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Just Before Dawn

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Jacky K. Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:38 pm


"No signs whatsoever, and will do." My eyes shifted around, zooming and scanning the area. It's tedious work, with one human eye. I was practically half blind. "How did you ever manage twenty years of life with two human eyes?"

Hello. What's this. A girl was knocking on a door. People are required to knock on bathroom doors, I'd discovered through trial and error . . . therefore, the door lead to a bathroom. "There," I said, pointing an arm of spindly metal in the same direction.

A girl ran out of the door in a hurry. Perhaps she was anxious to get back to the party.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Invisimort Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:43 pm


"Poorly." I had kind of forgotten that I had a zoom on my lens frankly, and therefore squinted a bit down the hallway until the auto adjust kicked in. Well. That was easy. "I saw... without a zoom lens." I added, immediately going towards the door.

Gah. A line.

There was never a line at home.

"'Scuse me... How long is the wait do you think?" I asked the girl that was standing in line.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:45 pm

Drew heard some sort of happening upstairs. In a place he was told was off limets. Time to start working again. He put his drink down and started for the stairs with sillent foot steps. He kept in shadows and slid into the upper hallway.

A small, short girl ran into him, head on. He caught her and tried to keep her steady. He said nothing, having a feelin even she didn't want to be caught by him. Instead he let go an just looked down at her, blocking her path.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:09 am

You have got to be kidding me. I really kind of hate my life right now...geez... first I'm chased by Mr Cat dude, now this?! Should have been paying more attention...
"Sorry, wasn't looking where I was going" I mumbled, trying to move past him.

Really, was it so hard for a thief to just steal and get out of there?! Sheesh. People these days, so inconsiderate...


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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:13 am

Drew offered a slight friendly smile as he looked down at rhegirl who was at least a foot and a half, maybe two feet shorter than himself. But even though she was so short, he knew that she could be a lot stronger than she looked. Or at least more powerful.

Over the years he had seen some pretty scary things. And a lot of them looked more innocent than he. Like deamon bunnies. That was an interesting mission....

Anyway, back to the problem at hand. "What's int he bag?" he asked, curious.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:17 am

"None of your business" I snapped, then sighed "Just books and stuff. Look, I really gotta go, just... please..." I tapped my foot impatiently. So what if I came off as an annoying teenager? I had to get out of this place before something ELSE popped up.


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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:20 am

Drew looked down at her and understood. She wasn't who he was here for. She wa just someone trying to get away. "the window right down the hall makes a good getaway. It leads to the driveway and small parking lot if you wish to pick up a car to get out of here. Best of luck and I hope no one catches you." And with that he started to walk down the way she came from.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:27 am

...Was I /that/ readable? Dangit, the people in here were really starting to mess with my head... and I come from a flippin' twisted fairytale book. I hurried down the hall, thinking about taking the route he suggested but deciding against it, just to be safe. Or paranoid.

Ug. Did I mention how much this place was messing with my head?


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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:39 am

Tiffania St. Claire pursed her lips as she pushed through the back entrance, she weaved her way through dark halls until she found the one she was looking for, the beautiful young woman wore a white Oscar dela Renta silk twill dress, the hem decorated by red roses, her dark curls were pinned up on top of her head, only leaving a few tendrils to hang in front of her unusual and unnatural eyes. She bit her bottom lip as she moved down the hall, noticing the girl moving in her direction, Tiffy took a breath and moved so she was in front of her, "Excuse me?" she breathed.


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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:42 am

I didn't even have any irritated words left to think. The third time. The third freaking time. Maybe I should just hand my bag to the lady and storm off, before she threw a major mindscrew curve-ball my way. Like... she grew wings and told me about a magical prophesy that had to be unlocked with the power of love.

"Yes?!" I couldn't keep all the irritation from my voice as I stopped again, examining the lady.


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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:46 am

Tiffy cocked her head to the side and smiled softly, despite the girl's tone, "I know you won't believe me now but you're going the wrong way." she said softly and stepped around her, clasping her hands behind her back, she started towards the party.


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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:50 am

...And there goes the mind screw curve-ball. I did a 180, turning on my heel to face the way the lady was going. That was the room with the party... hey... no Marley, snap out of it, the chick probably thought you were just a lost party goer.

...But would it really hurt so much to check it out?

But I was a beat up looking scrawny little street rat... no way I'd blend it. But on the other hand... what's the worse that could happen? After all, it IS my last night in town...

And decided, as I started making my way towards that blasted party, that I was gonna make the most out of it.

...Stupid curiosity.


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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:55 am

Tiffy felt a grin curve her lips as she glanced back at Marley, still moving, she tilted her head a little, letting the hair slip from her eyes to reveal that where there was supposed to be white was black and where there was supposed to be black was white, though these were the two most prominent features of her unnatural gaze, her iris was a startling blue, dark and light at the same time, like the ocean churning between storms and sunshine, "Blending isn't always best." she said and turned to continue on her way.

Last edited by Miss Lizzeh on Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:59 am; edited 1 time in total


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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:58 am

My brain honestly hurt at that point. The lady with the strange eyes that acted all wise and stuff was now spewing stuff you'd find on fortune cookies at me.
This was a bad idea, I knew it, I could feel it in my bones. But... I kept walking anyway... just because I was too stubborn to listen to common sense.

And hey, if standing out was better than blending in, than I had it made.


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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:03 am

Tiffy took a breath as she studied the crowd, stopping just before she could get lost in it, she glanced back at Marley and smiled again, "I'm Tiffania, in case you wanted to put a name on the strange lady." she muttered, a teasing hint to her voice as she turned back to study the crowd again, wondering how best to slip through it.


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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:08 am

"Alright then... hiya Tiff" I muttered, also studying the crowd. Then I found a slight brake, and started weaving my way through it. Just to see what was so special about partying... maybe I could find some lemonade. Mmm.


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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:14 am

Tiffy watched her for a moment before she slid into the crowd, studying the people around her with interest even though a slight fear began to gnaw at the edge of her belly, she could still taste the words she'd spoken to the girl on her lips, Blending isn't always best, but among all these people she wondered if they noticed she wasn't even human.


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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:21 pm

It was all...interesting... Business suits, so were they going to a meeting? But then they certainly didn't act like it, with this loud stuff blaring, making any real conversation impossible. And women were not in suits, but long unneeded wastes of fabric that seemed to hold no purpose but to slow walking and make getting around also impossible.
I wouldn't like them. What I had aquifer was perfect: regular shirt and shorts atop my biosuit, with a heavy and warm trench coat with lots of space for hidden items. Didn't want to go down just yet. Still observe from the roof...

Nothing yet. For a moment I fooled myself thinking maybe this was a regular party and I should just stop steriotyping... until I noticed some woman's odd eyes. And others that. flashed red. And yet some others who just turned blue. So...besides odd eyes... the place was still sort of dandy.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:25 pm

Drew looked around the hall once more. He sighed and figured that whatever was going on wasnt what he was really here for. With that thought he went back down to the party. He went to go back to his corner, but saw another body had occupied it. A small frown filled his lips. This is what he got for leaving to do work.

He looked at the person and she offered a small finger wave. He recognized her from somewhere. She obviously knew him. Maybe she was a new bender? He studied the girl for a few minutes. Her glossy black hair was strait, yet still had a wild feel to it. They way it seemed to frame her face and shield it from onlookers. She wore a simple, yet stunning black dress and heals that drew had decided would be impossible to stand in. Her eyes when he could catch glimpses of them were dark brown, almost black. And her completion perfect and fair. She had a skull and cross bone necklace on, as well as a leather wrist band. So, she was classy yet independent, he had concluded about the girl in his spot.

(I'll toss up to bio for the girl in my bio post with drew and e!drew)

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Banshee Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:25 pm

gh3325 wrote:Nash

Oh crap more people. I quickly shoved my hood over my ears and tucked my tail in, hopefully she hadn't seen it. Please...let her not see it... I couldn't afford to have anyone see it. That meant jail, the first girl wouldn't have told but this one....I dunno...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:28 pm

So, where is everyone at? Man, I feel like the beginning of Hell lol I was always behind then too.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:56 pm

Drew, visi 's, jacky 's, and Nash are upstairs in a hallway. Liz 's charries, timmi 's charries, and two of mine are in the main room. Aya is on the roof.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:01 pm

And terra was talking to Jason. Reply is on the first page

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:26 pm

Alrighty, thanks =) I'm going to go but Leon's thing on the first page too

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:29 pm

Jason glanced over at the beautiful girl, a small, automatic smile appearing on his lips. "Hello," he said. "My name's Jason." He offered her his hand, his smile growing when he saw her Jack Daniels.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 3 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

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