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Can't fight this anymore....

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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:48 am

(Completely forgot my reply for Blake D:)

Blake held up his hands palms facing out, and took a step back.
"Sorry, sorry. Just thought I should wake you -- parks aren't the safest places for taking naps."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:07 am

(sorry I fell asleep)

Alice just stared at him, her arms wrapped around her body. Her eyes, now that he could get a good look at her, had dark circles beneath them. Her lips were discolored as if they were bruised, and were slightly puffy. A bruise snaked around her neck, and her shirt seemed wet around the sleeves.

"YAY!" Bailey caught hold of her hand, pullig her towards the slide. "Let's play princess! We can pretend that there is a bad guy chasing us and we have to go down the slide to get away and Uncle Tuck can be the knight and he has to catch us at the bottom of the slide!"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:45 pm

(lol, it's okay, it was really late!)

Blake's eyes narrowed at her, trying to make sense of all of the marks. But he wasn't sure how to ask about them. "What...are those?"

Bonnie raised an eyebrow at Tucker as she answered Bailey. "Sounds good...."
He obviously wouldn't have to catch her -- unless he wanted to.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:54 pm

"Nothing." Alice said quietly, her eyes darting between him and his friend that had come over to see what was up. Her eyes filled with fear as she moved away from them slightly, wrapping her arms around herself as if that would protect her from them, her hand still discolored with blood from her arm.

Tucker chuckled and shrugged helplessly. Bailey tugged on her hand. "Run Bonnie! They're coming!"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:56 pm

"It doesn't look like nothing," Blake said, glancing at his friend who looked confused, to Alice again. "Has someone been hurting you?"

"Oh, right," Bonnie said, running with the girl, away from the imaginary people who were chasing them.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:02 pm

"Hurry Bonnie, hurry!" Bailey giggled. Tucker jumped out from behind slide with a growl, making her scream and run, giggling wildly.

Alice's eyes tightened and she shook her head. "No." She said quietly, hoping they'd jus drop it.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:04 pm

Bonnie laughed and picked up her pace as they climbed up to get to the slide and get away -- or she assumed that was the plan.

"I don't believe that," Blake said, his voice a little less soft now.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:18 pm

Alice flinched slightly, but didn't say anything. Her frost blue eyes only straying from his to stare at his friend for a split moment, then returning to his. A bottle of pills fell from her pocket, none of them the same.

Bailey giggled wildly as she made it to the the top of the slide. "Catch me Uncle Tuck!" She shoved herself down the slide, Tucker catching her. He set her down and she looked at him expectantly. "Now catch Bonnie!"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:49 pm

Blake glanced down at the bottle, wanting to grab them, but instead just locked his eyes there stubbornly. "What are those?"

Bonnie figured she'd have to slide down, just to make the little girl happy, but she wondered if Tucker would actually catch her...she slid down the slide.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:52 pm

Tucker chuckled and caught her, so as to not get in trouble with Bailey.

Alice's eyes drifted to the bottle. "Nothing." She said again as her discolored had grabbed the bottle hiding it from him. "Just medicine."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:56 pm

Bonnie let her feet touch the ground as soon as she could after he caught her, so as not to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Though in the back of her mind she was thinking about how she didn't mind being in this almost-stranger's arms. She glanced down at her watch -- yes, she still wore a watch. "Looks like Princess Bonnie has to go. It was nice playing with you, Bailey."

"Why are you carrying around medicine?" Blake asked carefully and slowly.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:00 pm

Alice didn't answer the question. She just kept her pale fingers wrapped around the bottle. She couldn't move, to paralyzed(sp?) with fear, other wise she would have ran. But there were two of them. It would have been pointless.

"Aw! Do you have to?" Bailey asked as she took Bonnie's hand saddly, her wide hazel eyes staring up at her. Tucker raised a brow at her, unable to admit that he didn't really want her to go either.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:06 pm

Blake slowly lowered himself to the ground, and keeping his eyes on hers, slowly tried to pry the bottle from her fingers.

"Unfortunately, I do. I have work today," Bonnie said, smiling down at the little girl. Bonnie worked as an assistant at a Rock Climbing place, and had the afternoon shift today.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:14 pm

"Will you come play with me again?" Bailey asked hopefully.

Alice's fingers tightened around the bottle, but eventually gave it up, the bottle, and his hand, coming away from her fingers with blood on them. She wished they would let her go. She was itching for a razor. For her pills.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:16 pm

Bonnie smiled in amusement at that. "Sure, Bailey. Maybe I can babysit you one day with Uncle Tucker." Since that seemed to be what he was doing -- unless the girl lived with him.

Blake studied the bottle, noticing all the scrapes, bruises, scars, cuts....on her body. A chill ran up his spine as he pocketed the pills. "I think you should come with me to the hospital." Or something.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:22 pm

Alice's eyes got wide and she shook her head. No, she couldn't go to the hospital. If she did that, she'd have to tell them her name. Then they'd tell her parents and then she'd...and they had needles there....she shook her head again. No. She wasn't going anywhere.

"yay!" Bailey said and hugged her leg, then ran off to play. Tucker smiled at Bonnie and ran a hand through his hair.
"Thanks for playing with her. You didn't have to do that."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:26 pm

Blake shrugged. "Fine."
He slid his phone out of his pocket and dialed 911, mumbling the address of the park to them.

"I love little kids, not a big deal." Bonnie shrugged, biting the edge of her lip over her smile. "Should we swap numbers so I can follow through on my promise? I'd /hate/ to let the little girl down."
Her smile turned to a sort of smirk.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:36 pm

"No!" Alice lunged out and threw his phone, slipping her hand into his pocket and grabbing the pills and running for all she was worth, which wasn't much. Fear coursed through her, her body shaking.

Tucker chuckled and nodded. "Alright," He held out his phone so she could put her number in it.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:38 pm

Blake ran after her, grabbing her around the waist and dragging her back to the tree until the ambulance came. He hoped it didn't look like he was trying to do something kinky to her, though it probably did.

When the ambulance showed up they dragged her into the ambulance car and let Blake ride along. His friend left.

Bonnie smiled and handed her phone to him.
In his contacts, she put her number, then her name with a smiley face next to it.
When she was done, she handed it back. "I'll see you around then Tucker."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:43 pm

Alice saw the needle and she screamed bloody murder as she fought to get away. "NO! PLEASE!" she begged, tears streaming down her cheeks. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Tucker smiled, handing her back her phone with his number in it. "Sounds like a plan." He winked at her.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:46 pm

Blake had to grit his teeth and try not to listen to her screams.
Something was very wrong with this girl, though he wasn't sure what.
And he was even less sure why he was so willing to help her.

The wink gave Bonnie butterflies, but it wouldn't show on her face that was still composed, as she turned away to start back down the path after taking her phone. When she was far off from the park, Tucker, and Bailey, she hummed to herself a little. This was a good day so far.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:50 pm

Tucker smiled and gathered Bailey and her stuff up. "Come on squirt. Let's get you home for lunch."

Alice cried as they gave her sleeping gas, her eyes wide with fear as she slowly passed out.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:55 pm

Bonnie went home to change into Soffe shorts and a t-shirt, pulling her hair up into a ponytail. Then she drove over to the rock climbing place and got to work. There were groups of people today, since this day of the week was always busiest. She went from group to group to check their harnesses and make sure that anyone who needed it had chalk for their hands.

Blake sighed in relief when they knocked her out. They soon got to the hospital, where she was wheeled to a room and they started to check her wounds. But since he wasn't family, Blake had to wait downstairs in the lobby. He wondered why he was still here, still caring about this girl whose name he didn't even know.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:04 pm

Alice woke in a room alone, painted in white and smelling horribley of clorox. Her eyes took a minute to adjust and that's when she felt it. The cold metal in her arm. She looked at the IV and jumped, letting out a squeak. She tore at it, ripping it from her skin and curling herself in a ball as far away from it as she could. She ripped off the other things they had her attatched to and grabbed her clothes, pulling them on and ran. Always running.

Tucker took Bailey home, his mother getting her some lunch while he went out to work on the bailer that had broken down the day before.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:07 pm

An alarm went off through the hospital, and they caught Alice before she made it far. "You're not stable," They said. "You need to stay here for awhile."

Bonnie finished up with the first round of people and went to do desk work for a bit. But there wasn't much to do, and she found herself daydreaming instead.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

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