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Just Before Dawn

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Just Before Dawn Empty Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:52 pm

Just Before Dawn

The night is darkest just before the dawn. The time the creatures of darkness, unnatural and supernatural, come out to play. Monstrous or human, beautiful or ugly, come let them wander in their own world, full of love or hate...

The Setting: Start shall be a party in a mansion owned by a mysterious man... From there is your characters' choices. Let them go wild!

The Rules:
1. Fast forwarding is to be used when charries do the dirty tango. DO NOT PUT THIS IN MATURE! WE'VE GOT INNOCENTS HERE. All other times shall be requested of for group consensus~
2. You can kill your own character but not anyone else’s unless you have permission, it’s just rude. Seriously....
3. I don’t mind if you use expletives, just not in excess!
4. Major plot points shall be decided between all persons involved in them. PM, Email, Chatbox, the works all available for communication.
5. Characters rule here, authors. Let them make their own choices, don't force 'em into it!
6. Anyone and everyone is welcome of course. Doesn't matter the race, species, or background.
7. Let's have fun, shall we? Wink


For us original Hellions: This is a total restart! That means characters do not have to follow the same paths they once walked. Don't expect the same results, and what comes up now just might surprise you~

Last edited by Black&White on Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:05 pm

Name: Terra St. Claire
Age: 17
Gender: the feminine kind
Species: of the Government experiment variety
Appearance: Just Before Dawn Mila-kunis-300
Notes: Has a twin, a few clones, and a dark past.

Name: Tiffania St. Claire
Age: 17 (two in clone years)
Gender: the feminine kind
Species: Clone
Appearance: Just Before Dawn Mila+Kunis+Macaulay+Culkin+dating+ZHWAtgyez-Ul
Notes: She's the clone of Terra St. Claire, she was supposed to be a mindless, killing thing but by some profound phenomenon she has a soul.

Note: More characters will be most definitely posted as time progresses, the original hellions know how I roll *winks*

Last edited by Miss Lizzeh on Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:14 pm

alkdjfl;kajsdflkajdslf;kjadl So excited. Like, you have no idea.....

Name: Jason Fletcher
Age: 18
Gender: male
Species: werewolf
Appearance: Jason has blonde, slightly unruly hair that's almost always hanging in his face. He has deep blue eyes and his skin is tanned from spending so much time outside. The muscles on his arms, abdonomen, legs, and back are all from physical labor; Jase isn't the type to work out. He's about five foot eleven.
Notes: Jason was Changed by his older brother when he was only 14. He left home shortly afterwards to live with a pack in a nearby forest. He ran from there when he realized the Leader wasn't exactly sane. He's been on the run ever since.

Name: Sophia Fletcher
Age: 17
Gender: female
Species: Werewolf
Appearance: She has long, curly blonde hair that falls to her waist. Her eyes are a jaded green that seem to change with her moods. She's fit from all the running she does. She's tan like her brother and for the exact same reason.
Notes: Sophia was Changed by the packs Leader when she was 13, not her brother, Riley. When she was Changed, she was sired to him. It's rare, but it happens at times. Unlike Jason, she stayed with the pack, seeing no problem with the Leader.

Name: Riley Fletcher
Age: 21
Gender: male
Species: werewolf
Appearance: Light brown hair that's cropped short. He has light blue eyes. He seems to always have a five o'clock shadow brushing around his chin. He seems to hae the same build as Jason. They could almost be twins, if it wasn't for the hair and eyes.
Notes: Riley Changed when he was 17 willingly. He saw the potential of the power he could have. he wasn't sired like his sister was, but he has stayed with the pack, loving the sence of family it held that he never felt when he was home.

Name: Leon Samuals
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: He's human, but a telepath.
Appearance: Leon had denim blue eyes that are usually hid by his deep black hair. He's skinny and kind of lanky, but underneath his baggy clothes, he has muscle from training. Also, he's had snakebites for as long as he could remember.
Notes: Leon's a loner. His mother and little sister died in a car accident when the breaks in the car wouldn't work. His father was put into prison for cutting the line. Living on his own, Leon lives his life by doing random jobs for those who need use of

For original Hellions::: I'll add my other characters later on (Julian, Lance, Nate, Dane, etc) I'll add them when they're needed lol.

Last edited by Kara_17.02 on Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 1510
Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:58 pm

Name: Wolf
Age: 19
Gender: F
Species: werewolf, tho my interpretation
Appearance: dark brown, almost black, wavy hair that goes just past her shoulders. Slightly tanned, a few freckles on her arms and face. Tallish, 5'6'' or so. Steely blue-gray eyes. As a wolf: she's dark dark gray, appearing black most times, with some white details and icy blue eyes.
Sort of:
Just Before Dawn Animeg10
Just Before Dawn Wolfmi10
Notes: Her wolf's instinct is very strong, and she has trouble with it constantly. Changed without a bite when she was six, killed her parents, the wolf so powerful it kept her as a wolf for three years, and has been avoiding people for the next eleven after that.

Name: Ayakashi
Age: actually 1, appears 17
Gender: F
Species: biological weapon
Appearance: reddish brown hair, long, between her hips and her shoulder blades length. naturally wide eyes to give her a look of innocence. Light sea blue eyes, fair skinned, no blemishes.
Sort of like:
Just Before Dawn 09beau10
Notes: created to be a weapon. conditioned with all sorts of survival and military stuff. has telekinesis.

gah, can't resist...
Name: Richard Grayson
Age: 17
Gender: M
Species: human
Appearance: long...ish... jet black hair and sapphire blue eyes. Tall, 5'8'' - 6'. Trained athlete muscled type, but not completely muscle head.
Notes: For those who don't know.... ROBIN.

Name: Diana Williams
Age: 16
Gender: F
Species: human witch
Appearance: bright green eyes, fair skin, very blond-white hair cropped short in layers that frame her face
sort of:
Just Before Dawn Diana10
Notes: embarrassed easily, blushes constantly. Some skills in magic, but not complex things

meh. that's it for now...

Last edited by Black&White on Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:10 pm

*takes a deep breath, cracks knuckles before fist pumping to inspirational music* Let's do this.

Terra St. Claire took a breath as she studied the party goers who overflowed the massive living room of the mansion they'd all been invited to; she bit her lip and curled her fingers nervously in the hem of her pretty and pink Oscar dela Renta silk trill dress, she ran the fingers of her other hand through her dark curls hoping she'd find someone familiar or at least interesting enough to talk to soon.


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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:17 pm

Jason leaned against the far wall, watching the people move to the music that was blaring from somewhere up above. He ran his fingers through his wild hair, once again wondering why he had come here. He had been running through the forest when he passed this place. He couldn't pinpoint the reason on why he had stopped, and now he couldn't figure out why he didn't just leave. He hadn't been invited. On that note, he sighed and pushed off the wall, aiming for the fairly large bar.

Riley walked in with his sister, his eyes scanning the crowd. He grinned, looking down at little Sophia. She was wearing a blue party dress and black pumps. her hair was wild and curly from their run, but even he had to admit that his sister looked hot. "So what did Julian want us to do exactly?" he asked, eyeing a few girls that were dancing together.
"Find Jason," she said, her voice cool and lifeless. "Hasn't that been the goal for the past couple years?"

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Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:30 pm

Terra pursed her pretty lips together and sighed, starting through the crowd, in sudden, desperate need of alcoholic existence she saddled up to the bar and cocked her head, studying the numerous amounts of liquor, she glanced around, her eyes skimming over the pretty blond boy coming towards the bar, she bit her lip hard and ran her fingers through her hair again, hoping every strand was perfect before looking at the liquor again, trying to appear approachable and aloof at the same time.


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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:34 pm

Name: William Cox
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Seer (can see, talk to, and touch the dead. they're supposed to help ghosts cross over)
Just Before Dawn Will10
Notes: He's part of a group called the Cause, which the main goal is to take over the world. He's been trained to kill by his family. Often hot-headed and sarcastic, also he's starting to develop morals which are new to him and often confuse him.

Will leanned against the wall, his face partially hidden by the shadows. He always prefered to be alone, it was simpiler...much easier...then having to deal with people. He didn't even know why he came, but he did. If he was going to deal with the whole high school experiance, he might as well get something out of it. After the girl was dead, wasn't like he was going to go back. His eyes scanned the crowd, carefully studying the people. They seemed free.....why was that? There was a war going on, not that they would know that.

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:37 pm

Jason unconciously unbottoned the top two buttons on his fadded red plaid shirt, the heat in the room gettting to him. He sat at the bar, only barely noticing the girl that sat to his right. Too many things were on his mind, too many things bothering him. Just one drink, and then he was going to go. That was the plan at least. He ordered a cold beer, getting an odd look from the bartender. What? Did he expect him to order some mixed drink with a little lemon on the side?

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Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:40 pm

Terra pursed her lips, catching the bar tenders attention and ordering a glass of Jack Daniels, she curled the end of her hair around her pointer and middle finger and glanced at the blond boy again, "Hi." she breathed, the word escaping her lips without much consult with her brain.


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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Stark Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:51 pm

Name: Jace
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance: I can't post pics cuz my computer is a spaz so... think a 15 year old version of Lil Wayne with no tattoos and long dreads

Name: Robb
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Super Soldier
Appearance: Black hair, red cat eyes, 5 feet 10 inches, muscular, silver blood

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:05 pm

Dun feel too good, stupid asthma and smoke, so Imma take a break and go ahead and post charries:

Name: Marley Marie Aldric
Age: 14
Gender: female
Species: Habui
Appearance: She has long and matted dirty blonde hair that reaches down a little past the small of her back. Generally, though, she has it in a ponytail. And when she's stealing something, she has the ponytail tucked up inside a skullcap. Very short- about 4'5". Kind of tan since she spends most of her time outside, though her skin is pretty light due to genetic predisposition.
Notes: Heh, it's funny, my first bio template for her on the first hell was like... three lines long xD. Annnywho... she loves lemonade, and singing. She'll sing pretty much anything, even if she has to make up the words to do so.

Name: Dorian Aldric
Age: 19
Gender: male
Species: habui
Appearance: Black hair, piercing silver grey eyes. Average height. Definitely has muscles, but not like... bodybuilder type.
Notes: Marley's half brother, Alexander's twin. Oh, and he kills people for a living

Name: Alexander Aldric
Age: 19
Gender: male
Species: habui
Appearance: Same as Dorian's, but his gaze isn't as harsh
Notes: Not a good guy, but not as bad as Dorian.

Eh... I will post more people as the plot calls for it (Like I'll toss in Spades eventually, and the dreamweavers, and all that other fun stuff. And maybe Gabe later, too...)


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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:14 pm

I watch them all from the forest, the people milling about the mansion. Laughing, talking, dancing to the music or just hanging outside. So normal, so...
I tense slightly, hissing past my fangs. Hunger was so strong but no...couldn't... I dig my claws into the wood of a pine. No condition to go. I couldnt even dress up; didn't have anything to change into.
And yet I gravitate towards it. Taking slow steps towards the edge of the woods, waiting until no one was around to step out,, looking around the mansion's yard before carefully stepping inside.

People. Gathering for seemingly no reason. Interesting....
I circle carefully over the mansion, tilting my head curiously, going down to land silently on the roof. No one noticed, and wouldn't as I hid in the shadows. Some loud rhythmic sound came from inside, but it was just an annoyance to me. Id just...observe right now...

Parties were... not unusual for me. I was quite used to them, really. Being the ward of a billionaire might do that, after all. But this one was odd. Only I was invited; no Bats this time. And as usual with the parties I was invited to...something sort of /had/ to go wrong. It just seemed sort of inevitable...

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:22 pm

Name Drew
Age looks 18 but is much older
Gender male
Species reality bender
Appearance Just Before Dawn Drewchris1
note: a good guy who hates to kill. But is a "guardian" so, he gets into weird situations because of his no killin morals.

Name evil!drew (E!Drew for short)
Age: same as drew
Gender: male
Species: evil counter part of a bender
Appearance: same as drew
Note: is completely evil. Is Drews evil half.

Name: Veronica Filledica
Age: 17
Gender: female
Species: reality bender (originally was a demigod)
Appearance: Ronni
Notes: daughter of hades. Brother just recently died and she can't find his soul. So she became a bender, wanting nothing to do with her father or anyone else from that life. Went all ba . Plays for the good guys, just doesn't play by their rules. She gets the job done.

Last edited by momo13 on Sat Nov 26, 2011 1:17 am; edited 1 time in total

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:19 am

I had a system, you know? Whenever I get into an area, I rent a super cheap motel room for the month- the kind that doesn't ask questions-with whatever money I can scrape up, and then start small. Mainly pick pocketing... a couple of house break ins... lots of shoplifting... and then bam: at the end of the month, I pull off a really big move, then I'm out of there. I try to do something crazy, out there, wild... and then I just pick up my bag and go to some other state.

And guess what? Month's drawing to a close.

I allowed myself a small smile as I darted from the shadowy trees, right up to the windowsill of the target.
A mansion. I was robbing a friggen mansion. A rush of adrenaline, the kind that can only be felt with robberies like this, made my heart race and my hands shake slightly as I tugged my skullcap out of my eyes. Okay... I didn't exactly have a PLAN, but... eh, it'll work out fine.

I only had a backpack of cheap tools I've collected along the way, but... yea... it'll be totally a-okay.

First I chose part of the mansion that wasn't well lit- obviously, all of the people were over at the main room, with the partying and all that fun crap. I also made sure there were no cameras or anything. Then I shrugged the backpack off my shoulders, and with my hands still shaking from the adrenaline shot, I selected a tiny wrench. I had to use finesse on this thing, style. The light touch of a practiced thief. ...So, obviously, I just busted the window open and prayed to any available and convenient deities that nobody heard the crash.

Hah. Bingo. I grabbed my backpack again, and hoisted myself up onto the windowsill. Then I shimmied through the broken glass, suddenly glad I was the size of a malnourished nine year old... I was /in/! But I didn't dare to breathe as I crept through the halls, sliding any available little trinket I could find, into my bag.

Oh yeah... life was feeling pretty good.


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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Bells Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:40 am

Name: Corian Blake
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species : Human, but with the ability to take on the features, voice, ect. Of someone else.
Appearance: Corian rarely stays in the same form for long, but she does have a favorite. Which BTW isn't her real appearance, bit she is unwilling to be herself. Her favorite form is that of a teenage girl, small stature and short with curly blonde hair to her chin. Icy blue eyes and rather pale, scars everywhere so she normally wears dark jeans and a sweatshirt
Note: She is t completely sane, one moment she'll be carrying on like a normal person, then the next she's yelling about how she can be whoever she wants..

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:36 am

Meh... might as well start off writing these two in third, and then switch to first when I figure out whose POV to do...

Dorian and Alex stood, perfectly still, at the edge of the party. Like always, Dorian had the colder look to him, standing with his arms crossed and his gaze cold yet impassive as it swept over the other party goers, as if he was casually calculating the best way to kill everybody and make a quick escape if need be. Alex looked slightly more relaxed, leaning against a wall with his hands in his pockets, eyes fixed on some unseen point on the ceiling.

Neither twin looked like they had any particular objective in mind, but when Dorian's grey eyes flashed red, just for half a second, not even long enough for a casual passerby to notice... Alex stood up from his relaxed position, once again alert. He gave his twin a questioning look, to which Dorian gave only a slight nod to. This time Alex's eyes were the one to flash red for a moment. Dorian shrugged in response, and the two of them moved into the crowd.

The exchange had lasted only ten seconds at the most.
But now the killers were on the hunt.


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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:53 pm

Name: Owen "Nashville" Grey
Age: 17
Species: Shifter, well a half shifter
Apperance: About average height, has black hair, also has real cat ears and a tail, can shift into a jaguar or a black cat
Notes: he often hides his ears and tail in a hoodie. He can also talk in cat form

Nash saw the girl climb into the window, and clammered up in his cat form. Curiousity filled him, and he watched as she put trinkets into a bag. She was robbing the place....not like he hadn't done things like that. He was the puuurrffeecctt cat pun intended. "Er...Meow?" He said, his tail swishing.

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:06 pm

I heard a soft meow somewhere behind me, and nearly had a flippin heart attack. I turned to face the offending feline in question.
Okay, I was ticked... but... meh, I hadn't seen cats in a while. So I stopped to pet it, patting the top of its head and giving it a small smile

"Keep out of trouble, kitty" I whispered, glancing around "mansions are always pretty sketchy places. Never know what kind of street rats you'll run into" I gave the cat a wink, chuckling to myself as I went back to filling my bag.


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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:10 pm


Gah...with the petting. What was with people and the urge to pet a cat? Not that it didn't feel good but..gah! "I think I know pleanty about street rats," I chuckled, hoping down. Oh crap wait, great just blew it.. "Er...Meow?"

Last edited by gh3325 on Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:15 pm

I swear I felt my eye twitch when I heard the cat talk. Well, I was as good as dead or in jail. Nice job messing it up, Marls, you were caught red handed by some freaky talking cat, who will probably report you to the police or something if he can shift human. I'm dead, dead, dead...


Well... guess there was one thing I could do in this situation, and I went ahead and did it. I grabbed my bag and ran out into the hall, then dodged through the mansion, trying to dissapear while avoiding the area with the party...


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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:19 pm


Crap, she was running. Great, she was gonna report a talking cat! I had to stop her, I shifted back into a human and ran after her, making sure my hoodie covered my ears and tail. Crap, please I didn't want to.end up in area 51 again...god anything but that. I was quite fast, I had to be. I was catching up now, my footsteps echoing on the wooden floors.

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:23 pm

I heard him trailing behind me, and I doubled up on my speed. I was built like a runner- light and fast. Heck, most of my time was spent running. I was mentally beating myself up for this... ug... maybe I'd have time to make it to the motel to grab my stuff before I have to move cross country. How was I even going to make it cross country?!

Okay, just... concentrating on running for now. Rest could be worked out later.


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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:26 pm


This wasn't working! I shifted back into thee small black cat and ran quickly, running between her legs trying to make her fall.

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:29 pm

I hang about on the outskirts of the room, watching the people dance or just hanging. But I'm not watching because their movements captivated me. Their hearts... so... so many... Made me feel lost. Made the wolf uncomfortably close, so much so I can tell my eyes are not normal. Icy blue. Cold like the instinct demanding to kill something. I'm shaking... I fidget with the hem of my shirt, looking down at my bare feet. I don't belong here. I - I shouldn't be here...

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Just Before Dawn Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

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