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Wishing stars

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Post by Guest Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:44 am

Jean chewed on her bottom lip as she thought it over, finally giving a small nod. "Alright," she said and went towards the door, hoping he'd just follow and eventually lead the way. She was already late for her doctor's appointment...what would it hurt to go to his place? At least this way she knew where to send the cops if he turned out to be some sort of creeper that she...somehow had come to trust in a very short time. She didn't understand it at all. It was such a confusing day.


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Wishing stars - Page 31 Empty Re: Wishing stars

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:47 am

Jaxon: I followed out the door and pointed down the left hand side of the street. "We're going to have to walk here," I said. "Once we get to the end of the street, we take a right, and my house is the third one down."
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:51 am

Jean blinked a few times. Well he didn't live very far away now did he? She glanced at him and gave a small nod, dropping behind him slightly as they walked. He could lead the way; she had a terrible sense of direction. She rubbed her arm nervously and fiddled with her hair as she tried to prepare herself for the worst. More tests, sit downs. She could feel herself getting worse, so the news wouldn't exactly be great, but hopefully it wouldn't be to bad. When she looked back up again, they were turning around a corner. He said third house down right?...or was it the fourth?


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:55 am

Jaxon: When we got to the third house, I started walking up to the front door. After playing around with my pocket for a while, I found my keys and fished them out. "Do you want to come inside?" I asked. "I'm pretty sure my parents and my sister are out, so if you'd like, make yourself at home for a while."
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:58 am

A while? How long was he planning on taking? Jean gave a small smile and followed him inside, looking around. It was so much....cleaner than her house. But her house had five boys instead of just one. She saw the livingroom, hoping no one was in there. "I'll just..wait here," she said as she stood in the entry way, rubbing her arm lightly. Was it just her or was it getting cold?


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Wishing stars - Page 31 Empty Re: Wishing stars

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:02 am

Jaxon: "I'll be right back," I said. I ran upstairs, grabbed the homework I definitely should have started, then jogged back down. "Car's in the garage. Follow me." I wondered what she thought of our house? Now was not the time. I needed to get her to her appointment.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:06 am

Jean followed him, not saying a word, just admiring the house as she went. She glanced around as they reached the garage and blinked a few times. It even felt cleaner than her garage...and she had just got done orgenizing it too. "You know how to get there...right?" she asked as she went and stood by the passenger door, waiting for him to unlock it.


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:08 am

Jaxon: "Get there?" I hadn't thought about that. "Actually, no. Do you? If not, we can drive back to your house and you can try to remember where we need to go. I haven't been to the doctor in a while."
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:10 am

"Do you know how to get to the hospital?" Jean asked as she got into the car, wishing he'd turn the heater on. But, once again, didn't say anything about it. "If you can get to the hospital, it's just right in the front doors."


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:10 pm

Jaxon: "Hm," I said. "I think I can figure it out. But I'm not going to make any promises. My sense of direction isn't exactly great."
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:14 pm

Jean stared at him for a moment. Great. Two a car... with no sense of direction. Awesome. She looked back out the window and sighed, running a hand through her hair. Crud. What if they started her on chemo? She couldn't help grabbing onto a small lock of her hair as casually as possible.


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:19 pm

Jaxon: I started driving around town, looking around for a hospital. "I'm not sure I'm going the right way," I said. I'd somehow ended up in an alley with no idea how I'd driven in there.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:59 pm

Jean sighed and shook her head, running a hand through her hair. "Hold on," she said as she climbed out of the car. "I'll be right back." She walked out to the edge of the street where she could see the street signs and tried to remember where exactly this place was. Parmer....that was...five blocks from the comic book store. She could make it there. She turned to go back to the car and a large man stood infront of her having slinked out of the shadows and into her path. She stood there frozen, her eyes wide.


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:00 pm

Jaxon: I parked the car and got out of it as well. Some guy had walked into the middle of the street for some reason, blocking Jean. I frowned as I followed her, wondering what I was supposed to do now.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:06 pm

Jean looked around for a second and backed away slowly, but he advanced, matching her step for step. He flashed a yellow smile, most of his teeth already missing. "'ello pretty." Jean kept her mouth shut, surprised the guy could even talk. His eyes were bloodshot, and by the slur in his voice and the alcohol on his breath, it was obvious that he was drunk. She glanced around and spotted Jaxon, and went to run over to him, but was caught by the arm by the large man. "Notsofast sweetheart."


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Wishing stars - Page 31 Empty Re: Wishing stars

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:16 pm

Jaxon: I took a step forward. "What's going on here?" Why was he grabbing her arm like that? She looked a little afraid, and I couldn't blame her. The guy definitely looked drunk.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:08 am

The man looked at Jaxon and straightened slightly, but didn't let go of Jean's arm which was now throbbing under his tight grip. "Iwasjushavin a talk withispertygirl."
Jean tried to pull her arm away but his grip only tightened making her whimper slightly. It wasn't helping that the black spots were coming back. She felt something wet on her lip and with her free hand curiously touched it. When she pulled her finger away she almost cried. Her nose was bleeding. On top of everything that was happening at that moment, her cancer had to remind her that it was still there. She wished she could just disapear.


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:11 pm

Jaxon: "Let go of her," I said, taking a step closer to him. "Or I'll make you." I wasn't that great of a fighter, but I could hold my own when I had to. In this case, it was probably best if I went all out, despite the fact that this man did look a little intimidating.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:05 am

The man let go of Jean and grinned at him. "Oh a toughguy eh?"
Jean fell on her butt, her hand covering her nose and trying to stop the bleeding. She hadn't noticed that she had still been trying to pull away from him. She looked at Jaxon a little dazed, then looked to the other guy who was wiping his mouth on his sleeve.


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:48 pm

Jaxon: "Just go away," I said. "We were on the way to the hospital." Couldn't he just leave us alone? The nerve of people these days.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:33 am

The man stared at him, then at Jean. Grumbled something incoherently, then stumbled off. Jean was shaking as the man left, the shock of the even finally hitting her. But that wasn't the biggest part of her worries at the moment. The bigger part was that she was bleeding from her nose, and was late for her appointment. She fought back the volley of tears that threatened her, trying her hardest to look and act strong. She forced herself up off the ground, stumbling slightly because of her lack of balance, the black spots appearing in her vision again. "Let's go," she said as she stumbled over to Jaxon's car.


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:37 am

Jaxon: "Are you okay?" I asked her. I couldn't blame her for being shaken. The guy was really scary. Wait, then why was I bothering to ask her that question? Of course she wasn't okay. "Let's...yeah, let's just go," I said lamely. I never knew what to say, did I?
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:46 am

Jean made it to the door of her side, but her knees buckled and she hit the ground. She had kept a hold of the handle, so her torso stayed above the asphalt. She blinked, starting to feel light headed. "J-jaxon?" She blinked a few times, the black growing more prominent and her body starting to give out on her.


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Post by Jelsa Mepsey Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:51 am

Jaxon: I turned to see Jean was almost in a sort of kneeling position. "Yeah?" I asked, my voice shaking. What was I supposed to do? "Do you want me to carry you?"
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Post by Guest Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:57 am

Jean stared at him, her eyes filled with fear and pain. She gave a small nod before closing her eyes as her head began to spin making it ache. The blood was still flowing from her nose, her hand covered in blood from trying to make it stop. Her skin was turning pale as a small tear rolled down her cheek. "Call 911," her voice was breathy as she spoke. She had never felt so scared in her life. The next thing she knew, her grip slipped from the door and her world went black as she hit the asphalt.


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