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AD...don't lock this again please

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:43 pm

Ben rolled his eyes. "You have a bullet. In your abdomen. Get your ass to the hospital, would you?"

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:46 pm

Lorrick gave her a small, half-assed smile. His sister....Morgan....both invaded by that man....The thought set him on edge, making the half smile vanish completely. "Not completely," he murmured, pressing the button to call a nurse into the room. "I'll tell you when you're feeling better, kay?"

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:49 pm

Erm... Reposties?

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:53 pm

Kylia watched him, frowning slightly as he pressed the button. What were the nurses going to do? Give her more drugs? She didn't want more drugs. It would hurt the baby. The baby. Her eyes widened slightly as the nurse came in and her body kicked into defense mode. Her hand shot out, grabbing hold of Lorrick and pulling herself out and away from the bed. The woman kept coming towards her, the small vile of medication in her hand. Kylia's eyes darted around, trying to figure out how to keep her from putting it into her body. The IV. She quickly tore out the IV, keeping her hand over the hole in her arm so she wouldn't bleed to bad.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:54 pm

Taylow wrote:Hunter watched him with a raised brow, but shrugged and followed, trying to stay quiet so he could think. It wasn't very easy though. She struggled with herself, trying to once again lock her old personality away and go back to the angel she had been when she first came to Caleb.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:58 pm

My reply is on this page, BW lol

Automatically, Lorrick kicked into protective mode. He took Kylia, gently but firmly, and held her close to his body, making sure he was slightly in front of her. When his muddled mind realized she wasn't in any immediate danger, her relaxed, but only slightly. "Calm down," he whispered softly in Kylia's ear, kissing her temple. His eyes followed the path of her gaze though, understanding hitting him when he saw the drugs in the nurse's hand. "She doesn't need anymore of that. Food. Her body needs nurishment, not drugs."

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:09 pm

"Well why didn't you just say so?" The nurse said with a frown, scuttling back out of the room. Kylia held on to Lorrick to keep from falling over, her fingers spotted with blood. She glanced up at him, her other hand moving to the small bump in her stomach protectively. She smiled slightly as she felt a small flutter in her stomach, and rubbed it lovingly, her eyes closing, her head leaning on his shoulder. "Lorrick?" She asked softly. "When do we get to leave?" She could feel her legs starting to give out on her, but she didn't want to move. So she just stood there, bracing herself for the fall.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:52 pm

"Are you blind now? It's right there," I snap at him, giving a small beat to glide and stay at altitude. Hospitals were usually gang free areas anyway. It would be safe enough, I suppose. Going in a careful circle above, i land gently and let Ben go. I take over pressing a hand to the piece of cloth over my wound, not meeting his eyes.

"Well, I don't know him. Some middle man," i murmur, going outside again. "A stupid middle man." Chuckling slightly, i stop at the sidewalk and look back at Hunter. "Someone who sticks out that much is probably new on the scene. The experienced never wear anything memorable."

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:19 pm

Lorrick gently had Kylia lie back on the bed when the nurse left. "Hang on," he murmured, going over to a set of cabnits. He found a first aid kit and took some gauze and tape out of it before walking back over to Kylia. "You alright?" he asked, looking at her worridly as he sat next to her and took her arm carefully in his hands.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:20 pm

Ben raised his eyebrows at her tone, a small smile lifting the corners of his mouth. "Getting shot really messed up your mood," he murmured, hurrying her into the emergency room where doctor's took over.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:32 pm

Kylia watched him and gave a small smile, her hand still rubbing her stomach gently. "It's moving," she said quietly, then glanced back at her stomach. She brushed off his question, because she couldn't honestly say she felt ok.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:45 pm

After placing the gauze where the IV had been, Lorrick looked up at Kylia, a smile tugging his lips. Hesitantly, he placed his hands on either side of her stomach and waited silently. Suddenly, there was a very small and faint movement beneath her skin, making his eyes widen slightly. When he had became and angel, all thought of fatherhood fled him. It was impossible. No emotion, no way to get attatched, no way to love... But here was an example that miracles were possible. An example that you were to always believe in the impossible. Slowly, he bent his head and pressed his lips to Kylia's belly, his eyes closed.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:53 pm

Not weak. Not innocent. I hated my looks because of it. I hated my age. Wings didn't help either, they just made me look even more placid, even if they were black. My targets make fun of it and my charges baby me because of it. Or they take advantage of it.
The educed sleep isn't restful at all. I awake, morphine numbing the emotions but it's more of a smoldering ember than a fire like it was before. Bandages are wrapped around my abdomen, clothes gone and replaced by that dumb paper gown. And i had liked that little dress...

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:57 pm

Ben looked over at her as she awakened, his eyebrows pulled together. "How you feeling?"

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:18 am

Hunter watched him for a moment, and then gave a small shrug. "We can go hunt him down. We know where to look. I bet he could give us answers." She watched him carefully, trying to decide what he'd want to do. "Or we could go find you a hot hooker for the night and call it a day. Your call. But if you go for the hooker, I'm sleeping on the roof."

Kylia smiled as she watched him, her heart filling with warmth and happyness. All the sudden it didn't matter that she was in the hospital, riddled with bullet wounds or that she was to skinny or anything else. She was with the two most preacious things to her. Lorrick, and their baby. That's all that mattered. She ran a hand through his hair, playing with it gently. She closed her eyes as her other hand held her stomach, resting happily. Why couldn't her life always be filled with such peace?


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:11 am

Lorrick smiled softly and stretched out next to her, wrapping his arms around her. "Where do you want to go after you get out of here?" he murmured, his fingers lightly running over her belly. "We can go anywhere you wish." Because they would have to leave....Their life would be a life of running until Dustin was dead and the GWC gave up...which was unlikely. He pushed that thought out of his mind so that he could focus on Kylia and Kylia only.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:42 am

"Fine, can I go yet?". I murmur turning over to my side. Little protests of pain, but nothing I haven't felt before.

"no," I say, frowning at her. Just no, to all of it. "call it a night, get dinner somewhere, fly us back to the country house. We'll stay there tonight."

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:15 am

Ben rolled his eyes. "You don't have to ask my permission to leave the hospital, Malakai," he muttered.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:16 am

Kylia smiled, enjoying the feel of his fingers over her stomach. She cuddled next to him, sighing contently. "Where ever you are, is where I want to be," she said quietly, looking up at him with her bright eyes. "And new clothes. I don't think I'll fit in mine much longer," she blushed, but smiled a bit more at the thought.

Hunter shrugged and watched him. "alright, what do you want to eat?"


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:21 am

Lorrick laughed softly. He turned his head slightly so that his lips met Kylia's in a soft kiss.

Do you want to fast forward to where Kylia's able to leave the hospital?

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:25 am


Almost a month later, Kylia finally left the hospital. She had put on a little more weight, and was now able to actually get herself to eat food, unlike before. Her stomach was a little rounder, her smile a little brighter as she walked happily beside Lorrick, wearing a pair of sweats the hospital gave her because her clothes no longer fit.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:30 am

Lorrick looked down at Kylia, a smile brightening his face. "First stop, shopping?" he guessed,, taking her hand in his.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:36 am

Kylia thought for a minute and shook her head. "Not here," she said as she held his hand tightly. "We need to get away from here," her hand went protectively over her stomach as she watched him. She wanted to be somewhere no one had seen them. It would be a little bit safer.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:51 pm

Do you have a picture of Kylia? I'm really bored, so I'm doing a quick sketch of Lorrick, but I think it would be cute if I drew him and Kylia together ^.^

Lorrick nodded his agreement. "Want to go back to the hotel real quick to get our bags, then?"

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:21 pm

Kylia thought about it for a minute then shrugged. "We can grab your bag and my toiletries...but none of my clothes are going to fit..."

Ummm....let me see if I can find where I posted her hold on, I can't remember if I had a picture or not


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 3 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

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