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AD...don't lock this again please

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:23 pm

Here is a description of her, I don't actually have a picture: 5'4, short hair light chocolate hair with dark red streaks. She has multiple ear piercings and a button ring but is totally against nose, lip, and tongue rings. She has a cross entwined with roses tatooed on her left hip that plays peek-a-boo out of the top of her jeans. She wears hipster bell-bottoms, or shorts (the right side back butt area of which are usually a plaid cloth patch because the jeans have just gotten so worn) with combat boots (or whatever shoes she can find) she wears band ts but she usually modifies them in some way or another. She also has bright blue-ish grey eyes and a soft pale complection that has a slight silver undertone and she is covered in freckles.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:39 pm

Hm, Okay, I'll see what I can do ^.^

Lorrick nodded before carefully picking Kylia up in his arms and taking off from the ground. She was slightly heavier than before, but then again, he wasn't carrying just one person anymore. The thought brought a smile to his lips. "Any idea on where you want to go yet?" he asked, glancing down at her.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:45 pm

Kylia looked up at him and frowned slightly. "Why do I have to pick?" she asked curiously. She wrapped her arms around his neck even though she felt perfectly comfortable and safe. She laid her head against his shoulder, taking a deep breath, letting it out slowly, absolutely content. Well, except for her churning stomach.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:51 pm

A slight frown replaced his smile as Lorrick thought of the question. Truth was, no matter what happened, he was still an angel...He was still used to taking orders from his charges. But Kylia was more than just his charge. She was everything to him now, his world. "Old habits die hard, I guess," he murmured, glancing down at her.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:53 pm

"I think I'm going to be sick," Kylia said, interupting him. Her face paled as her stomach churned, her hand flying to her mouth in hopes of keeping it down. Maybe those eggs this morning wasn't exactly a good idea....


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:56 pm

Lorrick quickly flew to the ground where he gently set Kylia down behind a dumpster in an alleyway. He still had one arm around her as he gathered her hair up in his other hand.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:59 pm

The eggs and everything else came spilling out onto the ground as she braced herself against the wall and dumpster. She had been doing good too. She hadn't been sick in three days. But then again she hadn't had eggs in three days. Eggs were apparently a bad thing, and now she was paying for it. She continued to throw up until it turned to the dry heaves, her stomach turning violent. When she finally stopped she was gasping for air, her body trembling slightly, her skin covered in a small sheen of sweat.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:05 pm

Lorrick wrapped his arms around her when he was sure she was finished. "Come on," he murmured softly. "The hotel's only a couple buildings down."

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:14 pm

Kylia nodded as she clung to him with shakey hands, trying to steady her breathing. "Eggs are a bad thing," she said closing her eyes as she tried to focus on keeping her stomach calm. "Very bad thing."


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:30 pm

Lorrick nodded. "Got it," he murmured softly. "No more eggs." When they got back to the hotel, Lorrick had her lie down on the bed before going to get her a flass of water.

Man, I can draw Lorrick easily....Kylia on the other hand looks like a freaking.....there's no word for what she looks like -.-

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Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:32 pm

"Yes I do," I say softly. Hated hospitals. Hated doctors. Hated the smell and the procedures. Reminded me too much of becoming an angel. Woozy, I sit up on the bed. Hated pain killers... "Where are my clothes?" I look back at Ben, trying to keep a straight face. To look unaffected and strong, not weak and innocent.

"I donno. Just go to the grocery store and make something back at the house? Or...I know a good pub around here? Good fried calamari, and grilled stuff." I slow, walking beside her. "Either way I'm requiring you to pick out something for yourself. I'm not going to starve you."

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:35 pm

Kylia was alseep by the time he had come back, cuddled into the pillow and blankets. She just couldn't keep her eyes open. It was like they had bricks on them, weighing them down. Her skin was still pale, her stomach still threatening to hate her again.

haha can I see?!

Hunter pouted and sighed. "I'm terrible at desicion making," she muttered, folding her arms. Why was he so difficult? Why did he have to go against the grain of things?


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:42 pm

"And I can't juggle but we all make due," i tease, messing her hair with a chuckle. "Hm...both then." Raising an eyebrow at her with a smile, I take her wrist gently and lead her across the street and down to the older side of town, the streets becoming cobblestone as we near the waterways.

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Location : Arkham Asylum

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:31 pm

Hunter's eyes widened slightly as she looked between him and her wrist. She wasn't use to this. She didn't try and fix her hair as she followed in stunned silence. She just...followed. She blinked a few times, asking herself why he had to be different. Why did he have to make her question herself and the GWC?


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:31 pm

Lorrick studied her with a small smile on his face. He set the glass of water down on the night stand before walking over to the window. He twitched the curtain aside an inch, scanning the streets outside. Devin knew where they were. He knew they were staying in this hotel, in this room. Sighing, Lorrick sat in a chair to keep watch over Kylia's sleeping form.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:15 pm

Kylia woke hours later, blinking sleepily. Her stomach still wasn't exactly great, but it was better than it could have been. She looked around as she streached, the sudden craving for pineapple hitting her like a ton of bricks. She frowned when she realized she was in a hotel room where there was no pineapple and she couldn't help but pout. Her hair was a mess that was splayed out on the pillow, the blanket up under her arms. She hadn't really moved from the one spot since she fell asleep. She jumped slightly as she felt the small flutter of movement run just above her hips, then relaxed grinning, her insides feeling like liquid gold happiness...but she still didn't have pineapple... Kylia's lips turned down again as another thought hit her. I've been jipped! she thought to herself, her eyes falling on Lorrick. She loved him, loved him enough to happily carry his child. But who was to say he would always be there? In a way, she was a single mom. It was just as bad as the girlfriend and boyfriend having a baby and raising it, but never getting married because they were to afraid of commitment...or was that Mayo that was that bad?....Food hit her thoughts again, banishing the earlier rant that had been in her mind. Pineapple, we need pineapple, she thought to the little person inside her.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:12 am

Lorrick got to his feet when he saw that Kylia was awake, a smile curving the sides of his lips. "Hey," he murmured, walking over to her. The bump on her belly was slightly bigger than when she first entered the hospital. The thought of what that small bump meant sent his heart soaring. It faultered a little when another thought hit him. What would happen if GWC caught them? They'd be interested in the child...Interested enough to take it. And as for Lorrick himself, well that was a no brainer. He'd be dead without a second's hesitation. It wasn't death that made his blood run cold though. It was the fact that his death would mean Kylia and the baby would be without protection, without somebody to be by their side. He ran his fingers through his hair as he sat on the edge of the bed. "How you feeling?"

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Black&White Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:18 am

"Yes I do," I say softly. Hated hospitals. Hated doctors. Hated the smell and the procedures. Reminded me too much of becoming an angel. Woozy, I sit up on the bed. Hated pain killers... "Where are my clothes?" I look back at Ben, trying to keep a straight face. To look unaffected and strong, not weak and innocent.

We cross the street, going down the cobblestones to harbor front. Only now do I glance back, see her look. I let her wrist go, studying her. "You alright...?" I ask hesitantly. Was it wrong to touch an angel? Hell...maybe i should have payed more attention to those Terms and Regulations.... but who the heck ever reads all of that?

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:52 am

Kylia smiled up at him, unable to help herself. His smiles were contagious. She sat herself up, ignoring the black spots that crossed her vision and made her stomach quiver as she wrapped her arms around him, kissing his lips gently and laying her head on his shoulder. "I'm alright," she said though it was sort of a lie...after all there was black spots in her vision. "I want pineapple though....really, really bad." She frowned, feeling a little frustrated with the craving now that she thought about it. It was very incovinent and very demanding. She yawned, her stomach starting to churn again. Crap. She needed to get something in there and soon.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:54 am

Hunter stared at Caleb for a moment, then took a deep breath and nodded slightly. "I'm fine, I'm just thinking," she gave a small smile as she watched him, holding her hand back out to him. Was that a good idea? Was that a bad thing to do? Would the GWC be mad at her for it? Why would they be mad at her for holding his hand? What if he didn't want to hold her hand?....her mind was a swirling chaos of thoughts, though she kept them to herself, hiding them from everyone else. Sort through them, then express them. Or at least that's how she thought it should go. "Are we going to eat or what?"


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:55 am

Lorrick laughed softly, kissing the top of her head. "I'll go see if there's any at the breakfast downstairs," he said, standing up. He looked around the room, a crease coming between he brow. Although nothing had happened over night, the thought of leaving her hear alone made his stomach churn. He went over to the windows, making sure they were locked. "If anybody comes, go into the bathroom and lock the door," he told her, studying her face. "I'm only going to be a few minutes." It hit him then that he hadn't told her about Devin yet...The thought of him set him on edge.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:57 am

Ben sighed and went over to the chair where her clothes were lying. He tossed them over to her, turning his back on her. "I'll be out in the hallway," he said, walking out the door. How would he make this angel not hate him the way she seemed to? How was he supposed to reassure her that he doesn't mean to make her life miserable?

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:13 pm

Kylia looked at him and opened her mouth to protest, but her stomach had other plans. Instead she ran to the bathroom, and began her ritualistic "worship" of the "porclin god". In the few moments she had between heaves, she thought that at least now she didn't have to worry about getting to the bathroom before whoever came in did.


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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Kara Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:22 pm

Lorrick was right behind her, holding her hair off her neck. He got a wet wash rag and began to wipe away the sweat that was starting to appear on her skin. "Would you rather me stay with you?" he asked when she seemed to have finished.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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AD...don't lock this again please - Page 4 Empty Re: AD...don't lock this again please

Post by Guest Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:03 pm

Kylia didn't answer for a moment as she tried to catch her breath and ignore the horrible taste in her mouth that was already making her stomach turn again. The smell of the toilet wasn't exactly helping either. She closed her eyes and held her breath, then opened her eyes and moved over to the sink, letting the breath out slow in hopes that the smell hadn't followed her. "I really just want to get out of here, find some pineapple, and find something with a little bit bigger waist band," she said as she reached for her toothbrush and made sure the taste was gone. When she was done, she turned and looked up at him with a tired smile. She leaned against him, her head on his chest as she let her eyes drift shut. "If we can do those three things, I will be Happier."


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