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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:48 am

Blaire: I grinned. "What can i say? Im pretty good at reading people. I have to be able to easily judge how annoyed someone is at any given time, but that skill is a full package, so i pick up on other stuff too, sometimes." i said. It wasnt any special power - just very good observing.

(Sorry, im half asleep and cant come up with a post for Ash at the moment :/ i'll try to come up with something for him once ive slept)

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Team Sherlock Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:57 am

Derek's smile widened a little and he watched Blaire. He looked down and stated to write. 'That must be nice to be able to read people like that. Probably comes in handy too.' He let his mind wander slightly and he glanced at the notebook, tempted to ask her a question, but too afraid to actually do it.
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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:52 pm

Ash: "You know, im glad i got lost in the halls today." i said, chuckling. "I didnt think i would make any friends here. Ive proved myself wrong." i said, grinning.

Blaire: I nodded. "It does come in handy. Im not always right, but ive gotten pretty good at reading body language." i said, smiling a bit. "you look all spaced ouot again. Seriously, what's up?" i asked.

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Team Sherlock Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:02 pm

Rose smiled slightly. "I suppose I'm glad too." Her smile widened into a small grin. "Wonder what would've happened if I didn't have my head in the clouds." Her eyes locked on him and her grin widened slightly. Her mind raced over the chances of them meeting if she hadn't run into him...

Derek smiled slightly as he listened. When she asked what was wrong his cheeks grew a light pink. He let out a silent sigh and started writing. 'I want to tell you, but you might laugh.... Not only that, but I'm kind of scared to.' His cheeks grew a deeper shade of pink when he showed that to her.
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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:08 pm

Blaire: I shook my head a little. "Dont be scared to tell me stuff. If it helps, i'll try not to laugh." i said. If it was that serious, it probably wouldnt be anything funny anyways.

Ash: "Id probably wind up being a loner with horrible depression." i said, chuckling. It was unlikely that we would've met if not by chance llike this. I was really glad that id met her..... suddenly staying here didnt seem so bad.

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Team Sherlock Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:14 pm

Derek nodded slowly, but still wasn't crazy about telling her. He took in a deep breath and started to write. 'Well, I...' he frowned and scratched it out. 'You' He immediately scratched the word out and tried again. 'I like you, Blair. A lot...' He didn't even look up as he showed it to her, his cheeks a deep red color.

Rose smiled. "Well, it's good thing I found you then. I wouldn't want to see you depressed or a loner." Her smile widened into a small grin. She was thrilled that her heads had been in the clouds and that she had run into him. If she hadn't, she wouldn't have made a friend like him.
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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:22 pm

Ash: "Well, the loner thing still needs some work, i think. The depressed part has been avoided for the moment." i said, chuckling. "Im glad i have someone fun to hang out with now. Makes staying here easier."

Blaire: I read what he wrote and was hit with a massive shock. He... really? I blushed almost as red as the tips of my hair. "Really?" i managed to get out. Bracing myself, i kept going. "Derek... i like you too. A lot.... more than anyone else ive ever known...." i said, struggling to put my strange still-not-totally-placeable emotions into words.

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Team Sherlock Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:37 pm

Rose's smile grew into a wide grin. "Well I'm glad you like hanging out with me, Ash. I better make staying here easier." Her grin widened slightly as she watched Ash. He really was a great guy and she loved being around him.

Derek bit his lip, his heart racing. He nodded a small nod and glanced at her when she said that she liked him a lot, too. His eyes glued to her and a slow grin spread across his lips. He looked down at his notebook and started writing. 'Really, Blaire?' He looked up at her again, his grin widening some. His heart beat wildly and happily in his chest.
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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:15 pm

Ash: "You do... you really do..." i said, grinning back. Even just having someone to talk to helped.... maybe id even like it here.

Blaire: I smiled back, nodding a little. "Yeah, really. I am many things, but i am not a liar. Im not joking around." i said. I was still kind of embarassed and struggling to make peace with these alien, warring emotions, but i knew that this was the simple truth and that it should be known, atleast to him.

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:47 pm

Rose's grin widened even more, it reaching her eyes and making her eyes bright. "Good." She thought for a moment and remembered the tour. "Hm, I still need to finish showing you around. Just tell me when you want to finish the tour okay, Ash?" She watched him, waiting for his answer, and thought of how he really was a great guy, the kind of guy she could see herself being with. The second that thought entered her mind, she forced it out of her mind.

Derek's heart skipped a couple of beats and it danced around in his chest. There were no words for how he felt in that moment, no adjective good enough to describe his emotions. He looked down at his notebook, but couldn't think of anything to say. He bit his lip and looked up at her, his eyes glued to her face. He brushed his lips against her cheek and then started writing in his notebook. 'Was that okay for me to do?' He looked at her, waiting for her reaction.
Team Sherlock
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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:57 pm

Blaire: My heart tugged a little as i felt his lips brush my cheek. "Yeah, that was fine..." i said, moving a little closer to him happily. I was surprised that he kept asking me stuff like that, but i was kind of happy that he did. I didnt mind him invading my personal bubble, but with most people i would, and it was nice to see that that had occurred to him.

Ash: I shrugged, setting my guitar aside. "We can go now, if you want." i said. The more i thought about her, the more i liked her. I realized i was thinking about her in a way i didnt think about most girls. Had i found a girl id actually want to date? I was surprised as the thought popped into my head and pushed it aside. That was not a thought i could deal with right now...

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:20 pm

Derek grinned and moved a little closer to her. His eyes were bright as he started to write again. 'Could I try something else?' The main reason he always asked if stuff was okay was because he didn't want to invade her bubble. He looked at her and hoped her answer would be yes. He watched, his heart pounding against his rib cage in anticipation to her answer.

Rose smiled and stood. "Alright then, I'll finish showing you around now." She looked at him and waited for him to stand before she walked out of the room. Her smile widened slightly. A sudden thought popped into her mind. "Always avoid the school cemetery and the one hall that seems more sterile and clean than the rest. Trust me, you don't want to go down them."
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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:25 pm

Ash: I blinked, a little surprised. "Really? Why?" i asked, standing and stretching a little beofre heading for the door. I actually LOVED cemetaries..... so why would i wanna avoid one?

Blaire: I nodded, wondering what it was he wanted to try. "Yeah, go ahead." i said, continuing to be surprised by the asking-for-permission thing. My heart rate picked up a little nervously as i anticipated what he was going to do.

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:32 pm

Rose watched him, amusement in her eyes. "Necromancers practice raising and controlling the dead there. Let's put it this way, if someone does something wrong, the more experienced ones have to fix the whole problem. In simple words, it's not always safe or pretty," she stated in a matter of fact tone. She followed him to the door.

Derek's grin widened and his eyes brightened.His heart fluttered around in his chest from nervousness. His eyes locked on hers for a moment and he slowly leaned in, giving her a quick and gentle kiss on the lips. He pulled back and watched to see what her reaction would be.
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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:47 pm

Ash: "Well, that sucks. I love cemetaries." i admitted. "We have one at home on our property. Growing up, i used to spend a lot of time there." i said, smiling a little at the memories. Playing music for the deceased undead......

Blaire: My heart gave a little flip as his lips met mine, and i found that i quite liked it. He pulled back and i smiled at him. "Not a bad experiment..... i think you cut it kinda short though..." i said, kissing him happily.

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:00 pm

Rose smiled slightly. "I used to, but then the whole raising the dead thing kicked in and it wasn't as nice anymore. On a happier note, what do you like best about this hell hole?" She asked as she walked out the door and glanced back at him. Her smile widened a little as she watched him for a moment.

Derek grinned widely, his heart beating happily in his chest. He was rather pleased by her reaction. When she kissed him he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer and deepened the kiss some. His heart skipped a beat and he was pretty happy.
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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:20 am

Ash: "What do i like best about this place? Well, honestly? Id say you, probably, if that counts. If not, than probably the music room....." i said thoughtfully. I was being honest - so far the best thing that id come across here had been Rose.

Blaire: My arms moved up, hands resting on his shoulders as i kissed him. I was filled with a mixture of strange emotions right now - id kissed plenty of guys before, but id mostly been teasing or humoring them. It had never had any real meaning behind it, but this..... this was so much different. It was almost intoxicating.

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:30 am

Rose smiled and blushed slightly when he said that. "Uh, thanks. I suppose I count." She looked at him, her smile widening slightly. She hadn't expected his answer to be her, but she had to admit that she liked his answer. As they walked, she continued to point out things.

Derek grinned beneath the kiss. He had never felt this way before. He had kissed a few girls before, but none of those kisses felt like this one did. This one was nice and he found that he was almost becoming drunk or high off of her kiss. He deepened it a little, but pulled back due to the fact that he needed to breathe. He looked at Blaire and grinned, his eyes shining brightly.
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Team Sherlock

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:41 am

Ash: I grinned. "That's good. I like the music room, but i still think you have it beat." i said, chuckling. I payed attention to the things she pointed out, making mental notes as to where things were and how to get there. A map was slowly coming together in my mind. I was starting to get it....

Blaire: The kiss finally broke, leaving me somewhat breathless, but happier than id been in a very long time. I grinned, knowing my eyes would betray my happiness. "Definately a good experiment...." i said, leaning against him a little and resting my head on his shoulder happily.

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:51 am

Rose's blush deepened slightly and she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. her smile widened and she glanced at him, then her gaze went to where she was going once again. "Thank you, I suppose." They neared the hallway she had been talking about and when they were close, she pointed to it. "That is the hallway you'll want to avoid." She glanced at him and stopped for a moment. "Everything I'm showing you making sense?"

Derek grinned widely. He was breathless and words couldn't describe how happy he was. He nodded in agreement when she said it was a good experiment. His grin widened when she rested her head on his shoulder and he stroked her hair happily.
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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:01 am

Ash: I made careful note of the previously mentioned hallway so as to make sure i avoided it in the future. "Yeah, i think im starting to get it." i said. "Im not quite so worried about getting lost anymore, in any case."

Blaire: A small happy smile remained stubbornly on my face. I closed my eyes, letting out a small happy sigh. I wrapped an arm around him happily, enjoying being close to him.

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:11 am

Rose smiled and looked up at him. "That's good. We're almost done in fact." She smiled at him and then started to walk ahead of him, her smile widening slightly.

Derek's grin widened and he brushed his lips against the top of her head. He had to admit that he loved being this close to her. He looked at the notebook and stopped stroking her hair for a moment so he could write. 'Would you maybe like to go out with me sometime?' He showed it to her.
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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:15 am

Blaire: I opened my eyes and noticed what he'd written, my smile widening. "Id love to." i said happily. There was noone id rather spend time with.....

Ash: I nodded, walking after her. It wasnt hard to catch up with her. Slowing down enough to keep pace was slightly more difficult, but id become accustomed to having to match my pace to that of people with much shorter legs.

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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:29 am

Derek grinned widely and kissed the top of her head. He quickly signed 'good'. He loved spending time with her and was thrilled that she had agreed to go out with him. he once again started to write. 'How about Friday, after school?' He once again looked at her when he was done.

Rose's smile widened slightly as she showed hi the rest of the school and told him what was what. When she showed him the last thing she stopped and looked up at him. "That was it. You have officially seen all of the school. i hope you enjoyed your tour." The idea that she had finished showing him around made her slightly sad because it meant that she probably wouldn't do anything with him for a while and that idea disappointed her.
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Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2 - Page 10 Empty Re: Blackwood Finishing School for Paranormal Creatures and Gifted Humans 2

Post by Ravyn Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:37 am

Blaire: "Sounds good to me." i said, smiling. Suddenly, Friday could not come fast enough. This had turned out to be a better day than id anticipated. I was glad id met Derek....

Ash: I smiled. "I did, thank you." i said happily. I intended to stop talking there, but on impulse, i kept going. "Hey... would you lilke to.... uh... go somewhere with me, sometime?" i asked. Had i just very very awkwardly asked her on a date...? Yes, i realized. I had. Well...... this was an interesting development.

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