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Fight or Flight

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Fight or Flight Empty Fight or Flight

Post by Black&White Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:32 pm

Based off of my graphic novel in the making...


Floating through space, a DMO (Dark Matter Organism) finds itself on Earth soon to be captured and brought to Area 51. Upon experimenting, the scientists find that the little creature has a giant supply of DNA, more than any other creature on Earth. Not only that, but the little thing has a few powers that they want to tap into. Not to better society but make a biological weapon.

And so Ayakashi is created. Speed grown to look eighteen in just four years, their experiment holds ninety percent human DNA and ten percent of the creature's. The scientists rushed to conclusions however, thinking they might be able to control her. Ayakashi escapes because of this, with the DMO (who, with the help of a very German accented scientist, is named Mo by Ayakashi) as her companion.

The sole safe place Ayakashi can find to hide from Area 51 is the Institute of Biological Studies, specializing in gene graphing and medicines to better humanity. After figuring out what Ayakashi is, they offer a sort of job to her. They wish to study her to create cures for humanity, which she agrees to.

Experiments are run and soon a first trial is brought up, mostly a group of college students who are looking for a bit of money in the drug trial. What they get is a little more than that. The trial goes wrong, and the cure ends up giving them powers. With Ayakashi's distress at this, they learn of what a discovery this really is for the charity funded Institute. Governments all over the world would be interested in these super powered teens, offer them billions for just one of them.

The Institute gets greedy, putting the teens and Ayakashi under high security. Each of them get a bracelet that limits their powers, and if they attempt to use their power too strongly it will then inject them with an anesthetic. A new trial is brought in once they work on the 'cure' more, unbeknown to them what the first trial resulted in.

Arrow Each character may only have one power. No repeating powers of other characters!
Arrow Your character can either be a part of the first trial or the second trial.
Arrow First trial characters have some sort of limit on their powers, or a flaw resulting from the cure. Examples: Sanae, from the novel, has shape shifting, but she can only partially shift. Aiden, who can generate worm holes, has a limit of how many people he can take through them. Sarah's power, manipulating emotions and making illusions, is full strength but she went crazy soon after. Dan's power, technology manipulation, is also in tact, but he lost all emotions. Second trial characters do not have this, but they have more trouble controlling their powers because they are more powerful. Please make your limit/flaw influential to the character and not just an annoyance. I will tell you if yours is not strong enough, or in some cases too strong.
Arrow Characters can plan to escape, however plans must fail in some way. We cannot have all characters escaping at the same time after all!
Arrow those bracelets are extremely hard to get off. If you tamper with them, they inject you. Use your power against it, it injects you. Try and escape with it on, out of a certain radius of the Institution it injects you.
Arrow All characters must have some sort of problem going on in their life. Besides money problems, this can rage from family in the government that is now trying to use you as a weapon, to becoming evil because you were left behind in an escape plan. Examples: Kim in the novel has pyrokinesis, so her powers don't respond well to the cold or water, and was also left behind in an escape plan, so she developed sort of a Jackal and Hyde evil and good personalities. Ayakashi has co-dependency issues, which is why she got so attached to Mo in Area 51, and she doesn't understand emotions. Emily's father was the man who was in charge of making Ayakashi. Just to add some drama in all of it!
Arrow All characters must have a weakness. This can be for their power, or a general fear.
Arrow Ayakashi, my character, is sort of the expert on all of this, though she doesn't have to be the leader. She will help people gain control of their powers and will assist in escape plans but will not leave until she somehow gets the Institution to stop the experiments.

Exclamation Posts must have at least three sentences! I don't like short things that are hard to answer, i'm sure others don't either! Be interactive! Improve your writing! I'm sure you don't when you write one sentence a post, and that's what CCing is all about! If you do not meet this quota, at least make your two/one sentence(s) lengthy to make up

- Format -
Codename: a sort of cover up name when you all do get out. sort of a superhero name. Ex) Kim is Wildfire, Emily is Frost Bite, Sarah is Puppeteer...
Trial: first or second
Power: only one!
Limit/Flaw: for first trials
Problem: for all
Weakness: for all

And so we start with the second trials just coming in. The first trials fail in warning them, obviously, so they will get their powers, but that's a bit later on. For now, the volunteers are going to be put under a twenty four hour observing session by the scientists to see if there are any factors that might mess up the trial. They want this trial to be perfect!

Last edited by Black&White on Wed May 11, 2011 8:50 pm; edited 9 times in total

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Black&White Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:45 pm

Name: Aya
Codename: Ayakashi
Age: looks 18, in fact 4
Gender: F
Trial: Experiment by Area 51
Power: telekinesis
Limit/Flaw: N/A
Problem: co-dependency issues, lack of understanding with emotions and the world outside of the Institution, being hunted by Area 51. Totally illiterate, easily confused at real world terms.
Weakness: Mo. Anything threatens him and she caves in. immune deficient for now.
Personality: timid and quiet, though not shy. Very naive and ignorant, which was why she agreed to the job in the first place.
Appearance: has a brand on her arm from Area 51 that she doesn't like to show.

Mo: a pitch black little thing, about the size of a hand. Humanish in figure, but the only notable feature is two yellow orbs for eyes. Communicates telepathically with Ayakashi. Floats around, usually sticks by Aya

Name: Aiden
Codename: Warp
Age: 20
Gender: M
Trial: first
Power: worm holes (a sort of teleporting)
Limit/Flaw: can only bring one other person with him through it
Problem: supporting his sister, which was why he needed the money. now stuck at the Institute
Weakness: the farther he tries to put his worm hole the weaker he gets
Personality: brave, likes to analyze a situation before acting, sort of a leader

Name: Kim
Codename: Wildfire
Age: 18
Gender: F
Trial: second
Power: pyrokinesis
Limit/Flaw: N/A
Problem: left behind in an escape plan, develops Jackal and Hyde personalities. Sister of Dan
Weakness: cold, water and hates spiders
Personality: fighter, snarky, sassy, and very bravado

Name: Emily
Codename: Frostbite
Age: 18
Trial: Second
Limit/Flaw: N/A
Problem: father is the Director (man in charge of making Ayakashi)
Weakness: heat, fire
Personality: snarky at times, but relatively lax.

Name: Dan
Codename: Hard Drive
Age: 24
Gender: M
Trial: First
Power: Technology manipulation
Limit/Flaw: lost all emotions.
Problem: Cut off his own arm for a mechanical one. Brother of Kim
Weakness: Anywhere without technology or electricity, pretty much.
Personality: Really.../REALLY/ apathetic
mechanical arm -->

Last edited by Black&White on Sun May 08, 2011 8:41 pm; edited 6 times in total

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Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Jacky K. Sun May 01, 2011 9:36 pm

- Format -
Name: Tiffany
Codename: Clockwork
Age: 15
Gender: f
Trial: first
Power: She can control time
Limit/Flaw: when she slows down/speeds up time only she is conscious of it, however, it is hard work to move around and keep time moving at a strange pace, so she can only hold it for about two minutes (her time)
Problem: has family that works for the government, and somehow got involved
Weakness: If she keeps things in slow/fast motion for too long, she is exhausted even after time is normal again. If she pushes herself too hard she can actually die of exhaustion.
Personality: Mischeivous, playful, but has a serious side as well. Perhaps even a dark one.
Appearance: small, petite, almost fairy-like with the way she moves. Quirky at times.

Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Black&White Fri May 06, 2011 6:11 pm

story updates!

1) The story year is 2025!

2) Ayakashi is now immune system deficient because she escaped before she was fully developed. looking for a cure, she goes to the Institute and agrees to the experimentation as payment. So that's why she can't leave the Institution as of yet, though she's still staying for the other reason as well.

3) The nation is on the brink of revolution! How - America tried to become self sufficient, and counting on how almost everything we make is in other countries, our economy bombed! China is supremely p/oed at us now, because of how much they rely on our economy and how much debt of ours they own (the reason why Ayakashi would be created - threat of war). PS - we're still working on this, but it'll be the tale of this chat.
So yeah, a lot of riots but not very organized. Middle class is starting to disappear, people are getting more and more frustrated. If we get far enough I might have it so that there is a civil war declared...

4) Future time means future technology! But because of the mini rise of anarchy, the police force is stronger and more like a twenty four/seven SWAT team. Future weapons, but not lazor beams as of yet. Houses for the poor look like today's newest on the market, which leaves the houses for the rich up to your imagination. Green technology is on a rise still, but we're still largely dependant on oil. Hover cars! - but only for the super rich ppl!

5) So now, because of a small, yet to be determined incident, the rebels and the main government (because Ayakashi was kept super top secret from everyone but those working at 51, pretty much) know of the super teens here and want to use them as super powered soldiers! if you join, that's up to you, but counting as how that part of the story is so underdeveloped in my mind i wouldn't know the first thing of what to do with your charrie...

6) That pesky reporter! I'll be playing a reporter on the rebel's side of things looking for dirt on the current government (aka, us). She's willing to help us out a bit and supply us with information, but she's /really/ pushing for us to join the rebel cause (again, above though. Join at your own risk)

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Guest Fri May 06, 2011 6:29 pm

Name: Andrea
Codename: Swing
Age: 19 (just turned 19)
Gender: female
Trial: first
Power: Mood Control
Limit/Flaw: Andrea can only change the mood of people to the mood SHE is feeling.
Problem: She has anger issues, which is ironic. But she's usually pretty good about keeping them under control, and so far no one has caught on about her problem.
Weakness: Stressful situations. So usually she tries to change peoples moods so that it's not stressful anymore, but that just leads to more problems....
Personality: A little high-strung, fairly serious, dry humored
Appearance: Light brown/reddish, wavy hair, and eyes that change color. That's a side-affect of her mood power, her eyes flicker a different tint for her own mood. Usually they're brown, because she feels low a lot.


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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Black&White Fri May 06, 2011 8:35 pm

making your guy still?

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Guest Fri May 06, 2011 8:49 pm

Yeah, I just kinda forgot xP


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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Echo Sun May 08, 2011 2:49 pm

Name: Aria
Codename: Wraith
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Trial: Second
Power: Control of shadows (including becoming a shadow)
Limit/Flaw: N/A
Problem: Aria's family has been going through money troubles ever since Aria's single mother lost her job. Aria had been doing all she could to make money to support her mother, her siblings, and herself.
Weakness: After receiving her powers, Aria developed a great fear of sunlight. Lots of bright lights will freak her out, too, but it's especially sunlight that gets her.
Personality: Aria is usually calm and cool, with a good-natured attitude and a high patience level. She isn't quick to anger, but when she does get angry, it's a passive-aggressive rage, a quiet fervor.
Appearance: Average height; willowy form; long, straight, dark brown hair and gray eyes.
Winter Dragon

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Guest Sun May 08, 2011 7:22 pm

Name: Chance
Codename: Flash
Age: 21
Gender: male
Trial: second
Power: Speed
Limit/Flaw: n/a
Problem: His dad disappeared at sea, and he's been receiving ransom notes somehow. But he doesn't have enough money to pay for the ransom yet.
Weakness: Processed sugar. He can't have any of it, or it slows him down because he already has so much energy (it makes sense if you don't think about it too hard).
Personality: We'll see


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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Black&White Sun May 08, 2011 8:40 pm

We sit in the rec room, Mo sitting in my lap.
"Declaration," Aiden quizzes me, sitting across the couch from me.
"Declaration..." I roll the word around on my tongue, like testing out the temperature of water. "D-E-C-L-A-R-A-T-I-O-N."
He nods and I smile to myself. "Getting better there."
"Another?" I ask, tilting my head questioningly.
He gives a small smile. "Gnat."
"Gnat?" So simple, compared to the others. "N -"
"Nooo..." he chuckles at my frown.

(yeah, didn't mention - Ayakashi is totally illiterate except for what Area 51 had engineered into her head - fighting styles, war tactics, and speech is it pretty much.)

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Guest Sun May 08, 2011 8:49 pm

Andrea: I'm in a corner, picking at a rip in my jeans. Little by little, it gets bigger and bigger. A butterfly affect, some may call it. I glanced up at Aya and Aiden, watching them. I wasn't too outgoing around anyone here, I didn't fully trust anyone right now. Even if they were my fellow...prisoners.

Chance: I flopped down on the couch next to Aya.
"I wanna play." I grinned crookedly, since I knew it wasn't a game for her. I was just teasing, not trying to be mean. Though sometimes my humour was taken the wrong way. Okay, most times.


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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Black&White Sun May 08, 2011 8:56 pm

The second trial ppls wouldn't know of the first trialees. As the chat outline says. They're kept separate so they don't warn them against taking part in it. Razz


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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Black&White Sun May 08, 2011 9:00 pm

I watch the girl in the corner as she watches Aiden and Aya. "You alright?" I question, pretending to care. I remember caring... Did i want to care again? It's odd; remembering what an emotion felt like, and knowing I should feel it now, but still not feeling it...

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Guest Sun May 08, 2011 9:06 pm

Oh yeah, I forgot, sorry.

Andrea: I could tell that he really felt nothing. Instead of telling him how I felt, I pushed my mood over to him. I knew it wouldn't work, though. He was the "no emotions" guy, so I couldn't affect him...right?
"No," I said honestly, standing up and brushing off my jeans. "But that can't really be helped."


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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Black&White Sun May 08, 2011 9:20 pm

I simply nod, leaning back on my chair and running a finger over the bracelet they put on us. I couldn't focus my power enough to get it off without it going off, but I could see through the cameras easily enough. "Aya."
She looks up at me, still trying to figure out how to spell gnat, and nods. She looks down at Mo a moment before he nods and floats up, squeezing through the vent in the ceiling before a scientist walked in. At least we had managed to keep him secret. Who knows what these people might do if they got their hands on him.
"Ayakashi," he calls from the door. She looks over at him a moment before standing and going out with him.
Aiden leans back on the couch and lets his head hang back. "More testing in exchange for her life..."
"Not very fair," I comment, thinking that i should. "Though they have been calling her down more often."

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Guest Sun May 08, 2011 10:51 pm

Andrea: A shiver ran up my spine. I didn't like to think about the testing.
"Maybe that means something...maybe they're closer to..." Whatever it is they're doing with us in the end.


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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Black&White Sun May 08, 2011 10:58 pm

I glance up at her. "We're getting out before that," i say pointedly. There wasn't a doubt in my mind. Whatever the hell they wanted to do with us, they weren't going to do it. I'd make sure they wouldn't be able to continue with all of this.

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Guest Sun May 08, 2011 11:42 pm

Andrea: "" I raised an eyebrow, leaning against the wall.


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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Black&White Sun May 08, 2011 11:48 pm

"First we have to get these off," I say, gesturing to my wrist with the braclet. "We get our powers and we'll have the advantage." I sigh. "I'm sort of /hoping/ Aya..."

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Guest Sun May 08, 2011 11:55 pm

Andrea: I looked down at my bracelet. "First things first, how do we get the bracelets off?"


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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Black&White Sun May 08, 2011 11:57 pm

"The scientists have their set of keys, but they keep them locked up somewhere. I can't figure out where," i say blankly. "We try to mess with them in anyway, they'll knock us out."

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Banshee Wed May 11, 2011 8:52 pm

Saves spot. On nook.camt copy amd paste too lazy

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Echo Thu May 12, 2011 7:11 pm

I swung my legs as I sat in the plastic seat, bored yet full of anticipation. Is it possible to be bored but still have tons of energy? I guessed it was, seeing as that's what I was feeling. My mind was completely blank and wandering off to God-knows-where, but I felt totally wired. I'd have picked watching paint dry over this maddening waiting period, but my heart was fluttering all the same.
I gripped the sides of my chair, tipped my head back, and closed my eyes.
Winter Dragon

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Black&White Thu May 12, 2011 7:20 pm

Well, this was a bore fest. I sigh, glancing next to me to Emily.
"Yes?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.
I frown at her. "How much longer.......?"
She crosses her legs, eyes going back to her book. "Seven more hours."
"And why'd you drag me here?"
She simply chuckles but doesn't answer. "Should have brought your laptop."

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Echo Sun May 15, 2011 11:04 am

((Would I be wrong in assuming that they're all in the same room?))

I really hadn't spoken with the other people in the room. I knew that talking would make everything less dull, but I just couldn't get over my shyness. I'd attempted to say something earlier a couple of times before giving up.
Come on, I told myself, talk. It's not going to kill you. You'll die of boredom before you die of smalltalk. Say something.
Mustering up the tiny scraps of my courage and squishing them into a ball, I quietly asked, "It's enough to drive you insane, isn't it? All this waiting."
Winter Dragon

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Fight or Flight Empty Re: Fight or Flight

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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