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Untouchable MxT

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:34 am

Trenton glanced at Mika, raising a brow, though he didn't say anything. He just looked back over to Drew and gave a small, respectful nod. He kept his hand around Mika's, his mind racing with thoughts that were tucked away, just like his emotions. At least until Drew was gone.


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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Momo13 Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:35 am

Mika watched as drew sighed and left the two of them. He walked further and further away, disappearing into the trees until he couldn't be seen. Mika sighed when he left and turned to Trenton. She burrowed her face in his chest and held back tears that wanted to come. She still verymuch loved drew to some exstant, but she didn't know how she did. She could never be with him. Not like she could with Trenton. And she loved Trenton with all her heart. She just didn't realize how much it would hurt to see drew again. And it hurt her a lot to see him.

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:08 am

Trenton sighed, wrapping his arms around her as he held her close, his eyes fading back to their usual silvery grey. He rubbed her back gently, unsure of what to say. His eyes looked back at the place where Drew had disappeared, and his heart broke slightly as he realized that Mika still loved that man. He stayed quiet.


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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Momo13 Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:58 pm

Mika hugged him tightly. "I love you Trenton." she felt the need to say those four words. To reassure him that she was forever his. "I love you so much." she couldn't explain with words what she felt for him. "And I want nothing more than to be your mate." she wanted to be forever his. To forge about the council and drew and benders in general and just be with him.

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:29 pm

Trenton hugged her back tightly, kissing the top of her head, his heavy heart seeming to get lighter just by her words. "I love you too, Mika. More than I could ever begin to tell you," he said softly. His eyes fell back on the trees where Drew had disappeared to before falling back on Mika. He rubbed her back gently and took a deep breath. "Am I suppose to tell them what to do when they get here?"


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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Momo13 Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:01 am

Mika nodded slowly. "But lets not thikng about that right now. They'll be coming soon enough. I dont want to spend whatever alonetime we have right now thinking about more benders coming to help." She wanted to be with him, have him hold her and care for her. She didnt think it was that much to ask for. Just to be held.

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:09 am

Trenton sighed and gave a small nod. "Alright," he murmured. He watched her for a long moment before he tipped her chin up and ducked down to kiss her. It was probably the most loving kiss he had ever given her, the kiss almost seeming as though it was an attempt at comfort and reassurance.


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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Momo13 Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:13 pm

Mika kissed him back passionately, standing on her tip toes to get as close to him as her height would allow her. She wanted to be close to him, to know that he was there.
A slight cough came from behind them, and Mika dropped down from the kiss. She turned to see on shore stood a very familiar ginger.
"Ginger?!" She asked, her long time friend standing there. "How...what...when...?"
"been a bender for longer than you have been born, love." The curly haired girl looked over at Trenton. "I see you found yourself a new love...." MIka blushed lightly and took trentons hand. "So, Why are we here, Mi?"

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:18 pm

Trenton stared at the girl, amazed by the color of her hair. He blinked a few times, not really comprehending what she said. He glanced down at Mika as if he was asking for help in what to say, like he had lost all concept of the word "talk".


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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Momo13 Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:27 pm

MIka laughed lightly at Trenton's reaction to Ginger. "What do we need the benders to do?" She asked him softly, looking up at him. out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ginger standing there, one hip out slightly with one leg bent and her filing her nails. Such a Ginger pose, mika thought slightly. Such a pose she saw her friend use everyday at school.

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:35 pm

Trenton blinked a few times and looked back at the girl. "Um," he blinked another few times trying to collect his thoughts. "The cities," he said, letting go of Mika and walking to the bag he had put together. He pulled out a map and looked at the girl with red hair. "The ones in red are the next target for the shadows...I can't make it to each of them."


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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Momo13 Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:50 pm

Ginger nodded and looked down at the map. "Alright. Drewy and I, with our backup, can handle this." Mika looked at her friend at the name she called her ex. It burned at her inside a bit, angering her that her best friend would dare call the man she once loved, and still loved, by that nickname.
Ginger coughed violently a couple times and her pale skin lost even more color as mikas rage grew stronger. Mika gasped and moved away from her and back deep into the water. She didn't understand how this could happen.

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:59 pm

Trenton watched carefully for a moment, his eyes flickering between the girl with strange hair and Mika. "Are you alright?" He asked the girl, his brow furrowing. He looked around, his eyes turning black as he scanned for shadows that might be harming her.


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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Momo13 Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:12 am

Mika justed kept backing away from her best friend, hoping distance would stop what was happening. "Get....get her to touch the water!" She shouted to trenton, trying to keep her distance. How could this be happening? She wasnt even touching the girl.
"Not ginger...please not ginger...." She whispered to herself, watching her best friend continue to cough.

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:18 am

Without a second thought Trenton was out of the water and in two strides had caught Ginger up with one arm. He quickly walked back, setting her into the water, being careful to not touch her with both hands. His eyes searched her face as he waited the the water to start taking its affect on her, his eyes flickering between Ginger and Mika.


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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Momo13 Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:51 pm

Mika watched as her coughs slowly stopped. mika fell down to her knees in the water and held her head in her hands. How could this be happening? She could feel gingers energy leave her and come into mika before trenton brought her into the water. How? This wasnt right. not at all.

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:24 pm

Trenton brushed Ginger's hair from her face and made her look at him. "You alright? Just breathe easy, nice and slow. There you go," he said softly, almost in a big brother way. He was use to taking care of people, it's what he did. He looked over at Mika and then back to Ginger. "Just keep breathing," he told her before going over to Mika and getting down to her level, which was slightly hard to do. "Mika? You alright?"


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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Momo13 Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:31 pm

Mika shook her head slowly. "I...I drained her energy without touching her." she said slowly, tears welling in her eyes. "I hurt her. My best friend. Because I was mad at what she called drew." she cried softly into her hands. Her worst nightmares were coming true. She was becoming a monster.

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:37 pm

Trenton pulled her into his arms, shushing her gently. "Hey, it was an accident, it's alright. You just haven't learned how to control it yet, that's all. It's alright," he murmured gently, kissing her temple as he did so. "Just calm down." His eyes flickered over to Ginger to make sure she was alright, then back to Mika as he held her.


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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Momo13 Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:40 pm

Mika just cried in his arms. Why her? Why this curse?
"Hey, it's alrigh' love. No harm done." ginger told her soothingly, her southern like acent coming out. Mika always found it weird that a girl who supposedly never lived down south had an accent. But she now realized that Ginger could have lived anywhere.

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:55 pm

Trenton glanced up at Ginger and gave her a smile of thanks at her attempt to help comfort Mika, then went back to whispering comforting and soothing things to her as he held her in his arms. "Just breathe, Mika," he murmured quietly as he rubbed her back, rocking her gently. He didn't know what else to do besides hold her until she had gotten herself calmed down.


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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Momo13 Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:02 am

Mika slowly calmed her shaky breaths and slowly wrapped her arms around him. Drew had arrived on the waters shore again and looked out at the three. This time others where behind him. Jason, Danielle, Veronica, and a handful of other benders that Mika didn't know.
"You should tell them what you told ginger." mika said softly.

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:11 am

Trenton nodded as he continued to hold her, his eyes turning black before turning to face them. He looked down at Ginger and then at the group of guardians, taking a deep breath. He set Mika down and walked over to them, picking the map up from the shore as he looked down at them all. "You are here to help?" He asked, his deep voice echoing like it always did.


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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Momo13 Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:06 am

Drew nodded slowly and looked over at the somewhat broken Mika who sat in the water. "Is she alright?" He asked softly. He could tell she had been crying. Why? Why was his mika crying? He looked at Ginger who just shook her head.
Veronica coughed softly and inturupted his thoughts. "Hea, we are here to help." She pushed her black hair out of her face and looked at the tall guy who stood in front of them.

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Untouchable    MxT - Page 5 Empty Re: Untouchable MxT

Post by Guest Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:24 pm

Trenton's brow furrowed as he looked down at Drew. "She's learning that there is more to her powers than she scares her," he glanced down at the map, knowing it would not be good to keep things from Drew. Even if Trenton did love her, Drew was Mika's first friend, the one who had saved her from her life. He had seen bits of it from her own mind. He held out the map for them to see, taking a deep breath. "There is a war in this world that has been spreading. It is now escalated to new heights, and I believe he, the man behind all this, is getting ready to make his first official stand. These cities, all except for the one here," he pointed to the shadow realm, "need protected. I can't be in every place at once, even though it is my duty to protect this world, it is my calling. I will be going here," he tapped the shadowed realm again. "These cities in red are to be the first targeted."


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