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Under the Darkness

Team Sherlock
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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:59 pm

Daniel chuckled at Sammy's curiosity, but then grimaced when he felt the pain of his back surge through his body. "It's just my back, I was carrying alot of heavy boxes today." he then gestured his hand to show the bunches of boxes that were stacked up besides the walls of the area. "Nothing but a little muscle rub can't cure."

Peter knew that Derek was thrilled when he had lost the game, but he also knew that Derek was melting like butter in his hands. He enjoyed that thought at least. But of course Derek was quite a big talker, always having something to say. "Call me Peter." was the last thing he said before planting a chaste kiss on Derek's lips. Peter let this harmless kiss linger however, but it wasn't long before he wanted more. So he went to get more, and this time it got a little more intense. Peter felt like he was walking on air, something he hadn't felt for quite some time. He kissed Derek hungrily, not stopping until he had himself completely breathless. Once he was, he pulled away from Derek and let out a smile of relief.

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:19 am

Sammy smiled slightly when Daniel chuckled, but that smile soon faded when he saw him grimace. "Ah," he said, his eyes following Daniel's hand gesture. "There anything I can do?" he asked, wanting to make his friend feel better. Sammy would probably be considered the kind of guy that was like a dog, always loyal. Once he became friends with someone, he was there and would do anything to make them happy.

Derek was finding himself practically melting in Peter's hands and he was the slightest bit annoyed by it, but it was hard for him to stay annoyed that long when he was near Peter. When peter spoke, Derek's lips curved up even more at the corners and once Peter kissed him -even if it was a chaste one- he was on cloud nine. But, he also found himself wanting more after that chaste kiss and was only too happy when Peter kissed him again. After that second kiss, Derek could only think of one thing to say... And that was surprising since he basically always had a come back. "Wow..." Peter was the only one who could knock him nearly speechless.
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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:30 am

Daniel was glad that Sammy asked if he could help. He seemed to find many things he liked about Sammy! Of course he blushed when he thought about it. "You can rub my back!" he said as a joke, but he then got flustered as he realized what a "joke" it was. "I mean, you don't have to!"

Peter smirked at Derek. "Speechless, I presume?" he then got up from the bed and headed towards the door. "I guess I should be getting you home. It is getting late."

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:50 am

Sammy smiled and wondered why Daniel was blushing. He found Daniel blushing a lot, but he also found it cute the way that Daniel blushed so much. Sammy quickly pushed the thought out of his head, knowing that they were nothing more than friends. "I can rub your back if you want me to," he said softly. He honestly didn't mind the task.

Derek's eyes followed Peter. Damn him, he thought to himself as he stood and followed Peter, a frown forming on his lips. "I suppose you should get me home," he grumbled under his breath. He didn't really want to leave though.
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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:59 pm

Daniel's face got more flustered when Sammy agreed to the task, and even more when he realized he himself wanted Sammy to do it. "Well, okay." he replied, rubbing the back of his neck, then starting to walk out of the kitchen area, heading to the living portion, "It's just mostly the top portion of the back." He then sat down on the couch backwards and took off his shirt, leaving his back exposed.

Peter noticed Derek's hesitation, and tugged on Derek's arm and pulled Derek closer to Peter. "Now what's with that face?" He placed a finger on Derek's lips, slowly traveling the finger down Derek's neck. "Would you rather stay here for the night?"

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:33 am

Sammy kept his eyes glued to Daniel and followed him into the living room portion."M'kay, Danny," he said softly. He moved closer to Daniel once he was shirtless and started to rub Daniel's back. His skin was smooth and soft and Sammy liked the feel of it beneath his hands...

Derek's eyes lifted to meet Peter's and he found himself... Slightly breathless from Peter's traveling finger. He finding out more and more things that Peter could do to him than anyone else and it annoyed the hell out of him. Eventually -and thankfully- he found his voice. "I'm not to thrilled to leave your side... If you must know. And I would rather stay here," he purred.
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Team Sherlock

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:00 am

Daniel kept his moans low as Sammy massaged his back. It really was hurting, and the rubbing motion Sammy was giving was helping give him some release. But then again he wondered if he was really hurting as bad as he thought, or if he was just wanting some skin contact. Sammy's hands were like magic for his somewhat aching back, and just feeling them was making Daniel shiver a bit. Which made Daniel nervous just a little. "You're...really good at this..." he spoke, biting back his lip so he wouldn't sound too raspy.

Peter smirked at Derek's breathlessness at first, and he let it grew when he heard Derek's answer. "That's nice to hear," he replied, planting another kiss on his beautiful lips. "I'll make you a guest room...or would you rather sleep in my 'coffin?'"

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:55 am

Sammy bit his lower lip as he rubbed Daniel's back, trying to push back the thought of how much he loved the feel of Daniel's skin. One of the bigger things was that Daniel's moans were not helping Sammy clear his mind, in fact, he was making it worse. He had a feeling that if he wasn't careful, any self control he had would slip and he would do something stupid based off of his emotions... "Thanks, I guess," he said, taking his hands off of Daniel's back. 'It really is getting late, maybe I should be going..."

Derek saw the smirk form on Peter's lips and knew exactly why he was smirking. Once again, Peter's kiss was enough to make him near speechless. Damn him, he thought again. It took a moment before he found his voice. "Thought you said didn't have a coffin," he joked. "And it's up to you, Peter," he said softly. He would prefer to sleep in Peter's 'coffin', but he didn't want to push anything...
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:10 am

Daniel felt a rush of cold on his back when Sammy's hands left, and it wasn't the usual coldness of having your shirt off. It was the coldness that belonged to having someone you let have contact with you leave. Daniel was concerned with the way Sammy was acting, but he wasn't entirely sure if he should be at all. What if Sammy was perfectly fine? Well, for Daniel he didn't seem so but...Daniel wasn't a mind reader! All Daniel did know was that he couldn't resist the urges he was having. "Wait, Sammy..." he got off the couch and turned to see Sammy. He grabbed a hold of Sammy's wrist, trying to be gentle in the process. "...just stay here for the night. I only have one bed, but I can sleep on the couch if it bothers you."

Peter chuckled softly, letting go of Derek and heading out of the bedroom. "I don't one, that's the thing." he then shook his head and pointed towards a door to the left side of the room, "Over there is the master bathroom, you can have a shower if you want. I'll get you're room ready. Oh, and you can take any of my pajamas to wear for tonight. They may be a little big, but it wouldn't hurt to put on some clean clothes."

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:03 am

Sammy stopped when he heard Daniel's voice and his eyes slowly met Daniel's. After a moment he realized how weird he was acting, but knew he couldn't explain it to Daniel. He also realized that he needed to try and take check of his emotions because if he did something stupid, he would probably hurt Daniel. The idea of hurting Daniel was scarier than hell to him... "Fine. It doesn't bother me and if anybody should sleep on the couch, it should be me," he said softly.

Derek raised an eyebrow. "Still not one hundred percent positive that you don't have a coffin," he said with a grin. Derek nodded at Peter's statement, his eyes following Peter for a moment. He then went and grabbed a pair of pajamas and headed toward the bathroom to take a shower.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:28 pm

Daniel should have been relieved that Sammy was saying he's alright and agreeing to stay the night, but Daniel knew better. He knew that Sammy wasn't alright, he was hiding something. He wanted to know what. But he held back the question, because he had a good grasp on what Sammy was hiding after what had happened. He was attracted to Daniel, and Daniel was attracted to him. They were both just afraid to open up to one another, afraid for reasons known and unknown. "Sammy..." his hand traveled up to Sammy's cheek, cupping the cheek in his hand. He noticed that Sammy was staring intently at him from before, so he reciprocated. I just met him, what if I'm wrong? He shook off those thoughts and leaned his body into Sammy, his other hand maneuvering around Sammy's neck. Daniel's lips finally got to have a taste of Sammy's. The kiss was gentle, but it grew harsher as Daniel let his emotions flowed out of him. Finally he had to stop and push himself away from Sammy. What the hell are you doing?! He was beside himself, he didn't know what he was doing or what he should be doing. "Sammy, I..."

Peter walked down the hallway to the guest room and tried his best to make it look homey. Normally he didn't have many people use the room, so he never took the time to give it that warm feeling. But he wanted to show Derek just what he made Peter feel; warm and safe. As he made the bed, he remembered silly his past. Like about his parents and their idea of him bringing Derek home. Of course they wouldn't mind that Derek was a guy, but they would wonder why he would bring home someone he just met. Well, for Peter...Derek was different. He normally doesn't come onto people like he has with Derek. But that was after he had his heart broken by his first love, Lily. He stopped what he was doing at the thought and reminisced. He also thought about how Lily almost looked like a girl version of Derek. I must be over my head. He shook off the thoughts and memories and walked back to his room and knocked on the master bathroom door; he assumed that Derek would be done by now. "How are you fairing up?"

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:36 pm

Sammy watched Daniel carefully, wondering what he was thinking about. In the moment he watched Daniel he noticed small little things he liked about him. He also realized that he found Daniel past the point of being handsome and attractive. Sammy chewed the inside of his cheek, wishing that the butterflies that were flying around in his stomach would disappear. “Hmmmm?” When Daniel cupped Sammy’s cheek, he leaned into Daniel’s touch and closed his eyes. Daniel’s touch was not helping with the butterflies. His heart rate spiked when he felt Daniel’s lips against his and he wanted more of his sweet taste. His eyes opened when Daniel pulled back and he stared at him for a moment. His heart sunk the slightest bit and before he knew it his arms were around Daniel and his lips were crushed against his. After he realized what he was doing he pulled back, his gaze shifting to the ground. “Sorry...” he murmured.

Derek’s mind went over his and Peter’s few kisses repeatedly, causing him to smile. No matter how hard he tried to take his mind off of Peter, it kept going back to him. Peter was different and Derek was still partially unsure of how he had become drawn to him so fast. Another thing that boggled him was the fact that he trusted Peter completely, with his life even. Although it was all strange to him, he liked it. He liked being able to trust someone like the way he trusted Peter and he also liked the way he felt around Peter. His smile widened as he put on the pajama shirt and went to open the door, his hair falling in his face. “Actually, I’m finished,” he said.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:02 pm

"Don't be sorry!" Daniel replied with a stammer, worried about Sammy's upset demeanor. He didn't mean to make him sad, though he didn't know exactly what he was upset about. He believed that whatever Sammy was sad about, it was Daniel's fault. "Can that again?" he asked with a faint blush across his cheeks. Though he felt silly for asking this, he didn't want to play around with Sammy anymore. He liked him, and he wanted to know more about him. "Kiss, I mean..."

Peter smirked and let his hand pull a few hair strands away from Derek's face. "I have the room ready; follow me." he said, holding Derek's hand and leading him to his guest bedroom. As he got to the room, he let go of Derek's hand and gave a grande gesture of the room. "Not as good as my room, but I tried to make it as homey as I could." He then let his gaze go into Derek's eyes and caressed Derek's face with his hand. "My room's down the hallway, just come if you need me," he then gave a small kiss on Derek's cheek as he whispered softly: "or want me." He then let out a small chuckle, drawing his face away from Derek's face. "Think you'll be okay?"

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:24 pm

Sammy bit his lower lip, feeling slightly bad about kissing Daniel like that when he had no clue how Sammy had no clue how Daniel felt about him. He looked up through his lashes, watching Daniel carefully while listening to his words and gauging Daniel's reaction to the kiss. When Daniel wanted to kiss again, butterflies took control of his stomach and his heart started to beat faster. He hadn't expected that reaction and it thrilled him. He looked up, slowly moved closer to Daniel with a smile on his lips and wrapped an arm around Daniel's waist, pulling him closer. "I suppose we could do that again," he mused. He leaned down slightly, his lips meeting Daniel's.

Derek smiled when Peter puled hair away from his face and nodded. "Alright Peter," he said. His smile grew a little more when Peter took his hand and he followed contently. Once they were in the room, he looked around himself, taking in the room, but it didn't hold his attention long and his attention quickly shifted to Peter. "It's kind of homey and you did a good job making it that way," he said. Derek's cheeks grew the slightest bit pink at Peter's comment. "I'll remember that. I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself Peter," he said, his smile a little wider than before.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Cairo Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:55 pm

Le join?

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:57 pm


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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Cairo Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:00 pm

I was going through a meme obsession thing XD

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:59 pm

((LOL I know, Cairo. I just wanted to tell you if you wanted to join, you can. And if you don't, then whatevs! Razz))

When Daniel's and Sammy's lips met together for the third time, it was even better than the first time! He began tousling the hairs at the back of Sammy's black hair, meanwhile pressing his tongue inside of Sammy's. Daniel broke away from the kiss for a moment, but he was still in kissing reach. He opened his eyes barely, feeling great pleasure with just these kisses he has shared with Sammy. "Sammy..." Daniel then gave him a peck on the lips before speaking again, "...did anyone tell you you're a good kisser?"

Peter gave Derek a genuine smile as he began to walk out of the room, his hand was on the door frame for a moment before he spoke. "Get some sleep, tomorrow I'll take you back home..." he then turned his head and smiled back at Derek. "...unless you want to stay with me for a little longer?"

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by daughteroflight Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:19 pm

((I just realized it's been a loong time since anything was posted on this. Is it dead, or will it be brought back? I've been gone for a while, so...)

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by theKP Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:50 am

((This is SPH. I don't know if I want to bring this back, but if anyone's interested in it. Please tell me and I'll see about bringing it back on this account.))

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Bells Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:05 am

(( I would love to, and I can revive it for you if you'd like. *feels uncomfortable necro-ing))

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Under the Darkness - Page 19 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

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