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The Boarding School Chat

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:48 pm

"Oh, um. My grandmother was big into this stuff. She'd make blankets and mittens and stockings and shiz. Mom took all of this for the memories when she passed, and I just decided to do something with it rather than leave it in our basement," I explain in a quick little rant-type-thiinnggg while fidgeting with the needles to get set up for another row.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:25 pm


Well, inheritance was one of the best ways to get things... that was true. "Oh. That was smart of you." I commented politely. I watched her mess with her needles... probably she was going to start doing something with them.

I went back to my work on my combat boot, I was trying to patch the leather in a way that wouldn't make it too noticeable that it had been patched... which was kind of hard to do when I only had duct tape and my hands to work with. I'd decided to tape up the inside first and then see what I HAD to deal with on the outside, and then paint it with black sharpie, so that the shiny grey duct tape ness wouldn't be so noticeable. I was classy like that.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:59 pm

Now, let's see... next on the line of Twenty Questions... "You a morning or a night person?" I ask, because was important to know, wasn't it? Didn't want to go skipping around at night if she'd completely hate me for it.

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Post by Banshee Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:05 pm


"Um...I like Poe, and Hawthorne, and I like Dickens, Twain's good too...." I said, listing off some of the authors I liked. Reading was one of my favorite things to do, I wondered if there was a piano here....I never got the chance to play at home.


Aalllrriigghhhttyyy then....I sighed, streatching out on my bed. I picked up the worn poe copy and went back to reading

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:15 pm


That was a weird question. I normally was kind of weird on my schedule, because I lined it up to be sleeping while my brother was at work. So... I'd be sleeping all night one night, or all morning the next... And some days he was at work for like two whole days, so I could sleep whenever and not have to worry about him waking me with his screaming.

I didn't understand why he couldn't just shut up while he was sleeping. Seriously. It wasn't HARD.

"Uhm... I don't know, actually. I am used to sleeping when my brother isn't home. So... as long as you aren't loud when I'm sleeping, it shouldn't be an issue." I said finally.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:30 pm

"Oh. Alright," I say. "I'm more of a night person, then." Which is never good for school, getting up at insane hours and crap... Ugh, was /not/ looking forward to school again... summer was so nice...
"Any questions for me?" I was never good at Twenty Questions....

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:36 pm


"Like I said, as long as you aren't loud... I don't mind." I re stated after she said that she was a night person.

Hmm. Questions for her. "What part of the city do you come from?" I asked. I was kind of figuring that she wasn't in the Cardboard slums or the Burnouts because she had a basement, but I had to ask. Of course, there was always the possibility that she didn't come from Auda at all, but from that crazy SInk Pump place, which would just be weird... I didn't know if I could room with an anarchist.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:17 pm

Erm...trick question? "Warwick, Rhode Island...?" I state in a question. City? Nation...? Whatever, it's the basic question of 'where do you live', I got that at least. "Er... you?"

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:25 pm


I had never heard of Warwick or Rhode Island. "Auda, the Brownstones." I told her with a grin on my face. I lived in the best part of the city... except for the proximity to the fires. Most expensive part of the city. I was happy about that. I had a right to be didn't I?

"Where is Rhode Island? Is it out past SInk Pump?" I asked her uncertainly. I didn't know much about where places were.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Kid.Icarus Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:27 pm


Y'know... I normally like silence. Like, actual silence, when nobody else is around to bother you, and you can just drown out the world.
But not this silence... I hate this silence, THIS is awkward silence. I. HATE. Awkward. Silence.
I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling.

"Vladimir Nabokov."

I nodded slowly. "I see. Not really a fan of them, but if that's your thing..." I shrugged. "So, what else do ya do?" It was important to get as much info about this guy as I could. Margo and I were here to recruit, I had to remember that. So I needed to befriend this guy before I could spill the beans about souls and all that.
He didn't seem like too much of a bad guy, least not at first glance, though I guess you never could quite tell.
But I'm sure this won't be too hard.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Ravyn Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:30 pm

Kaya: Finally i'd managed to get everything unpacked except for basic stuff that went in the bathroom. The door was not hard to find. I set my stuff on my lap and wheeled myself over, maneuvering through the door and into the bathroom, going and setting my stuff off in an inconspicuous area, leaving plenty of room for everyone else to leave whatever they needed to. I spotted the door that connected the bathroom to the room of my neighbors, and heard voices filtering through. My roommate still hadn't showed..... maybe i should attempt to get to know my neighbors...? It wouldnt be a bad idea.... i mean, we WERE going to have to share a bathroom..... I maneuvered my way over to the door and hesitantly knocked, a little nervous and wondering what they'd be like. But for better or worse, i was going to meet them eventually. May as well get it over with now.

(So, i've been informed that Margo and Nike have no neighbors yet....? Perhaps Kaya can fill that position? I need to get her back in here somehow..... >.O)

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:30 pm

"It's in America," I say rather slowly. Hm. This was an interesting case. "United States of America." You know... that giant place that's one of the superpowers of the world... Yeah, that one.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:39 pm


I have never heard of America. Or for that matter, The United States of America. "Never heard of it. Is that outside of Procrasti?" I asked uncertainly. This was very very strange.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Jacky K. Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:57 pm


I was about to assure Peter that I would survive, but then I heard something about other people somewhere else. "Oi my my. Th' gang's all 'ere!" I said apon hearing Marley and Danae's names, staring at the little magical voicebox device. "Ah, well, theoretically. But still! Coincidence, much? 'ello, mysterious and magical voicebox device that might some'ow make talking t' you all possible!"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Jacky K. Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:05 pm


"Mhm, that's it. And yours? Unless I'm still not allowed t' talk t' you. In that case, just ignore me." I eyed him right back, but not without a slight smile. Was he normally this . . . not happy? He looked and sounded just like a cat that'd been forced to take a bath.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:14 pm


"...Damian Wayne," I say to him, my eyes traveling to the raven. "And if that bird so much as touches me, I'm killing it." Eh, symbolism right? Couldn't kill Tim, couldn't kill Chelsea, let's kill a bird. I sort of liked the plan, but the only factor out of it would be the lack of weapons. Grayson went through my bag before Alfred took it without me realizing. A stupid slip up. Should've hollowed out the soul of one of these shoes for at least a pocket knife... I could improvise, though.

***note to self: dont put Damian in metal shop.....

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:50 pm

"Peter?! T.Mor?! Cricket?!" I called into the phone with a grin, my eyes lighting up "How the heck...? Honestly, I don't care. Just glad you're here. Hi!" Still couldn't believe this was happening. I mean, how did Cricket get away from Luna, and T.Mor from Auda? This was just... so many kinds of crazy on so many levels...


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:56 pm


"Hi...Marley...! Uhm... I'm... not wearing... combat boots... and...and neither is Peter...and... it's...weird." I told her. Not sure why, but I did. It wasn't particularly important or anything, but... there it was.

I waited for someone else to say something. Me and video calls weren't particularly good together... I don't think... even if there...was uhm.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:04 am


I found T.Mor's comment about combat boots kind of amusing in a weird way.

"This is insane," I said. "Really... Glad it's happening, though. Oh, by the way, since we're all talking, if any of you guys hear anything about the Sybek, could you let the team know? It's why we're here."

"Wait, what?" Sarah asked, sort of talking over my last few words. "They know about...?"

"Everything. Don't question it."


He was always telling me not to question it...whatever "it" happened to be at the time... Don't question it, don't question his orders... Okay, that last part was admittedly important. But still...
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:09 am


"Aye, a'right," I said, still staring at the phone thing. "Sybek, lovely. Don't you people ever go someplace just t' go there, or is it always something t' do with duties t' th' multiverse?"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:15 am


That Cricket guy had a funny accent... I kind of liked he sound of it, though. I dunno, just something about it was amusing.

"Ah, we get 'breaks' every once in a while," Peter answered. "Of course, I spend all mine looking for...yeah."

...Yeah? What was that supposed to mean? Did they know? It sounded like they did... Why did they know more than I did? They weren't even bonders! They weren't on his team... Why would he tell them more than he'd tell us? No, forget that, Senet and Nike both seemed to know. But he was always so closed, so secretive.

Why didn't he ever tell me anything?

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:16 am; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:15 am

"On it like butter on toast, Pete. Oh, and if Dor or Alex get all up in your face, you have my full sisterly permission to kick their butts, awesome soulbonder style."

I nodded, though I knew he couldn't see. Er... wait. Crap. I was kind of avoiding mentioning the 'Oh yeah, I'm related to the homicidal creep in Peter's dorm' thing in front of Sarah case she got... I dunno, suspicious of me for some reason.


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Bells Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:25 am


I wasn't really sure what to say, glancing at Marley and Sarah, then back to the phone thing. My hand found my wrist, rubbing it in my nervousness, still having no clue why I was this nervous.

I mean, I was pretty sure I could trust my dome mates if Peter trusted them, it wasn't like I was dormed with who Peter ended up....I mean..I've met Dorian before, and I didn't particularly like all. Not a good guy.

Hesitating I glanced at the others, then went ahead and said what I wanted to. " You'll be careful...right, Peter?"

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:38 am


Marley had said "soulbonder"... must have been true. They really did know everything... Peter gave Marley an affirmative answer, though I didn't really pay attention to it; Danae had started rubbing her wrist again. Must've been a nervous habit... She certainly seemed nervous. Then she spoke.

"Of course," Peter answered. It may have just been me, sounded like something had been a tiny bit different in his tone right there, some kind of quality he didn't normally have when speaking. I couldn't place it, and it was small enough that I may have been completely imagining it anyway. Was I just reading too much into things?

And...wait a moment.

I turned to Marley. "Did you just say that Dorian is your brother...?" And who was this Alex guy? There was another one?
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 8 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:45 am

"Half brother, if you really wanna get technical" I said sheepishly, my daze darting to the floor. Meh, that secret lasted thirty seconds. Ug... "But... in my defense, it's not like I actually chose to be related to to the creep..."


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