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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:06 pm

Once again, a deviation of one of mine and !nspired's chats. We, again, missed our charries, Blake and Alice, very much. So, here we go again! We will start from the begining once again, and, once again, you are more than welcome to follow along! If you are curious about the original version, the link is right over there ------------>

The Roman Ants begins......NOW!


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:13 pm

Alice was hiding behind her hair, her body screaming at her as her clothes rubbed against her sensitive skin. She could feel the wounds opening slightly, just barely trickling blood. Her body ached as well because of the buises that riddled her. None of them visible of course. She was wearing a black thermal long sleeve that had Maroon 5 on it, the end of the shirt barely meeting her baggy pants as she walked through the park. The summer sun beat down heavily on her, though she ignored it easily.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:35 pm

Blake backed up, walking backwards to put it simply, to try and catch the football his friend had thrown after yelling "go long!" He stumbled over something, though, and fell to the ground on to of it. No wait, it was a someone (Alice). He hurriedly got off of her, his face shocked at having knocked someone over like that. "Are you alright?"


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:08 pm

Alice hit the ground with a crash, landing on her bad arm. At least the fall popped it back into place. She held it and forced a nod as she kept any tears back that threatened to fall. This had to be the worst day ever. "Ya, I'm fine," she managed to say as she sat up and scooted away from him slightly so as to not get hurt yet again.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:10 pm

"Dammit," Blake muttered under his breath, running a hand through his short, dark hair. His blue eyes showed that he really was concerned, if only because it might get him in trouble. Could she sue? He knelt down beside her and gestured at her arm. "Can I see?"

His mom's girlfriend was a doctor, after all. So he'd picked up a few things.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:20 pm

"Uh," Alice looked at him and shied away. "No," she said abruptly before trying to back up over her words and try again. "I-I mean, no. I'm fine. Don't worry about it." She got up, trying to not wince at the movement of her arm, her shirt riding up slightly to reveal a black bruise. "I'll be more careful next time and watch where I'm going. Sorry," she said and started to back away, stumbling into one of his friends by accident. This resulted in a squeak of fear and a wince when he grabbed her to steady her.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:23 pm

Blake sighed as his friend released the girl, after he could tell she was steady. But then his eyes went wide as he saw her back. "Did I hurt your back, too?! Fuck."


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:30 pm

"Huh?" Alice jumped slightly at his outburst and looked down. Her eyes went wide with fear as she quickly fixed her shirt and looked between him and his friends. Oh Gaia, what if they find out? With that thought she turned and bolted, running as fast as she could away from them, hoping she wouldn't get caught. She felt her body screaming in protest, not wanting to be used so much while it was still in pain. Her heart thudded in her ears, her breathing a calming rythem to her mind as she ran, blocking out all thoughts of anyone finding out about anything and the fear that came with them.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:31 pm

Blake blinked as she ran off. What was that about? Should he chase after her? If he didn't, he wouldn't see her again. Not that he cared. She was just some girl. His friend tugged him away to play football again.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:36 pm

Rough hands grabbed hold of her, making her scream. She was so on edge that almost anything was going to scare her, especially being grabbed. She yanked herself away, falling back and rolling down the hill. She continued to scream as she rolled until her body landed against a tree, knocking her unconsious.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:39 pm

Blake heard the screams, and without thinking went running. Maybe it was his instinct to take care of people, to keep them safe -- like with his cousin, Bonnie. Maybe this weird protection of a stranger was because of Bonnie. He found the girl passed out against a tree. What the hell? He knelt down and tried to feel for her pulse.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:24 pm

Alice's pulse beat steadily, occasionally stopping for a few seconds before picking back up again to a normal, rythmic pace. Her breathing, on the other hand, was shallow. With the way she was position, her shirt had come up to just below her ribs, exposing her black and blue body, followed by cuts that peaked from the top of her jeans around her hips.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:05 pm

Blake didn't, however, really know what to do with an unconscious person. Wait for them to wake up? Wake them up? Call 911?


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:11 pm

Alice groaned, slowly coming to. Her head was the first thing to scream pain at her, followed by the rest of her body. She didn't even notice that anyone was with her. Her breath caught as she shifted slightly, the pain blinding her for a moment. She felt as though she had been run over, which she had been many times before. "Why me?" she managed after a moment, her eyes falling shut again even though she was fully awake.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:13 pm

"Um...are you okay?" Blake asked quietly, watching her face closely. He'd like to call her by name if only he knew it. And he figured she wasn't okay -- what were all these mumblings about?


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:22 pm

Alice's body tensed and her eyes flew open at the sound of someone's voice. It was that boy again. She stared at him and quickly jerked her body away from him only to collapse in pain again. "W-what do you want?" she asked as she held her side, a few of her ribs feeling as though they were out of place. She didn't even register his question. She just knew there was a guy and that her shirt was still up, exposing her battered body. She quickly pulled it down so that he couldn't see, hoping he hadn't seen anything before she put the shirt down.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:23 pm

"I want to make sure you're alright," Blake said softly, wanting to ask who did that to her. Was it out of line? But what if she was being abused? That was illegal, and he'd kick himself later if he found out she was abused.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:35 pm

Alice watched him with caution, giving a small nod. "I'm fine, just a little sore," she said as she continued to hold her side which was giving her fits. There were definately some ribs that were out of place. She wondered how she was going to get back up the hill while in so much pain. But then again, who said she was going to ever go back up the hill with him there.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:40 pm

"You don't look it. Can I at least drive you home or something?" Blake asked, knowing it was probably a weird/creepy question. He just couldn't leave her here alone.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:44 pm

Alice thought about it for a moment, and then gave a small nod. "Alright, you can drive me home," she said slowly, caution and fear in her eyes. "But don't try anything," she said as she pointed a slender finger at him threateningly. Not that it probably did much good, she was to tiny to be very threatening. The most she could scare was probably a grasshopper.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:48 pm

Blake held back a laugh. Like he'd try anything on a girl like HER. Did he seem like that much of a perve? "I won't. Will you let me help you up?" He asked, standing and offering his hand.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:54 pm

Alice looked at his hand, almost as if she thought it was going to bite her or something. She glanced back up at him and pursed her lips before tentetively slipping her hand into his and letting him help her up. She fought back the urge to cry out as her side seared with pain, though her body toppled to the side slightly. "Sorry," she said quickly when she ran into him, almost flinching at the end of her sorry like she expected to get hit.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:59 pm

Blake wrapped his arm around her when she fell into him. Not in a romantic way, but just to keep her steady and on her feet. "Careful. You'll hurt yourself more if you aren't careful." He turned slowly and began to lead her to his car, shouting at his friend that he'd see him later.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:10 pm

Alice let him lead her, her body tensing slightly when his arm went around her, not that she could get any more tense than she already was. She didn't hear what his friends called back, all that she knew was that his voice was really loud and didn't help with her headache when he yelled at them. What was she going to tell him? She didn't want to go home. Maybe she could get him to drop her off on the outskirts near the train station. She could sleep in the old boxcars for the night and then figure it out from there.


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:11 pm

Blake opened the passenger door for her, made sure she got in alright, then went around to his side after locking and closing it. He started up the car with a rumble of the engine. "So what's your address?"


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Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation Empty Re: Can't Fight This Anymore Deviation

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