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Just Before Dawn

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:46 pm

Leon gave a tiny smile as he watched the two girls before slowly taking a seat on the ground, leaning back against a tree. He looked up at Veronica, patting the grass beside him. "The seat you asked for earlier is still open," he said, grinning. Turning to 'Classified', he thought for a moment. "I can read minds," he finally said, deciding it didn't really matter if she knew or not. "I'll stay out of your head from now on though," he promised, promptly throwing up his walls.


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Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:54 pm

Veronica tensed when she heared what he could do. But she took the seat anyway and looked at the girl. "I'm not that fancy with powers." She didnt even know what her powers entailed right now. She kenw about the ghosts but hadn't noticed anything else so far. She guessed the bender powers would fall in later. "I can just see dead people." She shrugged like it was normal even though she knew it really wasnt.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:01 pm

I stare at him blankly a moment, pondering his meaning. Dead people did not really concern me, so i ignored the girl, saying, "My past is classified, and I cannot take the chance of not knowing what you have or have not read, and in such cases spreading such information to unwanted listeners." My stance relaxes, so I am simply standing, but my hand remains around the hilt of my blade.

Ah. Evil twin for the win. "That's...all very fascinating..." I mumble, not really sure what to do. Barely know the guy; was it really my place to interfere in his little problem? Especially if he was some godlike 'protector of all' or whatever he said.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:02 pm

Drew caught a glimpes of her thought about E!Drew and rubbed his head. He had been trying to stop that. Unlike his other half, he did not like invading peoples thoughts. Not at all.

"He isnt my twin. He is quite litterally my souless second half. Me being good and he being evil...." He paushed for a second and looked at her. "I promise you i am not totally insane."

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:11 pm

Oh well, thoughts appear open to the public. Grand. "Well, yeah... lack of a better term..." I mumble, turning slightly away from him. "And I wasn't thinking /that/, was I? You're fine in my mind. Just... angsty...but I think, in your case, the situation calls for it."

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:24 pm

Drew sighed and kept pacing, his hands at his temples. "I didn't mean to hear that. I wish I could give you the privacy you deserve." think, why would he want the book?
I know why he wants it, Drew thought bitterly to himself. the real question is what will he do first?
"Well, this will be a very long day. week at least until I find him again." he checked his broken watch, which wasn't really broken. Instead of showing the time, it showed the time stream and year and universe Drew was in. "Now...if I were evil where would I go?" he asked himself. He then looked at the girl. A very bad idea came to his mind, but he said it anyway.
"Would you like to tag along to help me find this monster?"

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:37 pm

"Er..." What...? Seriously... ten minutes of knowing you... "....why....?" If this was seriously some sort of ploy to get me to go with him... I wasn't just an innocent girl. I had powers too...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:41 pm

Drew looked at her then her bracelet. "Because a witch like yourself will be his first mark." he said very softly. His evil half would use the girl to his advantage. And if he couldn't, he would kill her for her power. "I don't like seeing people hurt if I can help it. He will have second thoughts if you are at my side."

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:19 am

Apparently you're not as concerned with privacy as you said if you dug down that deep... "And I'm not the only witch in the world. Nor am I the most experienced or powerful. Why would he get rid of me if I'm not a threat?" I frown. Go with this kid who was not /really/ a kid, who other than his name and this book I barely knew, or stay and...i dunno... wander the party more... If he was some universe protector or whatever shouldn't he be able to take care of this rather quickly....?

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:35 am

Drew sighed and rubbed his temples as he walked. She was thinking way to fast. "Slow down, dammit!" he grumbled, mainly to himself, not trying to scold her for questioning everything. "I didn't have to dig down. I knew because of your bracelet and your precense....everything bout you screams witch. But that isnt bad." he turned at faced her. "This isn't just a blink and it's fixed problem. I am talking about someone who is as strong, if not stronger than me, who has something that he could very easily use to end all of reality with. And not just this one...but all realities. Everything would just...collide." He wondered if she understood what he was saying.
"Dreams and reality. Different worlds. Myths and sciences. Logic and legends...chaos would rain down because of him. I can't just fix this. It isn't would take a team of at least two dozen skilled Benders, maybe even the council to stop him now. And I don't have that. I have me, myself and I."
"He would go for you because he already knows you are one....he doesn't have to hunt for a better one. And you are young...he would be able to manipulate you. Get you to side with him and give him that much more power."

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:46 am

Ah my Goddess... I flash my wrist at him. "My mother's, it's not even mine. And I'll have you know my mental walls are /very/ good when I'm not dealing with some all powerful wacko who decides to put all of that into an easy-to-read book!" I snap at him. "But fine! Riddle me this: How do I know you're not this 'Evil' -" with actual air quotations from my fingers... "- version of you, just trying to manipulate me right now? To /take/ this book instead of steal it /back/?" Because...that's just how my logic works...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:54 am

Drew sighed when she asked him that. "because I regret everything I have ever done. Every life I couldn't save, and every person I have had to kill. I show remorse." his sad, brown eyes bore into hers. They showed pain and suffering from years of guilt. "Look into my eyes and tell me I am evil. Tell me that I am the monster that haunts me day and night." his voice was serious and forceful. "Think back to when you walked in on me. There was a book. A big, brown leather bound book with gold pages sitting on the piano. Why would I be reacting like this if I still had that book?"

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:37 pm

'Cause you're...anextremelygoodactor... cough....
"Fine. Fine! Come on then..." Go ahead and drag me to some other universe or whatever.... "Do...whatever you have to do...."

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:44 pm

Leon nodded. "I can respect that. And I'm guessing you won't trust me if I told you that I didn't dig in your mind. I just read the thoughts that you voiced is all." He gave a small, reassuring smile. "Tell me something though. The parties in there and you're out here. Why?"

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Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:52 pm

I stand and blink at him, completely at a loss. Party... the word was not in my knowledge given by - nono, he might hear... The lack of the word gave me... some sort of anger, but it was not directed at anything. Well... it was... anger at myself? What a silly thing....
All of this inevitably left me lost and unsure where to go, what to do or say, so I simply stay quiet, looking away as I try to get a hold on all of this... humanity....

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:54 pm

Leon raised his eyebrows, studying her closely before standing up, offering her his hand again. "Come with me," he said, the walls around his mind still up so that he couldn't read her mind. "Please?"

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:59 pm

I look down at his hand, staring at it. I am supposed to take it. I know that, at least. He didn't know what I was, nor who, but he knew some of my secrets. I could not trust his reading ability, could not willingly let him go with whatever he might have found in my mind. Carefully, I release the handle of my knife, take his hand instead. Must make sure he doesn't go and speak to unwanted listeners. I did not want to go back to...that place...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:29 pm

Leon smiled when she took his hand. He didn't hold it too tight, afraid that she would let go, but after giving it a little squeeze, he started toward the mansion. "So why did you come here if you weren't going to enjoy the party?" he asked her, holding the door open.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:09 pm

I let him lead, albeit a little hesitantly. "Observation..." I murmur in response to his question, letting my eyes wander about the large room, looking for threats, traps, dangers. As tight as a spring, ready to snap to attack or defend.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:04 pm

"Of what?" Leon asked curiously. He took her to a couch that sat next to a wall. It faced the whole crowd of dancing people so that she was able to 'observe' what she wanted to.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:29 pm

I sit, pull my hand away from his to wrap my arms around my knees that I draw up on the couch with me. "Correct human behavior..." I mumble, quietly so he may not be able to hear over the music. My eyes track the people's movements, their expressions and reactions. I felt ashamed of the fact, for some reason, and even stranger I feel my face heat slightly.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:39 pm

Veronica smiled as she watched what happened. She sat back and observed the two. The guy seemed to good with people. Especially a shy girl like her. That was nice to know. He kind of reminded her of Rory. There was a quick tight pain in her chest, but she forced the feeling away. He was dead, and she couldn fix that's even if she was a daughter of the lord of death.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:12 pm

Couldn't find me. No one could find me in this mess. Too far away from that damn place, able to blend in with these people. Not so hard to guilt a girl into giving me her dress. And as a thank you....
A light smile plays on my lips as I go through the back maze of the mansion. Well, I lost my knife, but my power was still here. Could just make someone give me theirs. Just... too many people around here still. Too many emotions going through my head from all of them. And my own.... It was a sickening swirl, one that made me feel like I lost my identity. Didn't even have my own emotions anymore. No future and no past. Just a no body... A good way to live when you're crazy, being chased to be locked in again, killing people...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Guest Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:59 pm

(FYI Liz, since you poofed, Alex and Dorian's target changed)

Alexander's eyes widened a tiny bit when he spotted the girl in the opening of a hallway, and he sent Dorian a quick mental message before trying to confirm her identity by quickly reading her mind... but... something was wrong. A mental block. Either the brothers were dealing with somebody that had extremely advanced physic powers and they were paranoid enough to have a mental block up 24/7, or the girl was flat out insane.

Dorian quickly came to the same conclusion, and sighed, closing his eyes for a moment in silent frustration. Just what they needed. They already had to deal with getting her out of the earshot of the crowded room, but they were hoping just to walk her out without any problems...

Another plan, then... Alex sent uncertainly, wary of the mysterious target.
What, then?!
...I believe I have an idea...


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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:15 pm

A sudden suspicion in the room. I glance over my shoulder slightly before retreating to the halls. Paranoia of another person...or maybe that was just me....
So fun to tamper though... My smile widens slightly, my eyes far away, a few giggles. Someone tries to invade my thoughts, but they're a labyrinth. A mix of so many people's emotions. Wasn't possible to be contained in one person, they thought. Stupid Institution...
So as I retreat, going through a door, I stab back at the person. No, people. Two. Send at them a wave of fear. Some...other....person's fear.....

(if you dont already know, she can only share emotions that she herself is feeling.)

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Just Before Dawn - Page 7 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

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