lyna?-
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:05 pm

Dorovan: -no. we have to keep eachother alive. Doesn't mean we have to like eachother- I snapped -and you cna just FORGET about ever riding me-

Amazi: I shrugged "I have none, I am merely making an observation and giving a compliment"

Lyna: I glanced at him and nodded -It is my duty-

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:14 pm

Lilian shook her head. "Gonna be hard to try to keep you alive if I can't stand you, Dorovan," she stated dryly, walking ahead of him. She couldn't figure out why he seemed to hate her, but whatever reason it was, it was stupid.

May smiled. "Well then, I thank you for your compliment. No offense, but you do seem rather... dry. What do you do for fun?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

-I know, but you are just a little more protective then need be- Hades stated, his eyes still on her.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:20 pm

Dorovan: I yanked on her hair as I went past angrily

Amazi: I blinked "Fun? not something one should be focused on. We have a duty to protect people. Beign fun is being Lazy. Lazy is going to make you inadequet. I will not be inadequet"

Lyna: I swung my head around and glared at him -I am as protective as I need to be young stallion!- I snapped

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:37 pm

Lilian grabbed her head on pain and glared toward her 'bondmate'. She clenched her jaw. "Okay, what the hell is your problem with me? I can see that you hate humans, but your stuck being my bondmate. Maybe you should try to get used to it instead of acting so cruel."

"Yes, fun. And fun isn't being lazy, it's being able to relax and being able to enjoy yourself. And having fun will not make you inadequet. In fact, having fun will help you relax and help to get rid of stress," May stated with an eyeroll.

Hades snorted. -Amazi can do some things himself. Like the sun isn't really going to hurt him, you know. The worst the sun will do is make him get a little hot. And I think I would prefer to be young rather than old.-
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:52 pm

Dorovan: -humans are the cruel ones- I snapped, walking past her

Amazi: "Fun is a distraction. I will not be distracted. My focus is on my duty and being the best that there is" I said, frowning

Lyna: I snapped my teeth at him -you know nothing about my Bondmate. Hush-

i just realised their emotions are the same as their bondmates XDDD i didnt even intend that

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:03 pm

Lilian ran after him, frowning. "Wait, why are humans the cruel ones? Elves and werewolves and obviously even Pegusi can be cruel. So why the hell do you think it's just humans? That isn't entirely fair you know."

"Fun is not a distraction, Amazi. Fun is something that can be wonderful. And if you want to get technical, wouldn't sleep be a distraction too? I'm positive I'm going to regret this, but what exactly is your outlook on romance and love?" May said.

Hades shook his head. -You are rather amusing, Lyna. To think you're overly confient about having wings and seem to think it makes you better than me and then you also seem to be beyond over protective, and to top it off, you're over protective about being overprotective.-

(XDDDD I also see so much trouble stemming from Hades and Lyna.)
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:08 pm

Dorovan: I ignored her

Amazi: 'Sleep is a necessity, not a distraction. And I believe that if it happens it happens but it is foolish to go out looking for it"

Lyna: I snorted and nipped his neck sharply -You need to learn some respect-

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:22 pm

Lilian rolled her eyes and turned around, walking in the opposite direction. She shook her head, more than annoyed by the pegusas that was supposed to be her bondmate. She let out an annoyed sigh.

"I'm guessing you don't try very hard to actually try to get to know people or to get to know girls. And if you do try to get to know people and if you searched even a little bit you would find it probably," May said.

Hades made a noise of both surprise and slight pain. He snapped toward her. -I do know respect. I was simply stating an observation.-

May glanced at Hades and her eyes widened slightly.
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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:08 am

Dorovan: -we must go see the closest elder Bondmates you half-wit- I snapped

Amazi: I frowned, standing up and checked Lyna for injuries

Lyna: I nuzzled him gently -I am fine dear one, merely putting a foolish youngling in his place-

Amazi: I straightened her mane quietly, my back to them before turning around again "I will accept love if it comes to me. I do not have time to go looking for it' i said, anger tinting my words slightly. I turned towards Hades "Even making an observation can be done in a rude way"

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Friend of Your Heart - Page 2 Empty Re: Friend of Your Heart

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