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The Boarding School Chat

Ale J.
Jacky K.
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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:49 am


I listened to everyone else talk, still not quite sure what else I had to say... if I had to say anything else at all.

And then this happened, and I nearly like... flipped a table or something I don't even

"Good evening, Students. At this point in time, I would find it appropriate if you departed from your dormitories and proceeded downstairs to dinner. If you do not consume food at this juncture, you will be expected to suffer the night without. That is all." ... it was like... Mr.Face... in the sky or something... he was here, but he wasn't... in the room... if that made sense.

I was suddenly...kind of... freaking out.

A lot. I looked at Peter and Cricket kind of all like....'holy Internet what do'.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:05 am


I was about to answer Marley to agree that it wasn't her fault when I heard the PA system on the guys' end start up. That voice was...strange. Just the tone, and the word choice... Then the announcement was done.

"...Oh..." Peter said. "Oh...oh gods no... Tell me that didn't sound like Mr. Face..."

Now that...that was a name I recognized. He was the dictator of Auda--I'd even seen him before. And come to think of it, that voice had matched what little blurry memory I possessed of the incident pretty well. What would he be doing here? How did he get here? did seem that a lot of fantastic coincidences were happening in these schools. So maybe...?
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Black&White Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:26 am

...there was a homocidal dictator running this school. Nice research, Grayson, seriously...and you wanted a kid... HA. Then again, maybe he planned this as such so i wouldnt feel the need to like...kill someone everyday in this prison.
I hear some freaking out and disbelief off from some other room, but i was just very....amused... This place finally got interesting, thank /some/ higher being. Like /Face/. WHAT a laugh. Damn, this might actually be alright now!
"Dinner, rommate?" i prepose, getting up from the bed, usual smirk back on my face. Yes. Not only that, but fuck yes. This school just got /amazing/.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Banshee Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:25 pm


"I quite like him actually...his work is-" I started to say but froze when I heard the announcement. Mr. Face... was here.....oh....I could tell right now this was going to involve mass murder. Yaaay..........


"I like to play the piano...I don't really get the chance to at home." I said, gesturing to the sheet music I had brought. Then I guess...the headmaster? Made the announcement for dinner. " we go down?"


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Kid.Icarus Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:09 pm


Dinner. Finally. I was hungry. I wondered what the cafeteria was serving today, but I suppose it didn't matter, I'd eat almost anything.
Even I had to admit though, the headmaster's tone was... unnerving. Though verbose and concise, that was nice. Whoever this guy was, he got to the point. I liked that.
I swung my legs off the bed, sitting up, and stood. I headed out the door and started down the hall, not bothering to check if Will followed, nor even really caring.


"Piano? Cool." I said, smiling. "I never really learned how to play any instruments," I shrugged. "Not my forte, I guess. But it's cool that you can do that." I offered him another smile.
Then an announcement.
"Dinner? Heh... that guy doesn't seem like he was joking." I stood up. "I guess we should start heading down, if we don't wanna go the night without food." I chuckled and headed out the door, pausing until he followed.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Banshee Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:13 pm


I tugged at my sleeve, following. "My mother taught me how to play when I was younger," I said. Than man's voice was slightly unnerving... I had to admit. "Nice hair... by the way..."


I got, throwing my dog eared copy on the bed and followed him out of the room. One thing I had noticed was that he painted all the spines black of his books. " you like to paint?"

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:50 pm


Perhaps I felt myself tense up as soon as that first phrase cut through the air from nowhere. Mr. Face. Tell me that wasn't Mr. Face.

I didn't have to voice that thought, because Peter took the words right out of my mouth. The question hung in the air like a spider dangling from a web, that I would just as soon pretend didn't exist than answer. So, I just sighed.

Slowly, I sauntered to the door, pausing to glance over my shoulder at the hair-shadowed figures that were my my friends. "Oi my my. Never thought I'd feel too reluctant about going t' dinner, but . . . Shall we, any'ow?"


Mr. Face. Oh bother. I shook my head like that would clear it, the way doing that gets water out of your ears after a swim. I probably didn't hear that voice quite right. Coincidence, aye?

Then I looked at my roommate.

Something about his expression told me that he knew very well who just called an announcement, and didn't mind at all. Alright. This guy was crazy. "Ah, aye. Dinner," I said, face as neutral as I could make it. I started reluctantly to the door.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:26 am

Was that...? The phrasing and tone and general creepiness... I couldn't form a coherent thought. And I almost didn't say it out loud, until the guys on the other end confirmed I wasn't going totally crazy.

Mr Face. Mr-freaking-FACE was running Peter, Cricket, and T.Mor's school?! For a moment I froze, then ran to my bag and grabbed my skullcap, sweeping all my hair up under it.

"I'll be right over, guys." Okay, it's not like I could help them if it really /was/ the faceless creep, but I figured The Four would have a better chance than The Three Quarters of the Four. Plus, I'd rip my hair out with stress wondering if they were okay or not.

Now I just gotta find pants... a skirt miiight be a little suspicious...


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:45 am


"Marley, that's a terrible idea," Peter said. "For one thing, it'd be pretty darn obvious you don't belong. For another, think about how tightly Mr. Face runs things. Something tells me you'd be found out quickly, at which point I don't even want to know would happen.'s not like he's done anything yet..."

...Yet... This was the guy that had held Peter hostage and tortured him for information. This was the guy that had Peter thrown in prison for no reason other than being able to torture him again. And now he was apparently running the school Peter was attending...

...Like hell I trusted him!
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Bells Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:50 am


I glanced at Marley, totally agreeing with her decision to get over there. I mean, all of them with Mr. Face, not the best arrangement in the world.

"I'm coming too," I said, ignoring Peter's obvious disapproval.

After all, it wasn't like I was staying here when everyone I knew was over there. Then a thought hit me, if Mr. Face was at their school.. possibly in charge, then who was in charge of our...

"Um does any-"

" Welcome all," A voice interrupted, the familiar tone sending chills down my spine. "I expect that by this time all students have located their rooms and met their fellow classmates. Now it is time to report to the dinning hall for dinner, this is the only time I will announce this. Those having arrived by the set dinner time will find the doors locked, and should expect to go without dinner. That said, have a nice evening. "


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Sat Jan 14, 2012 12:59 am


I heard an announcement over the intercom about going to get food. Food... sounded like a good Idea. The guy at the mic was kind of creepy and verbose, kind of reminded me of I didn't even know, a dictionary with a licence to kill or something. That part about the killing was probably just a hallucination or something, some kind of psychotic projection or something... Whatever. I'd worry about it if I saw any unsettling events.

I wondered briefly if I should go armed with my lantern or not. I glanced at the sky outside the window. It wasn't TOO bad. Maybe we'd get back upstairs before it got too dim.

Maybe I'd just go scout around for things to light a lantern WITH. "Uhm...Alexander... I'm going to go eat. You wanna come with me?" I asked as I picked up my lantern and went to stand by the door.

It kind of sounded like there was someone walking around outside the door... I could hear their feet on the floor--- WAIT. This was a school... students walked around schools.... Especially at dinner time... no issues here, no sir.


"if... if he finds you guys... It... I don't... this isn't uhm... good for... you I mean... uhm..." I stated, which was kind of already quite clear, but I mean.... I, yeah.

"We should probably... uhm... start uhm...downstairs..." That sounded weird to me, and I had to stop on my way over to the door after I'd realised that I was suggesting that we go deeper. Deeper was always bad. ...Maybe I was just too...uhm, used to the cellblocks... but... going more down... was just... It was kind of freaky.

I just didn't want to get in trouble on my first day here... I mean, my arms were still kind of not all the way scabbed over from work that one time last week.... I didn't need more of that.

I glanced back over at Peter and Cricket and the fone. Even though the fone couldn't see me... technically. "uhm... yeah.." I tacked on to my previous statement about thirty seconds too late for it to have any meaning I said. uhm. Yeah...

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Jacky K. Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:26 am


I had a thought, just a couple seconds before I heard something on the other end about Marley having a terrible idea. The thought was that of course, Marely was going to try to make her way over here, which, there probably wasn't any stopping her. "Wait! Pardon." I spun around to face the talking button thing. "Not that I wouldn't be 'appy t' see you, but I swear, Marley, if I catch anything resembling a blonde lass sneaking around th' campus..." I trailed off, hearing a mumbling of some other creepy voice through the speaker. Talker. Phone thing. Whatever you call it.

Resisting the urge to announce that I'm running over there, like a hypocrite . . . resisting . . . the urge . . .

T.Mor reminded us we'd better get downstairs.

"Oi my my . . . a'right, then, lassie . . . lasses, as a matter o' fact. Stay safe, a'right? No stupid moves until further notice, and in th' meanwhile, we'd all better make like Jesus and get th' 'ell out o' 'ere. T' dinner. B'fore Mr. Face kills us t' death for daudling."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:39 am

Just as I was about to make an incredibly though out and intelligent comment about how I could totally pose convincingly as a boy no matter what, just with a little wardrobe change and what not... when... yeah. That lovely voice over the intercom.

We are all so screwed... my eyes flashed with irritation. "Alright, alright, change of plans then... er..." I frowned "D*** it..."


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Sat Jan 14, 2012 2:25 am


"Mr. Face and The Dark Lady," Peter said with a tired sigh. "Great. Spectacular."

"The Dark Lady...?" I asked.

"Ask your dorm-mates. And on that note, we should all get going if we want to eat tonight. Bye for now."

"Um, talk to you later..."

Sounded like we had a bad school-head over here, too... Fantastic. This sure was going to be an interesting mission. ...Provided we all got out alive... No, no, I wasn't going to think like that. We were going to be fine. And nothing would happen, and no one would die... We weren't going to lose anyone...

...We...we weren't...!
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:02 pm


Well...Hearing that they had the Dark Lady in charge was...kind of...bad news... I wondered if all people who ran schools hadonce been homicidal...uhm...people who...were...homicidal.

Sarah said that she would talk to us all later, and I couldn't think of anything else to add to that that would make any sense...So I just went: " too..." about the whole... talking to them later...thing. Yeah.

I started out the door as they finished up with their talking... because I didn't want us all getting in trouble on the first day...I figured that if we just followed all the other kids to where they were going, that we'd end up where the food was eventually. Not that I was actually hungry...I mean...I just ate yesterday.

It was kind of like being at work in a weird way, all the people leaving their dorms to eat were wearing the same a guard uniform, but without the black...or the masks... you get the idea. ...probably... I went down the flight of stairs we came up when me and Peter were searching for our room, and everyone was going into this hall with big doors and lots of long, wooden tables. That was probably it, then. I waited outside to make sure that everyone was still with we could sit together.

Last edited by Invisimort on Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:43 pm; edited 2 times in total

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Jacky K. Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:09 pm


I followed after T.Mor, doing a good job of focusing on the free food part of the deal, rather than the fact of Mr. Face. Those were a lot of tables. That meant a lot of food. Mmm. Food.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Jacky K. Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:38 pm


I followed the crowds of people until I reached a huge room. Tables everywhere, people everywhere, but I didn't see Cricket in the mix. It was so much easier to spot him in Luna, where I just had to look for the little black dot among the blondes. Alright. Wait a moment . . . aye, I found him! Wait, no, that was some other Outlander kid. Wait a moment. No . . . aye! I found him for real, this time. Over with T.Mor and the rest. I started making my way over.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:04 pm

Quietly, I follow my roommate to the dining hall, moving aside at the entrance and leaning against the wall by the door. 'Social interactions'. Bullshit... Cooly, I glance at all of the guys moving around, vaguely see my roomie join some other group that was vaguely familiar to me... The stuttering twig and the loud one's boyfriend... And the third guy they usually hung out with...
Suddenly feeling sort of isolated, though I didn't really acknowledge it. WA certainly wasn't here... I half wondered if the loud one's boyfriend was here, if the loud one's brother was as well. Dorian would at least be a familiar face, though what the fuck was the point? I had to be one of the youngest here...

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Kid.Icarus Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:23 pm


"Your mom taught you? Cool." I said to him as we walked down the stairs. "And thanks." I told him, grinning; At least somebody liked my hair.

I took out my phone as we walked and typed up a text to Margo.
---Heading to dinner. Headmaster said that we don't get to eat if we're late, can't tell if he was joking or not, wonder what that's about.
Also, My roommate likes my hair. He seems a nice enough guy. : )

We got to the cafeteria and wondered where I could sit. I suppose I could just grab a seat at some unoccupied table once everyone's settled, but the point of the mission /was/ to make friends, so I could tell them about souls.


More stupid questions. Whatever, I was sharing a room with the guy, I guess the least I should do is answer his question.
"Paint? No. Not particularly." I never was the artsy type.

I reached the cafeteria. I wondered if we just sit and they give us the food, or if we had to suffer through lunch lines.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Banshee Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:59 am


We reached the cafeteria. I had no clue what to do or where to sit. I had always sat with Will...or my cousins...not that I really cared for any of them. Maybe for once there'd be no talk of death at the table.... >.<


"Oh.." I said awkwardly, what was with the books then? I didn't pry though, instead looking for my brother. many people....just look for the guy standing awkwardly in a corner. Well....there was that one guy...but that wasn't him.


(Okay, so I'm gonna put her in...figured out a way to do that)

I hadn't even gotton here and they were announcing dinner, well...this was going to be a fantastic school year. So here I was, about to be late, and I did what I could do, run. I ran down the hallway in the stupid skirt, this was why they weren't practical. number...another number...that wasn't mine. GAH! I HAD MADE A WRONG TURN! I turned and ran back the other way, trying not to trip as I did.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:27 am

soooo.... there was the call to dinner by some posses off lady who woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something...
I put the knitting down and stand, smoothing out the skirt. I hadn't eaten since breakfast, my parents not stopping in the drive until we got here. Like they really wanted to get rid of me or something, but that was just the way they were about long trips.
"Dinner then, Ana?" I question, giving a.little smile.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Banshee Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:21 pm


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:46 pm


It wasn't technically my turn to eat... but since EVERYONE was suppoused to be going down to dinner according to the lady who was fone.

"Sure... Not really hungry, but whatever." I put down my combat boots and got up to go with her to wherever dinner was going to be.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Bells Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:41 pm


I stared at the phone, a bit reluctant to say goodbye. I mean sure, I knew Marley ..and if he knew Peter then I guess Sarah was okay, but... I would rather be on the other side of the phone with someone I knew a bit better. Sighing I rubbed my wrist lightly, glancing at tbhe door to our room. No matter what I wished, we were here which meant we had to go down to eat.

...where The Dark Lady is...

"Bye...." I murmured, eyes flickering back to the phone.

I would have to get one of those, or...borrow that one. If I couldn't be there, it'd be nice to at least talk to him.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 9 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Banshee Sun Feb 05, 2012 7:21 am


I poked my head in my room, seeing there was no roommate, I walked in. Well...there was her stuff....and I saw three people in the next room. "Er...Hi?" I said, giving a small wave. "I'm Autumn, which one of you is Sarah?" They all seemed to be around a phone...whoops...hope I haven't interrupted anything.

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