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Just Before Dawn

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:54 pm

Oh yay! Want him and Aya togrther again?

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Stark Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:52 pm

(FRUSTRATION! I haz no idea what goes on!)

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:35 pm

Read up...? There was the location review of where everyone was just last page

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:59 pm

Drew is in the party room looking at a girl (Veronica (Ronni)'s bio will be up ASAP ) who took his spot in a corner...

Edit: bio is up

Last edited by momo13 on Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:33 am; edited 1 time in total

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:05 am

Kara_17.02 wrote:Jason glanced over at the beautiful girl, a small, automatic smile appearing on his lips. "Hello," he said. "My name's Jason." He offered her his hand, his smile growing when he saw her Jack Daniels.

Terra took his hand, a grin spreading across her lips, "I'm Terra." she breathed, biting her lip before she took a sip of her drink, "What brings you to the festivities?" she said softly, unable to keep a bit of that flirtatious hint from her voice.


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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:53 am

Jason shrugged, taking a drink of his beer. "Couldn't tell ya," he said honestly, a slight southern accent hinting in his words. "What about you? Couldn't be here alone, could ya?" He had to admit, that hpart of him was flirting right back with Terra, but the other part was simply being curtious like his mother had brought him up to be.

And Sure Bw lol Let's see where it goes this time =)

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Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:13 am


Nothing dangerous that I saw of. Nothing suspicious, and no tell tale signs of any government workers. When there was an opening, I silently floated down from the roofs, landing without a sound, in some small grove of black and white trees with delacate light green leaves that surrounded a bench in the gardens. Staying still to listen a moment, make sure there was not an ambush or other attack.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:27 am

Leon sat on a bench in front of the small fountain, listening to the calming stream of water. Growing up in a small country town, he was near a river nearly every weekend. The sound of rushing water always made him feel...home. Sighing, he picked up a few pebbles and threw them into the small grove of trees to his right. When had life gotten so fucked up?

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:55 am

Veronica served the crowd again and realized who she was looking for wasn't out her. She sighed and pushed against the wall, turning to leave the room. Her heels clicked against the floor as she walked and her dress brushed against drew as she passed him.

She went out side and saw a man sitting on the bench bythe fountain. She woundered why he would rather be out here then in there. Then she realized, someone could wounded the same of her.

"Mind if I sit?" she asked him, pointing to the free spot on the bench.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:38 pm

Leon looked up at her, surprised to hear another voice. "Yeah, of course," he said, scooting over to give her more room. He automatically put the walls up around his mind to guard him from her unwanted thoughts. People read in books how annoying and overwhelming it was to hear anothers thoughts....what they thought of you, their point of veiw in certain situations...but they would never know how annoying it could truely be until they had the ablility themselves.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:16 pm

Something through the trees. My senses go on high and I turned to fight but then it landed at my feet. A rock. ...Rocks do not fly...
And then voices. Two, masculine and feminine. I float over, so as not to make a noise, peeking through the leaves to the two on a bench. Social interactions... I still needed to learn of them. Watching a moment wouldn't hurt. Just an observation...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:31 pm

Regardless of his walls, Leon picked up on another presence. Who ever it was wasn't exactly human, yet...she?....was projecting her thoughts as loud as ever. He couldn't read her words exactly, givin' her mutated DNA, but he could tell she was observing them...watching them, picking up pointers on how to communicate. He turned to the girl who asked to sit next to him. "Excuse me for a moment?" he asked. Before waiting for an answer he stood up and began to walk toward the trees. "Hello?"

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:57 pm

Impossible. I gave no detection of my presence. Not a sound, a glimpse of me. I shy away from the trees, keeping my front to the boy ready for anything. Preparing to reach for my one knife if he attacked, preparing to fly if there was an ambush. My feet land silently, I crouch slightly in a defense stance.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:50 pm

Leon held up his hands when he caught her defensive thoughts. "Whoa," he said, still scanning the shadows. He couldn't see the girl, but he felt her. There was no doubt that she was there. "I'm not going to hurt you."

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:55 pm

"What's your purpose then?" I say back, shrinking still into the trees. Still ready for an attack, hand on my knife handle, though slightly more lax in my poise. How is he figuring these things out? He doesn't act as if he's seen me...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:19 pm

Leon thought about that for a moment. "Just curious, I guess," he said after a moment. Now she was confused. He gave a small smile, his hands still in the air to show he didn't want to harm her. "Will you come out so that I can see who I'm talking to?"

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:38 pm

I peak out, hesitating a moment before letting my knife go. I hang back though, my hands on one of the black and white trees, the bark flaking off in strips as i fidget with it. The long cord of my hair braided back falls from behind me slightly. I follow slightly, but stay by that tree, my back against the trunk as I study him.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:55 pm

Veronica watched what had started to happen. One minut lenshe is being offered a seat, the next theguy she was talking to was have a bother conversation. Wonderful. She took the seat offered anyway and looked at the other girl as she arrived.

"Hello." I called to her, my all to familiar numb voice calling out. I almost grimaced at the sound of it. So lack of emotions in me lately.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:27 pm

I hold my breath slightly, moving closer against the tree, if even possible, at the other person's voice. I could still fly, make an easy get away that way, if need be. Without realizing it for a moment, I find my hand back on my knife.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Banshee Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:57 pm


I sighed, watching all the people and bored out of my mind. I moved out of the shadows a bit, crossing my arms in front of my chest and leaning back against the wall. People were interesting to watch, and it was fun to think of where they might come from.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Echo Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:21 pm

Hm. I'd never seen these people before. I wondered what their deals were. Of course, me being the head of information-gathering for the Court, it was my job to find out.

"Hello," I greeted. To the guy who asked, I answered, "No, I'm not waiting in line. If this is a bathroom, I wasn't aware of that before." To both, "Anyway, who're you?"
Winter Dragon

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Banshee Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:27 pm


Phew. No ears or tail sighting. I rubbed my arm awkwardly, making sure to keep out of any direct lighting. "' for Nashville...who're you?" I said, awkwarding. I didn't really care...all I was concerned about was not getting caught but it was polite to ask...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Echo Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:31 pm

This Nash kid seemed really agitated about something. Interesting. I'd find out about that soon enough.

"The White Angel," I answered. It wasn't my name, but it had become my name almost more than my given one. My wings started to feel a bit stiff, so I stretched them a little before relaxing again.
Winter Dragon

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Banshee Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:38 pm


Wings, she had wings. "A-are those...wings?" I asked curiously, inching toward her a bit. My face coming into the light a bit, my ears twitched under the hood.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Invisimort Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:41 pm


"I'm Emerson, and...If you're not waiting in line and that girl just left... Then... Excuse me." I paused for a moment. "You can talk to my other half if you'd like... Cecil... Really nice guy...Uhm. Be RIGHT back..." I pointed over my shoulder to the composite man behind me before hurrying through the door.

I brushed by some kid who seemed to be a cat on my way through... and This looked nothing like a bathroom to me. Nothing at all. Though I suppoused that it could be a possibility that they did bathrooms differently where I come from... but... this was really perplexing. I walked back outside rather confused. "That isn't a bathroom is it?" I asked to the people in the hallway uncertainly leaving the door hanging open so that they could examine it.


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Just Before Dawn - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

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