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Under the Darkness

Team Sherlock
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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:48 am

Elliot noticed how Silas had a odd look on his face. "Everything alright? I hope I didn't make you feel awkward."

James clung onto Ira, rubbing his hand up and down on his upper arm. "I'm sorry," he said as he gazed down at Ira, "anything I can do to help?"
He wished that he could make Ira forget about his dad. But James guess that he wouldn't bother listen to him. He was still technically a stranger to Ira, he supposed. "I wanna help you, Ira." he said quietly, just enough audibility so Ira could hear him.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Avery Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:55 am

Ira shivered for a moment, closing his eyes and trying to warm himself up. "I need help," he uttered in a very quiet whisper. he wasn't sure if James could hear him or not, but he knew it was true. Ira looked up at James, his nose brushing the older boys jaw gently for a split second. That was all it took for Ira to be hyperaware, though. The proximity. the heat. The tension. The connection. Ira could feel it all. "I'm just glad that help is offered," he said softly.

Silas looked up from examining his fork and nodded with a wide smile. "Yeah, of course. It's just weird, this place," he said. "Not bad weird... Just not wht I'm used to.... Though I think that's obvious," Silas said and noticed his accent slipping into his words slightly.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:05 am

((>.< Kissu...kissu...!))

James bit his lip when he felt Ira's nose brush his face, his heartbeat driving him insane! Just a constant thumping and increasing with each second that passed by. It was getting to become too much! At this point, James was ready to take him and make him his. But that was irrational, that was illogical, that was...wrong? "Ira..."

"Well, I must say this is more of a 'date' kind of restaurant." Elliot replied, seeing his wine being set down by the waitress and taking a sip of it. "But it's a nice place for some good food. I'm also liking your Irish accent, by the way. You should speak like that more often." He then changed subject. "So what have you been doing today besides hanging out with me?"

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Avery Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:14 am

"Um.... The normal stuff. Wandering the street, checking in with the immigrants from the old country," Silas shrugged, not borthering to hide his accent any more. He knew of a few other Irish people in the city, granted they were all old. He tried to make friends with them, hear about reland from them. Most of the time they weren't exactly lucid, though.

Hearing his own name sent a rush of blood into Ira's cheeks. "James?"
His heart was beating hard against the walls of his chest and slowly his hand slid over to feel James' heart, which seemed to have the same harsh pattern under his palm. After a few second, he started to pull he hand away, his face still burning slightly. He was relieved, though, that his father was far away from his mind at this moment.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:23 am

Elliot nodded at what Silas had to say, though to him it wasn't very interesting...Elliot found it pretty nice. "Immigrants? From Ireland? That seems fair enough. Well, pretty cool, I should add."

James was feeling more and more embarrassed as time went on. What was going on with him? Why was he feeling such intense attraction to him? He just wanted to be friends with him! ...Did he? When Ira slowly placed his hand onto his heart, he felt a lump in his throat. Which didn't help his raging heartbeat. When he noticed Ira's tinged cheeks and removed his hand, he wanted to entwined their hands together and kiss him until his tongue and mouth was sore. But he resisted the urge. He was only a boy. He thought what he did was wrong. He needed comfort. Not this lust that James had. "Nevermind."

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Avery Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:31 am

Silas shook his head slightly. "Not really. But I want to hear more about you," Silas said. "Why did you start working at the club?" Silas asked, his head cocked a little.

Ira's breathing was shallow as he finally tore his eyes away. "Okay," he said, laying his head back on James' chest, listening to his slow, systematic breathing. It seemed to calm Ira down a little bit. "Hey James?" He paused. "How old are you?" He realized he still didn't know how old he was. Truthfully, he didn't look that much older than Ira. Ira looked up at him, his eyes slightly curious, but still tinged with slight embarrassment.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:43 am

Elliot sighed a little bit. This kid doesn't know how lucky he's got it. "Well, let's just say I think of it as sorta a career." He shook his head, chuckling softly. "I mother died when I was young, and since my father was a incubus...I never got to know him. So I was pretty much had to sold my body for money since I was 8. I've done everything, prostitution, slavery, name it and I've been a victim to it. And well, since I am a incubus, I've been born to do this stuff."

James kept his eyes on him, keeping his breathing slow so that Ira would be more relaxed. Then again, it was hard to do that when Ira asked him that question. It was a simple question, but it could have so many meaning behind it. "I'm twenty-two."

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Avery Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:49 am

Ira nodded. "I'm nineteen," he said, looking up at him slightly seriously. He wanted to give him the message that he was old enough to be attractive because he felt like he was attracted to James and he didn't want him to think he was a baby. Experimentally, his hand moved back over James' heart, resting there lightly as he laid his head back down, this time in the crook of James' neck.

Silas' eyes widened fractionally s he listed off the things that he had done before. He was slightly shocked, but he knew he shouldn't be. This boy was a sex demon. He was prone to prostitution and slavery. But still, Silas felt bad.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:59 am

James was shocked. Was Ira really nineteen? He seemed so much younger than he just said. So, would it be okay if...? James bit harder on his lower lip to the point he could almost taste the blood of his own. "Well you fooled me." he said jokingly. Trying to still resist the urges he was getting. Nineteen or not, he was vulnerable. He couldn't do even kiss him while he was in this state. "You could've been sixteen for all I knew."

Elliot sighed softly, knowing that in some way he was shocked. But then again, Silas also knew that it was obvious. "I guess you can say I haven't been a virgin since I was 8." he said, chuckling at the upsetting topic for him.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Avery Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:11 am

Ira blushed a bit more deeply and his eyes went down, though a small smile was growing on his lips. He could finally name it. Happiness. The feeling that made a laugh bubble up into his stomach. Something about learning that emotion seemed to put a little part of him at peace. He liked the feeling, too. Like a small child, Ira took James' wrist and pulled his arm over him, shivering s the warmth flooded him. He didn't understand how every touch he'd ever felt seemed to make him ten times warmer.

SIlas' eyes widened a bit more,t his time noticable. He wasn't sure if Elliot was upset about that or not. He really didn't seem like he was. Instead, he knew it was his life and accepted it.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:22 am

James blushed as well as Ira pulled James' arm over him. James common sense went out the window and he pulled him in closer. Embracing the warmth that was Ira. "You're...really cute." he whispered, not knowing if it was even soft enough to be a whisper.

"That's mostly my life in a nutshell." Elliot finished, taking a deep and long breath. "I sleep, eat, go to work, rinse and repeat." Finally their food was brought to them and Elliot raised his wine glass to Silas. "A toast for a wonderful new friendship."

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Avery Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:30 am

Silas toasted him with a wide smile, trying not to pay too much attention to the boys troubked past. he'd be thinking about it later, he knew. He had the tendedncy to overthink things when he was alone. With Elliot, he didn't have enough times to overthink.

Ira blushed a deep red, his eyes dropping slightly, but he didn't move from his spot. "You think so?" He asked, a smaller, more embarrassed smile came onto his lips. "Thanks," he said a bit more softly. "You're pretty handsome," he mumbled, something stopping him from saying it very loud. After all, James was right here so he could probably hear him. He was pulled close to James' body, but he didn't feel shy. He felt... Warm. Happy. Nervous. And other things he couldn't figure out the name of.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:41 am

Elliot smiled and tipped his glass to Silas and took a sip of his wine. After they had dinner Elliot payed the check and they walked out of the place. "Well, anything you want to do now?" he asked, before he noticed that it was getting quite late. "If you want you can go, it is quite late."

"You're welcome." James replied, seeing that Ira was blushing like a tomato. He petted Ira's back softly, noticing how skinny and delicate he was. James then held onto his sides, as if Ira was going somewhere and he didn't want him to. "And thanks."
Can I kiss you?
Can I kiss you?
Can I kiss you?

James did his best to fight off that thought. "Are you feeling better?"

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Avery Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:46 am

(( JARNLSJDNLFK!!!!! *3* ♥ -excitement-))

Ira thought for a minute and then looked at him, his face slightly determined and serious. "Yes. A ton yes." He liked the feeling of James holding onto him like he was. It gave him a sense of security that he hadn't felt since he was a child. It was comforting. "Thank you, James," he said, looking up at him through long eyelashes.

Silas felt bad when Elliot paid, but he didn't have time to overthink. "I'm good with anything. I can probably hail a cab to my apartment later if I need to," he said. "Is there anything you want to do?" He asked, raising one brow.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:57 am


"No problem." James replied, trying his best not to let his lust overtake him when he looked into Ira's eyes. The cost for that though was a little increase of his heartbeat. How long could he keep this up? If he was going to live here with Ira, he could be dealing with this every day. And he just met him today and has gotten to his limit! James was about to break, and he was afraid of what the consequences would be. "Can I tell you something?"

"Hmm," Elliot tapped his finger on his bottom lip, as if he was thinking deeply. "I'm thinking about taking a little walk. Wanna go to the park?"

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Avery Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:05 am

"Sure," Silas said with a nodded. Normally at night he didn't walk. Shadows were plentiful and he could bounce around easily. It was easier for him that way. His eyes were trained on Elliot and his hands went into his pockets.

"Yeah," Ira said, scooting up to they were face to face. James was still olding on to him so he still felt his sense of security. There was a small tingle in his stomach as he realized that James was going to be living here with him. He wasn't sure if it was excitement or not. It was something a little different. nervous, maybe. There was a little bit f happiness there, too. All Ira was certain of was the he was starting to like James.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:15 am

Elliot smiled and began walking to the park that was about a few blocks from where they were. "So, what's your favorite color?" he chuckled as he asked Silas the silly question. "Mine's red, by the way."

James face became tinted a bit when Ira's face was right up to his. He took a deep breath and began to speak. "I...I think we should think this through." he said, shaking his head feeling as though he wasn't making sense. "What I meant to say was...I am having...interest in you. And you're in a very vulnerable state, and...maybe we should just stay friends."

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Avery Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:22 am

Ira nodded once, twirling from the arms the awere wrapped around him seated himself on the other side of the couch. "You're right. I am vulnerable," he said, pulling blanket down so it was covering his legs. Right when he was starting to get used to physical contact, Ira had to do something to ruin it. He sat there, running one hand through his hair quickly, his eyes studying James' face for some sort of approval of his actions.

Silas thought it over. "I've always liked dark blue. Like the color of the sky right before the moon comes up," he said. He smiled wide and wondered if he should show Elliot what he had been thinking about earkier or not.... No, he chose not.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:18 pm

James started to feel bad. Why the hell did he have to go do that?! Ira looked so...upset. Not knowing it, his hand stroked Ira's cheek. Cupping it in his large hand. "I just..." his voice trailed off after he realized he was talking, but he still continued. "...I just don't want to hurt you. It's none of your fault."
It's mine...

"Whoa, nice answer!" Elliot said as he grinned. When they got to the park, they continued to walk and looked at the dark--but lit up--scenery. "So what hobbies do you like to do?"

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Avery Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:39 pm

Ira was surprised by the touch and gasped very quietly. After just a moment, he leaned into the touch slightly, biting his lip. He didn't want to hurt him. He put his hand over James' and gave a quick shrug. "It's fine James," he said, "you're right. I am vulnerable," he finished. He knew it was true, but he had hoped for something different.

"I like to party, but I also like to hang out and chill, I play a lot of music," Silas said, wondering what else he did. "I do some pretty boring stuff," he admitted.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:51 pm

((>.< Ira you're so tempting James!!!))

James knew that he was still upset, so he kept his hand on his cheek. Then, he slowly leaned in towards Ira's face. His eyes locked onto Ira's beautiful lips. What was he doing?! First he broke the kid's heart, then he wants to make out? But while he was thinking, he was getting closer and closer. So, at the last second, he moved his lips up and kissed Ira on the forehead. But James lips and distance lingered on. "I-I'm sorry," James replied, worried for what he thought about what just happened, "I...don't know what came over me."

Elliot smiled at him, interested in what he had to say. "I don't think that's boring." he replied, keeping his eyes on his feet and the sidewalk. "Sounds like you have a fun life sometimes." He then glanced over at Silas for a moment. "As for me, I also play some music. My mother gave me a violin before she passed away. It's something I play nowadays to relax me."

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Avery Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:02 pm

"I play the cello," Silas said with a small smile. Maybe they could play together some day. Wow.... He was so lame. He was here with a boy he had been thinking about kissing and now all he could think about was classical music.

Ira closed his eyes for a minute until his lips were off his forehead. His heart was hammering wildly inside his chest and he deperately wanted it to slow down a little. "Don't apologize," he said, shaking his head slowly. He stretched out on the couch and then crawled back to James. Maybe they could still be friends and be close like this. It didn't mean that they neccesarily needed to be romantic, though James had already said he thought that way. Ira did, too, but he couldn't say anything. "You have nothing to apologize for," Ira assured him.

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by daughteroflight Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:13 pm

SelfProclaimedHeroine wrote:Edgar, worried about Ember, brushed her hair off her face. "It's alright, I'll get you some pain reliever. Just relax for a minute."

Dagger looked over at Ember, concered about her. But she felt like she couldn't do anything. All she could do is ask: "Are you going to be okay, Ember?"
Ember nodded her head slightly so it wouldn't hurt. "Yeah, I think I'll be fine. I've been through worse than just hitting my head."

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:20 pm

Elliot smiled turned softer, wondering for a moment why he was spending so much time with this stranger he met today. And why Silas wasn't using him like all the other men in his life. Maybe Silas was something Elliot should treasure, a valuable friendship. "Very nice," Elliot replied, continuing to look downwards at the sidewalk. "maybe we should play together sometime. Maybe score a couple bucks on the streets playing."

"Thank you," James said with a wryly smile, adjusting himself they both could sit comfortably together. "I just noticed something..." he then looked back towards the T.V. where they had put in the movie. "...I have virtually no clue what's going on in this movie."

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Under the Darkness - Page 8 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:22 pm

Dagger smiled softly at Ember, almost giggling at her comment. But also sad that she had been through worse than hitting her head.

Edgar came back with a glass of water and two pain relievers. "Here, take these." he said to Ember, handing her the water and the pills.

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