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The Boarding School Chat

Ale J.
Jacky K.
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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Jacky K. Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:51 am


Well. Now that that was settled . . . it was too quiet. Quiet meant I was alone with my thoughts, which at the moment revolved around sharing a room with a homocidal brother-of-my-girlfriend, which involved death and Marley, two words that should never be together in the same thought train. I was strongly resisting the urge to fill the silence with talk, which . . . lasted about two minutes or so.

Waitamoment. I had friends on the other side of that door over there!

I swung myself away from the wall and rolled off the bed to standing. "A'right, not t' interrupt th' fun, but I've got myself some people t' catch up with. Ta." With that, I walked through the bathroom and whistled a greeting.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:05 am

"Ah... that's good." I wondered if we were both vaguely talking about powers, or if we were on totally different pages. Either way, I just hoped her friend could put up with him. Then I wondered about the other dorm mates, and hoped they knew how to fight, too...


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:16 am


And then I heard a whistle.

I turned and looked towards the door that led to the room with Dorian in it, and was kind of amazed to find... Cricket.

"...Cricket?" I asked him... which... didn't really make a lot of sense, but....whatever. I had another friend here. And... that...that was good. Even if he was staying with a bad guy. "...hi...Why... Why are you... here?"

It was kind of weird to see Cricket in a uniform... It was weird to see everyone in a uniform.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:22 am


" you think he'll be alright...?" I asked. Then another text came in.

From Peter:
It's giving me an aneurysm. Forget Dorian--I'm going to die of a brain aneurysm, and it will be all your fault. At least Nike bothers to type out entire words.



I looked up as Cricket walked into the room and brightened a little...though it was still weird seeing him here. Heck, it was weird seeing everyone here.

"Hey. ...You know, I don't even bother thinking about these things anymore. You'd think we'd be used to them by now..."
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:27 am

"Honestly? I have no idea. But you and your friend might want to start praying to your deities of choice" Alright, Dorian wasn't that bad. On a good day, at least. But still... the thought of him being in the same town was horrible enough, I felt bad for the suckers that were in the same dorm.

Maybe I could just get out of this school...


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:31 am


Peter kind of had a point there. We were kind of...always... somehow... together. "...truefax..." I agreed.

"Uhm... "I actually didn't know what I was trying to say right there. But... I said Yeah.

I wondered if we'd have the learninating part of this together too. That would be nice...

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Jacky K. Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:32 am


"When it comes t' why I'm 'ere, I myself 'aven't a clue..." I flashed a grin in greeting at the two of them. "So, we 'ave an assassin, a soul-speaking fire-bender, a Cellblock guard, and a thief kid from Luna all in the same uniform. It didn't seem to quite fit. Aye, I don't question it anymore. Speaking of assassin, I've never roomed with one b'fore. This will be a tad bit of an adventure."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:34 am


Funny that she should mention more than one deity... I had to calm down, though. Just...not think about it. It was out of my control, so the best I could do was to not sit and worry. That would get me nowhere...

"...You know," I started, "I think he actually has a friend named Marley. He's mentioned her a few times, but he hardly talks about himself let alone anyone else."

I had a thought...but no, that couldn't possibly be right... In such a huge multiverse...? ...But Peter had said that he knew Dorian personally, and this Marley also seemed to be familiar with Dorian. Could it be that this Marley and the Marley that Peter had mentioned were the same person...? No, that wasn't... That couldn't...

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:00 am; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:38 am

It wasn't like I exactly managed to leave that big of a mark on the places I've been, most people I meet just remember me as the quirky kid that breezed through town, I imagine. So who the heck could she be talking about? ...There was the possibility that she knew T.Mor or Cricket or Peter or one of them, but just because Dorian was in town, doesn't mean I was gonna give up on odds. That would be insane.

But it's not like we don't run into each other an eerie amount of times...

Still, it's bound to be some other Marley. Right? I laughed slightly
"Really? What's his name?"


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:43 am


My face flashed with concern.

"If you need anything," I started, "you'll let us know, right? In fact, I could bug your room if you wanted...or you could just move in here." To say that I didn't trust Dorian not to do anything would be a colossal understatement. It was bad enough just sharing a dorm with the guy... I would've hated to be in Cricket's place.


"I don't see how you could possibly know him," I started, not sure if I was telling her that or telling myself. "We're...not from around here. And we travel a lot. But anyway, his name's Peter."

Really, she couldn't have known him...could she?
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:49 am

Alright, even though it has to be a different Peter, this coincidence was just flat out hilarious. I laughed a little more
"Really? Hm... does his last name happen to be Arkan?" My voice had a teasing tone to it because I was mostly teasing. Because there's just no way.


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:56 am


I laughed a little with her at first. I mean, it was just so ridiculous. There was no way... I knew that, and she knew that. I was sure we couldn't have known the same Peter.

...That was, until she mentioned the last name. That was when all the humor just dropped from my face, probably with some of the color.

"...How..." I managed. "How did you...?"

That wasn't...

That couldn't...
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:00 am

This was just getting freaky "Er... maybe a different Peter Arkan...?" I suggested, my eyes widening "The one I know has kinda longish brown hair, he's 16, got a talent for" I stopped talking for a moment an made an explosion noise "and it's really hard to get him to laugh. But all in all, he's a really nice guy. Loyal and smart and all that jazz"


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:26 am

Also, kid, we're gonna go back and do a flashback scene with the Sybek together later, if that's okay. Since I'm pretty sure you fell asleep xD))

I hate to say it, but blue isn't my color. I mean, it's nice and all, but it clashed with my red hair. ...Not that I was a carrot top, but it was definitely red enough for me not to be a big fan of the particular shade they chose for these uniforms... oh well. At least I had made some much-needed adjustments to the uniforms themselves. Shortened the skirt, replaced the stockings with leggings, put a camisole on and undid the first few buttons of the blouse... oh, and I'm wearing boots instead of Mary-Janes.

But surely they aren't as strict with the dress code as the pamphlet made it sound, right? I mean, got to have some style with these things... work with me, people... I hadn't even made very many changes at all, nothing nearly as drastic as I wanted.

Finally, I snapped myself out of my fashion mind tangent as I pushed the main door open and entered the school. It was a pretty nice place, really. I took a moment to pause and look around, just... absorbing my surroundings. After a couple of moments of that, though, I pulled my map out and started looking for my dorm. Ug, let's just hope I didn't get stuck with a bunch of creeps, because the last thing I needed was to have to buddy up to a group of total weirdos to complete the whole recruitment part of the assignment.

Once I found my dorm and room on the map, I set off in that direction. Nekolai, my soul- a white Arabian horse-was at my side like always.

Eventually, I reached the designated dorm. Even referred back to the map once or twice, just to make sure. And with that, I practically flung open the door and walked in, excited to meet my roomie.

Last edited by endellion on Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:43 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:38 am

My head snapped towards the door as it was practically thrown open, and I was suddenly prepared for anything. was just my new roommate. Pretty soul, too. ...It was a good thing souls didn't have bodies, or we'd have a tough time fitting everyone here. I had to avoid looking at Ceren, who was currently lying down on the floor by my bed.

"Hello," I said. "Hope you don't mind me choosing my side already. We can switch if you want."

She was out of uniform... She'd definitely be getting flak for that if a teacher spotted her. Pity, she'd made the outfit look nice.

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:55 am; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:53 am

((Forgot to mention her suitcase >_> just ignore that))

My gaze flitted around the room, resting for a half second on my roommate's soul, who was laying on the ground. A green eyed bear, that's... pretty awesome, I gotta say.

"Hey there!" I smiled slightly, looking back at my roomie "And oh, no problem at all, I'm perfectly fine with taking the other side" I assured her, walking to my bed and dragging the huge suitcase I had packed as I went. Hey, I had a lot of stuff, okay? I left the case by my desk, then sat on the edge of my bed, facing the other girl

"So, what's your name?"


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:13 am


"Nike," I answered. "Yours?"

I always found it weird... I was so accustomed to the question "What are your names?" that it was a little jarring when I heard any differently. But the fact was, on very few planes were all the people soulbonders. I'd learned to fight the instinct to answer "Nike and Ceren, black bear."

Speaking of which, I thought to my other half, it's going to be quite the struggle to keep our thoughts to ourself.

Yeah, he answered. I'll probably have to rest inside the bed.

He gave the notion of a frown; he hated having to pass through things. Most souls did. It was an unpleasant reminder that, however much they wished for it, they could never exist in the material world alongside their lives.
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:33 am

"Margo, nice to meet you"

I toyed with the hem of my skirt absentmindedly, and yawned as I contemplated texting Benji just to let him know that I was in my room at that my roommate looked sane, as far as I could tell. But I guess that could wait, might as well give him time to settle in, too.


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:42 am


"You too," I said. that was one of the three other members of the dorm; the other two had yet to arrive. We (as in, Peter, Sarah, and I) were supposed to check in with the other teammates through a text when everyone in our respective dorms had come. As time went on, we'd be reporting anything suspicious to each other when and if we found anything. But there was nothing yet, of course.

"You know," I started, "you should probably get in the normal uniform. Your outfit's nice, but you wouldn't want a teacher catching you in it. But I dunno, it's your call of course."
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:48 am

"Hm... how strict do you think they're gonna be, really? I mean, I'm still in school colors, it's totally appropriate. Really, I just took the uniform and changed things up a smidge." Ug, maybe she did have a point, though...

I think you should try to /avoid/ getting kicked out the first day Nekolai thought over to me

Oh come on, don't be so dramatic... they're not going to kick me out just for having a little flair I fired back


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:55 am


"I dunno," I said with a shrug. "But that's actually why I wouldn't do it. I'd rather be in the normal uniform and ask a teacher if it's allowed than find out from a teacher that it isn't allowed because I changed it. Basically, I wouldn't want to take chances. Just my view, though."

I'd heard that this school was pretty strict, and I had no intention of testing that theory. I'd have plenty of time to watch the examples that other students were sure to become.
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:01 am

"I think I'll give it a go, and if the teachers chew me up and spit me out, at least you get to say 'I told you so'" I laughed "Besides, I didn't make /nearly/ as many things about it as I wanted to, and they ought to at least give me credit for that"

Sometimes I liked to walk on a fine edge with people, especially people in authority, juuust to see how they'd react and how much I could get away with in the long run. It drove my soul crazy, sometimes, but I was a risk taker at heart.

((*cough* and yet she's scared to death of spiders *cough*))


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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Banshee Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:03 am

(SO anyone rooming with Finn? Demetrius does not have a room mate >.>)

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Bells Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:57 am

Danae couldn't be. I mean, it was strange enough seeing Marley here, there was no freaking way that Peter was here too. I quit rubbing my wrist for a moment, paying closer attention, a bit of hope showing on my face.

"That couldn't be m-, our Peter right...?" I asked Marley, forgettingmy earlier decision to just stay silent and listen to them

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The Boarding School Chat - Page 6 Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Kid.Icarus Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:59 am


I rolled my eyes at his question, "Because I'm ganna tell that to a guy I just met."
Forgive me if I wasn't exactly in the mood for small talk, I never am...
With that, I flipped over on the bed, so my face was on the pillow, and I wouldn't have to look at him.

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