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Under the Darkness

Team Sherlock
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:59 pm

Sammy smiled slightly as he watched Daniel and waited for his answer. His smile grew a little as he learned about Daniel not being athletic. It found it a slightly interesting fact. His smile disappeared however when he saw an odd look on Daniel's face. When Daniel stopped, so did Sammy and that's when he grew concerned. He moved so he was standing in front of Daniel and rested his hands on Daniel's shoulders. "What's wrong, Danny? You can tell me," he said softly. He watched Daniel, his expression holding concern.

Derek didn't move his gaze from Peter for anything. In fact, he was starting to find it somewhat amusing that Peter had been keeping eye contact for so long. It was like it had almost become a competition to see who could their eyes on the other longer. His eyes held some surprise when Peter talked. "Really? How long has Nirvana been around then?" He was surprised to find that Peter had grown up there.
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:46 pm

Daniel fought back a lump of ice in his throat and tried to speak. "It's...nothing that important." Though Daniel wanted to be friends with Sammy, he knew that he just met him. And telling someone who was still a stranger telling them about a personal thing such as his past was not a good conversation starter. "The past's the past," he mumbled softly, Daniel then took his hands and grabbed onto Sammy's wrists. Slowly and gently taking Sammy's hands off his shoulders. Daniel unconsciously forgot to let go of his wrists and ended up holding his hands for a long time until he noticed. Once he did though he was not so sure that he wanted to let go.

"Nirvana was said to be a place that has existed since the U.S. was born. That this had been a place where mainly vampires, werewolves, and magical entities hide out. Since then, anybody that's not considered normal can be found here." Peter rested for a minute to take another sip of his wine, then finished. "Reason why I know this is because my family is a large line of pure blood vampires, and have been living here for many years."

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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:16 pm

Sammy continued to watch Daniel, concern still bright in his features. "Are you sure it's nothing? Getting it off your chest might feel better, Danny," he said softly. He had a feeling that Daniel wouldn't tell him anymore than what he already had and Sammy didn't blame him. After all, the two of them were strangers to each other, but he also knew that if Daniel talked about it, it might help. His eyes were locked on Daniel's face. "True, the past is the past, Danny, but like I said, talking helps." Sammy tore his eyes away from Daniel's face to look at his wrists which were in Daniel's hands. He didn't fully mind that Daniel was still holding his wrists. After a moment, his gaze lifted to meet Daniel's.

Derek listened, surprised by the new information about Nirvana. In a way, he was also disgusted by the fact that people like him had had to hide this long, too. "Wow. I never knew this place had been around that long or that people like you and I have been shunned that long. Wait, you're a vampire?" He tilted his head to the side when he realized the information about Peter's family all being vampires.
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:55 pm

((This is the song that I was listening to whilst typing blame the song. Razz

Daniel face began to grimace, the images of his past beginning to flood his mind again. Voices started asking him questions. Why should you tell him? What do you care? Why does he care? He squeezed Sammy's wrists slightly as he fought off his emotions. Fought off what he felt like was reality. The only reason you're spending time with him so you can let off some steam. Daniel didn't want to face this, he wanted to believe that this wasn't true. But he wasn't entirely sure what the truth was, so it could be that very reason. "I just had a bad childhood, that's all." he replied, starting to feel embarrassed that he was about to have a meltdown in the middle of public. "There's a story behind my powers..."

Peter chuckled lightly and brushed a few locks of his long black hair back. "Yes, I am. You don't see people like me hardly anymore; not with all of this new government and scientific experiments that are occurring nowadays." He then withdrew a short breath and continued. "But that's how the world is now. That's why I'm trying to make a change. Even if it means dying in the process."

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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:05 am

((*goes to hunt down earbuds*))

Sammy watched Daniel, becoming even more concerned. The expression on Daniel's face was not one that Sammy liked seeing. His frown deepened slightly. "I'm sorry about you having a rough life growing up, Danny. You want to talk about it some more, tall me the story behind your powers? I'll understand if you don't want to tell me though."

Derek continued to watch Peter, still slightly surprised by all the new information, mainly the vampire factor. He didn't really know much about vampires... "Ah." He started stroking his chin as though he had an invisible goatee. "Don't get pissed at me or anything, but do vampires actually have to drink blood? Are they allergic to garlic? Does a cross kill them?" He tilted his head to the side again, completely curious.
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:41 pm

"It's okay, I'll tell you..." Daniel replied, letting go of Sammy's wrists. He instantly missed the softness and warmth of Sammy's skin though, and wanted to hold his skin again. "...let's just keep walking, though." He gave a wryly smile at Sammy, trying to reassure him that it was going to be okay. At that moment he just realize how much this was scaring or hurting Sammy. But he brushed off the thought. "I...lost my parents when I was very young. So I lived on the streets for a while, then I was sent to this private company's facility. There was scientists who then did...experiments on me, giving me my powers. But I would lose some control sometimes, and...they would punish me for it."

Peter had a slight surprise look on his face, it then transformed into a fit of chuckles and laughs. "Well, I guess I could tell you a few things..." he said, taking a sip of wine before answering Derek's questions. "Yes, vampires must drink blood. But I drink animal blood. I also have a few blood tablets on me in case of emergency. I've never been allergic to garlic. And yes, a cross will kill a vampire such as myself."

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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:20 am

Sammy was relieved to hear that Daniel would tell him what was bothering him, he wanted to be able to make him feel better in some way and it would be easier to do that if he knew what was wrong. After Daniel released his wrists, he he moved by Daniel's side so they could start walking again. He shoved his hands deep in his pockets and watched Daniel, listening closely. As Sammy listened, his lips pulled down into a frown. "I'm sorry, Danny. If I brought up any memories than I'm even ore sorry. I didn't mean to cause you to think about those things," he said softly. He gave Daniel an apologetic look, feeling bad whenever he thought about the fact that he was the one who had probably brought those memories back.

Derek watched Peter and straightened back up, his cheeks turning a slight pink. In all honesty, he was slightly embarrassed for asking such stupid questions, but he was curious and thrilled to get answers at the same time. He had a funny feeling that curiosity could easily be what could kill him someday. "Do you have to sleep in a coffin?" He asked suddenly, wanting to know another odd thing.
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:06 pm

Daniel didn't want Sammy to give him that look. Though he knew Sammy's emotions were genuine, he didn't want pity from anyone when he talked about his past. Because no many times someone told him sorry it didn't make the scars go away. It didn't make the memories go away. It didn't make anything better."It's okay, Sammy." he replied, staring into Sammy's bright blue eyes. "It's not you're fault, really." He noticed Sammy's hands shoved deep into his pockets, and he began to wonder what Sammy was thinking. "I mean, I guess we both have our own problems."

Peter noticed Derek's slight blush, and he wouldn't deny that he thought it was cute. Peter was feeling a slight attraction to Derek. But then again he felt attraction to anyone who was beautiful, and he definitely thought Derek was a handsome man. Though he just met Derek, he felt like he could have a good friendship with Derek. Or maybe more...the world may never know! "No, I sleep in a bed like everyone else." he then gave a flirty smile, feeling mischievous. "Want me to prove it?"

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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Mon Oct 24, 2011 1:57 am

Sammy's eyes stayed glued to Daniel's face and didn't move. He still felt bad about making Daniel remember things he didn't want to and had a small lump of guilt in the pit of his stomach due to it. All he wanted to do was somehow make the memories go away, or he at least wanted to help Daniel push the memories to the back of his head. The only issue with that was that he didn't know how exactly to do that. "Are you sure it's okay, Danny?" Sammy searched Daniel's eyes. "And it kind of is my fault... I'm guessing I was the one who brought the memory to the surface if your brain." He took one hand out of his pocket and ran a hand through his hair, his mind going over ways to make Daniel forget and ways to make Daniel happier. "And I suppose we do."

Derek's eyes stayed on Peter and the gears in his head started turning some. For some reason, he had a feeling that him and Peter could be close friends or even possibly something more. His lips turned up the slightest bit at the thought. He listened as Peter spoke and his eyebrow raised the slightest bit at Peter's last comment. His smile grew and turned crooked. "Yes, I do want you to prove it," he said.
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:41 pm

Daniel grimaced, this was so how he wanted to meet someone. Just be all depressing and make the other person feel bad about themselves and pity him. "Really, it's okay..." he shook his head. "...argh, what do I do to make you stop making that face?!" He actually thought that he was thinking that either than saying it, so he blushed a little when the words left his lips.

Peter mimicked Derek's smile, but with more finesse. "Well I guess we'll have to head to my place after this." he then gave a slight chuckle, looking downwards to sip his drink. But his eyes were still checking on Derek.

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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:54 pm

Sammy smiled the slightest bit and bit back a chuckle when Daniel spoke. "I didn't know I was making a face. I guess I was making a face because I was thinking. Actually, I'll be honest, I was thinking about you. You're my friend, Danny, and I just want you to be happy. Like I don't like seeing you upset or anything and in a way I was wondering how to make you happy," he said. "And I guess I'm sorry for making faces and stuff."

Derek's smile stayed in place and he watched peter. His gaze shifted to his drink as he sipped at it, but before to long he found himself watching Peter through his lashes. He couldn't help it really, after all, he found the man rather intriguing and attractive. After he set his drink down, he found his voice and spoke. "Sounds good to me. And I must ask, right or left side of the bed, Mr. Caine?"
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:44 pm

Daniel blushed and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I just went a little overboard." But then once Sammy's words fully registered into his head, he began to blush even more. "Thanks," he said softly, "I want you to be happy too."

Peter smiled coyly before he spoke. "Left." Soon after that they waiter came up and took Peter's order, which was just a simple Chicken Alfredo. Then the waiter and Peter turned their heads to Derek to respond with his order.

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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:09 pm

Sammy's smile widened a little more when he saw Daniel blush. "It's okay, Danny. And you're welcome," he said gently. When Daniel said he wanted Sammy to be happy, it made Sammy's heart do a small flip. Normally nobody cared about things like that when it came to him. "Well, I'm actually kind of happy that you want me to be happy," he whispered.

Derek's lips curved up even more. "Mmmm, I see." Derek's eyes lifted to the waiter when he came over. "I'll have lasagna," he said. Once the waiter left, his gaze and attention were on Peter again.
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:18 pm

Daniel nodded his head. "I'm glad." he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. When he took his head down, his eyes glanced at his watched and saw the time. "Crap..." he muttered, it was getting late. He needed to get dinner, but he wanted to spend more time with Sammy. The clocks started ticking in Daniel's head. "...would you like to come to my place? I can make you something to eat, if you're hungry."

Peter leaned on the table, as if he was going to tell Derek a secret. Which he wasn't, Peter wasn't the one to deal with secrets. He liked to be forward and honest. It was like vampire chivalry. "You are a thrill to be around, Derek." he said, keeping his chivalrous ways, "At first you were a bit cold to me, but I see that you've warmed up a bit."

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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:09 am

Sammy smiled and watched Daniel. He raised an eyebrow when he said crap, but then his eyes followed Daniel's to his watch. He was surprised by how late it was and hated the idea of leaving Daniel. Slowly his smile widened at Daniel's offer. "Sure, I'd like that," he said softly.

Derek raised an eyebrow when Peter leaned forward and his smile widened even more. He, too, leaned forward some. "Not really, Mr. Caine. You are the one who's interesting and a thrill to be around," he said. "And I tend to be unfriendly to those I don't know and I'm starting to get to know you which is why I'm warming up to you."
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:26 am

Daniel nodded and lead Sammy to his apartment. It was a small apartment, with only one bedroom and bathroom and the rest somewhat combined into one large room, but it was convenient. He opened the door and quickly stepped into the abode. "Make yourself at home," he said, heading towards the kitchen area of the living/kitchen/dining room. "What would you like to eat? I can make anything you want."

"Oh really?" Peter hummed lowly, giving a dark chuckle afterwards. "Good to hear that." He then shortly kept on the mindless chit chat when the waiter came back with their food. Once they were finished, Peter stood up from the chair and asked Derek. "Are you still interested in seeing that I have a bed, Derek?" He then extended a hand to the sitting Derek.

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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:28 am

Sammy looked around him once they were in his apartment, taking in his surroundings. The apartment was similar to his own. His gaze shifted from looking around him to Daniel's face when Daniel spoke. "Whatever you want, Danny, I'm not picky," he said warmly.

Derek smiled, enjoying the mindless chitchat and once their food came he kept his eyes on Peter, keeping them there through the duration of the meal. Once they were finished, he smiled even wider and nodded. "Of course I'm still interested in seeing that you have a bed," he said. He took Peter's hand and stood. "Lead the way, Mr. Caine."
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:51 am

Daniel smiled, searching through the pantry for a small blue box. "Mac n' Cheese it is then." he mumbled, he quickly let the past start boiling and got the cheese sauce going when he looked over at Sammy was still standing. "You can relax," he said, trying to lighten the mood. "there's a couch and a dinner table, you don't have to stand."

Peter smiled as held onto Derek's hand just for a moment longer. "Let's go." He then ushered Derek and himself to the car where he drove them to the penthouse he owned that resides in a luxurious apartment area. Though he had lived in better places, this was something that he could use for now. He led Derek up to the penthouse, opening the door and setting his coat down on a nearby coat hanger. "This is where I live," he stated, before taking Derek's hand and leading him to the bedroom. "and this is my bedroom. See? No coffin." He chuckled at the last part.

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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:59 pm

Sammy's eyes followed Daniel as he went into the kitchen area. He was definitely realizing that he was kind of attracted to Daniel. He didn't want to just relax exactly. After a moment he walked over next to Daniel. For some reason, he could never just sit still. "You need or want help with anything, Danny?" he asked, his eyes trained on Daniel's face.

Once they were in the penthouse, Derek whistled. "Fancy place you have here, Mr. Caine." While he was being led to Peter's bedroom, his eyes traveled around, taking in every detail he could about Peter's home. His eyes trained on the bedroom once they were there and he chuckled softly. "Yeah, I don't see a coffin. But then again, maybe you're hiding it someplace," he joked, his eyes shifting their gaze to peter.
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:21 pm

Daniel shook his head, letting out a small chuckle. He turned off the stove and grabbed two bowls that were beside it and poured him and Sammy some mac and cheese. "Nah, I got it." He handed Sammy a bowl full of warm food and went to go grab him a spoon. "You can go sit at the table, or we can stand here." When he grabbed two spoons, he came back and handed Sammy one spoon. "Sorry if it doesn't taste good." he said, taking his own bowl and spoon and taking a bite out of it. He himself was hungry at least.

Peter laughed at Derek's joke, shaking his head slightly. He then let go of Derek's hand and sat down on the end of his bed. "And where exactly do you think I'm hiding this said 'coffin?'"

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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:52 pm

Sammy smiled and took his bowl. "Ah, okay. Thank you, Danny," he said. "And it's up to you whether or not we sit at the table." Once he had a spoon, he cooped up a glob of orange noodles and took a hesitant bite. He chewed the pasta thoughtfully, debating whether or not he liked it and after a moment he realized he did.

Derek smiled widely, and he instantly missed holding Peter's hand once peter let go and moved. After a moment he shrugged and slightly hesitantly moved to sit next to Peter. "I don't know. maybe in a closet or even in another room."
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:08 pm

Daniel looked up from his bowl to see Sammy taking a bite of the food. "How does it taste?" he asked instinctively. He got butterflies in his stomach for some reason after he got it. It wasn't like he was trying to impress Sammy, was he?

Peter smiled and followed Derek's body when he moved down to sit next to him. He could tell that this situation was making things get suspenseful for him and maybe Derek. But both of them were playing it off well, or at least he was. "Well trust me, there is no coffin in my closet or any other room." After that Peter couldn't take the suspense any longer. Without any hesitation, he pulled a stray hair from Derek's face. Letting his hand linger, just that skin contact alone was making Peter nervous. But of course he was playing coy enough that Derek shouldn't have notice it. He let his eyes travel down to Derek's lips, kissable they looked! "So did you enjoy our little trip together, Derek?"

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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:54 pm

Sammy nodded after a moment. "It taste pretty good actually. You're a good cook, Danny. But, I must ask, what is it? I've never had anything like this before..." Sammy just hoped that he didn't seem stupid for asking such a question, but it was true, he had never had the type of pasta that they were eating. His eyes happened to meet Daniel's and he realized that Daniel looked almost nervous... He had to wonder why.

The suspense was starting to get to Derek, but he tried to keep it from showing. He had a feeling that Peter knew exactly how to get to him... "Hmmm. I suppose I believe you, Mr. Caine," Derek said. His eyes had once more locked on Peter and he could feel his resolve slowly breaking, especially when Peter's hand lingered. "Why yes, I did enjoy our little trip. How about you, did you enjoy our trip, Mr. Caine?" he purred.
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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:27 pm

Daniel quirked an eyebrow, he then blushed a little when Sammy's eyes met his. He quickly turned his gaze to his bowl, mixing around the mush with his spoon. "It's just boxed mac n' cheese." he replied, taking another bite before speaking again. "Nothing special really...for me, at least." He then set down his bowl and spoon on the counter and let out a stretch. "Oi, my back." he said aloud. He remembered that he was lifting heavy boxes today when he was moving out of his old home. His muscles were screaming at him!

Peter's body was set on fire when Derek's voice purred like that. It was like velvet, pure silky velvet. Oh, and those lips! He couldn't take his eyes off of them. "Well..." a devious thought popped into Peter's mind. Just imagining the softness of Derek's lips on his was driving him insane! He just had to have a taste. He leaned a little closer to Derek, letting his lingering hand cup Derek's face. Peter's thumb was right below Derek's lips, pressing on Derek's chin. He leaned in closer, until his lips barely brushed Derek's. " about I show you how much I enjoyed it?"

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Under the Darkness - Page 18 Empty Re: Under the Darkness

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:46 pm

Sammy took another bite, still chewing carefully and kept his eyes on Daniel. Once he swallowed he tilted his head to the right. "Mac n' cheese? Never heard of it before. Why do they call it mac n' cheese when it's only noodles and cheese?" His eyes held the bright curiosity of a four year old. When Daniel complained about his back, Sammy frowned and set his bowl and spoon on the counter. "Are you okay?" he asked, taking a small step closer to Daniel.

Derek could see it in Peter's eyes, his resolve was slipping and it entertained him slightly to think that Peter was the one who broke down first due to the suspense of the situation. But, the emotion of amusement and being entertained quickly slipped away when Peter cupped Derek's face. His heart seemed to flip slightly and what seemed like butterflies formed in Derek's stomach. He was almost at a loss of words to comment, almost, but he still thought of something to say. "Mmmmm. I am rather fond of that idea, Mr. Caine, please do show."

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