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As Darkness Falls

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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Karma =) Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:13 pm

(Permission to kncok out your character.)
Alec shook his head, "No they won't find you down here. Where we are going is a secret." He didn't want to knock her out but as time passed by he couldn't think of no other option he couldn't trust her to see the way to the passage and then run off to tell the Karian. There was also the prospect that she was hysterical.
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Cairo Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:15 pm

(lolyou get to deal with the consequences then but sure)

Laurel: I shook my head violently "NO! I can't die! I'm not ready...I need....I need to find the good in the world again! Let me go! Please!"

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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Karma =) Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:20 pm

( lol I will take my chances)

Alec stood firmly still. He reached into her mind pushing her to sleep. Finally she slumped into his arms. He mumbled a sorry to her. He really was but she needed help and she wasn't going to get any up there. He carried her the rest of the way to secret hiding spot. He lay his hand on the door and it opened for him. Behind it stood his friend. He frowned, "Alec, you know this is a bad idea." Alec nodd, "I know but she needed help."
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:21 pm

(Could you post first, Karma?)
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Cairo Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:22 pm

Laurel: I moaned and opened my eyes, vaguely realising I was being carried. I shouted and my arm snapped up as I punched whoever held me straight in the nose. Hard.

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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Karma =) Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:33 pm

(Yeah sure sherlock.)
Ryder stood on gaurd at one of the few gates that lead into their secret hide out. She was on high alert just in case danger poped up around the corner. She took her job seriously unlike some of the people here. She believed what the Amiria were doing was the right thing. She sat in her chair bored she wished she at least had some music to listen to.

Alec flinched in pain but otherwise still held her. His friend Michael just laughed at him. "She's a fiesty one. I think I might like her." Alec rolled his eyes at his friend. "Ha ha very funny."
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Cairo Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:38 pm

Laurel: I winced. He had a hard face... "Where am I? What did you do? Where did you take me! This is kidnapping!" I exclaimed, struggling to get out of his arms, still woozy from whatever he had done to me

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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Karma =) Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:47 pm

Alec let her go on her on own feet but kept a steady arm on her since she didn't look so goo. He wondered if he pushed her mind too much. "Your in a safe place don't worry. As for the kidnapping well what are you going to do sue me. You were being hysterical and this was the only place I could think of that someone could help you." Michael stared at them with a smile on his face. He was just enjoying this whole thing.
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:48 pm

(Karma: Should Ryder and Hugo know each other or not?)
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Cairo Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:50 pm

Laurel: I glared at them both "I don't know what I'll do but I'll figure it out!" I muttered and blinked. I go from hysterical to a fighter that quickly? I didn't even KNOW myself. I rubbed my eyes wearily "Just...." I blinked and then trembled slightly "The screams....they're quiter..." I said in wonder

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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Karma =) Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:55 pm

(Umm I think should sorta know each other like they have seen each other around but not really close.)

Alec smiled, it was the first time he smiled in a while. Michael still held a smirk on his face to him this was like watching a movie. Alec stepped towards the girl. "Look if you want I will take you back up and you will never hear from me again." Now that she was better he didn't really see a reason to keep her down here though instead of knocking hert out again he would have to blind fold her.
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Cairo Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:59 pm

Laurel: I narrowed my eyes slightly "No. I'm not letting you knock me out or have advantage of me in any way. Not again. I'll never let someone take advantage of me again" I said evenly, looking him in the eye, lifting my jaw and haoping I wasn't shaking.

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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:06 pm

(Okay. ^_^)

Hugo walked toward the hideout, head down while humming to himself. He was in a rather good mood because he had thought about how Amiria was gaining more members. He was also thinking about how they would be able to make a difference and make things better. He neared closer and closer to the hideout.
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Karma =) Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:10 pm

Alec shrugged, "No need to be all high and mighty. Your the one who wanted to leave." He took a deep breath hoping that she would understand. "The problem is you can't leave unless I kncok you out or blind fold otherwise we would have to hunt you down and kill you." His face remained emotionless like he was a statue. He would kill her if he had too. If it was for the greater good but he didn't want to kill her she seemed harmless enough.

Ryder heard someone approaching towards the hideout. She took out her sword creeping to the side of the wall. She peered around the corner to see who the intruder was. She saw Hugo coming closer. she put down her sword. It was just him. When he walked throught the door she gave him a friendly wave.
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Cairo Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:11 pm

Laurel: I paled and took a step back "You're just the same" I whispered, my eyes widening in horror

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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Karma =) Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:17 pm

Alec felt his emotion mask waver. He didn't like to be compared to any of the people up there. He may have been one of them but that was a long time ago. He chose his side and was going to stick by it till the end. "I'm nothing like those monsters." Michael gave the girl a once over, "Who are you to critisize us at least we try to help people what do you do? From the looks of it your a coward." Alec turned to glare at his friend. Michael raised his hands in the air backing away. "I'm just saying."
"Just go." Alec said to his friend. His friend didn't look offended just shrugged and walked away.
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Cairo Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:19 pm

Laurel: I flinched and looked down "So what if I'm a coward?" I mumbled "I'm just trying to survive" The excuse sounded pathetic even to me. I winced "You threaten to kill me, they threaten to kill me! Sounds pretty similar to me!"

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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Karma =) Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:23 pm

Alec sighed, he was starting to get tired. "Look if you want to leave. Just leave I won't stop you but we down here are trying to keep people safe so if you go tell one of your little friends up there where this place is. Mark my words I will kill you." He turned away from her walking away he was tired and wanted to rest this girl was just to much stress.
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Cairo Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:29 pm

Laurel: I winced "They are NOT my friends!" I spat, flinching and hugging myself slightly. I closed my eyes and felt slightly sick "I-I'm sorry......Im scared...:

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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Karma =) Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:33 pm

Alec stoped walking, he should of kept going but something about the girl made him turn around. She just seemed so helpless like a abbandoned puppy. He just couldn't leave her like this. Sighing he came back to her. He rubbed his face trying to concetrate, "I know your scared but trust me when I say we don't mean you any harm. We can help you even protect you from the Karian."
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Cairo Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:41 pm

Laurel: I nodded, ducking my head with a sigh, rubbing my face "okay..." I sighed "okay"

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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:57 pm

Karma =) wrote:Ryder heard someone approaching towards the hideout. She took out her sword creeping to the side of the wall. She peered around the corner to see who the intruder was. She saw Hugo coming closer. she put down her sword. It was just him. When he walked throught the door she gave him a friendly wave.

Hugo smiled when he saw Ryder wave and doubled back. They had never really talked a lot, but they have seen each other around. He figured that it would be a decent time to maybe talk and it would give Ryder something o do while she stayed on guard. After all, he figured it was probably boring sitting there with nothing to do. "Hey Ryder. How are you?"
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Karma =) Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:48 pm

Alec smiled finally she was seeing things his way. "Alright well since you are staying then your going to need a place to sleep. Come on follow me." He started walking away towards what could barley called a town. More like a bunch of tents thrown together.

Ryder shrugged, "Okay I guess. Not much really to do." She liked that they were safe but she hoped that just once a person would come along so she coukd kick their but. She was just tired of sitting around doing nothing. "What about you?"
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Cairo Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:51 pm

Laurel: I followed slowly, looking around and forcing back a tentative smile. Happiness....I could sense that there were happy people here...

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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

Post by Karma =) Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:55 pm

Alec walked over to a larger tent and knocked. After a moment the door unzipped and inside was a little girl he rescued from the streets. Her parents were taken as slaves but they fought back so they were killed. He backed up so she could see the girl who came with him. "Hey little one she is new and needs a place to sleep you think she could share the tent with you?" The little girl nodded happily shaking her blonde curls. She was happy to not sleep alone anymore.
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As Darkness Falls - Page 2 Empty Re: As Darkness Falls

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