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Just Before Dawn

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:48 pm

Iwasn'tspyingthedoorwaswideopen!!! "Oh...uh... Aunts are... taking advantage of the open bar downstairs...." Sometimes I wish I could speak my thoughts... He made me sound like I did something wrong to me... Stop...Blushing, damn it!

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:55 pm

Drew nodded slowly. "Are you...alright? You seem very....flushed." he noted softly, tucking his hand back into his pocket and watching her. "So, your aunts like to drink? So did my mom." But that was long long ago, back when it was normal to have a few glasses of wine at dinner then another at night.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Regret Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:56 pm

How can Wade jump in?

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:14 pm

Flushed... See, that's great... Point it out and make it /more/ obvious. "No... I'm just... like that...." I mumble incoherently, shying away quickly. "Um... yeah... I better make sure they aren't drowning themselves or something... IguessI'llgo..." Though they weren't heavy drinkers. Typical Europeans - drinking was a social thing. They could have a glass of wine, but it'd take them three hours...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:17 pm

Drew nodded and watched her walk off. "If you wish to listen to piano playing, I'll be up here for a while." An invitation for her to stay with him for a bit during the party. "And to be honest, i dont mind the stalking while i played." He winked and chuckled softly before going back to the piano and playing again.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:33 pm

"Iwasn'tstalking! Closethedoorifyoudont'twantpeoplepeeking!" I shout at him in a jumble before retreating down the hall and around a corner. Pausing, I shake myself. Stopitstopitstopit! This is why you're so awkward around people! Among...other things...
Several deep breathes, I feel my cheeks stopping their burn, I look down at my pentagram bracelet. Being a witch had its moments too...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:51 pm

Drew sighed and looked at the door. He contemplated letting her just walk off in her flustered furry...but he was way to nice for that. Damn niceness. He got to his feet and started after her. "hey! Wait a second!" he grabbed her wrist, his fingers closing around the pentagram. "Didn't mean to upset you. It's fine that you came in. I don't mind." his words were slow and gentle. He was trying to prove he wasn't a bad guy.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:05 pm

I'm...not upset... This is just how I am...
But I pull away at his touch slightly, keeping my bracelet close to me. "No, it's fine," I say, staying put other that that one movement. "You're, um... Very good..."

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:08 pm

Drew smiled and nodded. "Thank you. I"ve had a long time to practice." years and years and even some moments frozen in time because of that book.
He realized in his rush to get back to her he forgot his book in the room. "Shit!" and with that he ran back. When he went in, he found it gone. No trace of it anywhere. But he didn't need one to know who took t in that short time. All they needed was two seconds with Drew away from the book.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:11 pm

Should I follow, er...just stay put...? Bah, curiousness... Hesitantly, I go back to the piano room's door, peeking in again. "" I ask, hanging in the doorway unsure. /Now/ who's the flustered one?

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:19 pm

Drew ran a hand through his hair and paced. "Yea...I'm fine...jus lost a spell big deal...." he continued to pace back and forth. When he was frazzled like this he didn't watch what he was saying. "only took me a few decades to get a hold of..." and within two seconds he had told some stranger about spells and that he was way older than he seemed. And did he care? Nope. Not right now.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:33 pm

"Huh." Yup. This was officially weird in my book. Not that... /I/ had a book... Even if I was a witch...
And, um... decades... Really? Doesn't he age nicely? "CanI.../help/ some way...?" I ask unsure, wondering whether or not I really wanted anything to do with the guy anymore. Yeah, spells weren't odd for me, but the only non aging things I could think of were vampires... He didn't seem... that high of a level to be able to change his appearance with magic...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:39 pm

Drew looked at her. "Just...if you see someone who looks at me...don't trust them unless you are certain it is me....and dont tell them anything that will let them have insite into your fears. Don't even think about fear around them. Just run. Alright?" and now he was sounding like a crazy person. Great. Just wonderful. Another sigh escaped his lips. "Would you believe me if I told you I wasn't crazy?"

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:36 am

Regret wrote:How can Wade jump in?

Will's all alone you could go talk to him.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Regret Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:35 am

Okay, but I've decided I'm replacing Steampunk Wade. The Carriers is staying modern and I'm going to write something else steampunk. Brb.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:45 pm

"uh..huh..." I say brokenly. A clone... or an evil twin... Whatever, this was odd. And yet, he was honestly flustered about it. So he couldn't be acting. If he was it was the weirdest ploy to keep me around I've ever seen.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:59 pm

Leon pointed to himself. "My name's Leon," he said, smiling at Veronica. He looked over at Aya, finally seeing her for the first time. She was determining on whether or not she should run....that was something he didn't want her to do. "C'mon, stick around, would you?" he asked, a smile on his lips.

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Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:10 pm

"Leon...." I murmur, my eyes pausing on him, studying him. Stick around...? What....did he mean? Nothing was sticky around here...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Kara Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:24 pm

Leon's smile widened at her confusion. "I mean stay here," he said, offering his hand to her. He took an experimental step towards her, hoping she wouldn't take off running. "What's your name?"

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:34 pm

My face stays blank, and I stay still for the time being. "Classified," I say quickly at his question. Studying his face, wondering what the meaning to the look was. How'd...he know...of my question...

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:31 pm

Veronica watched the girl come forward and sighed. "It's allright doll..." She looked at the slightly puzzled girl then the guy. "....We wont hurt you." She got up and walked to the girl slowly. She kept her hands where the girl could see them to ensure that she would know that Veronica wouldnt hurt her.

"So....Yea." Drew sighed softly. He kept pacing and running a hand thorugh his hair. "If he has it...this will be very very bad..." he muttered to himself.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:33 pm

I did not like the girl approaching. The boy has stayed put. He had made it my choice to come out. And even though they show that they supposedly pose no harm, how am I to know that they are not like me? With the boy's ability to read me so. My hand finds my knife hilt again, my other between us if I had to use my power. "Halt! I've not given you the clearance to approach," I growl at her.

I watch him, my eyes going back and forth like those old cat clocks. "So... Who's 'he'?" I ask, raising an eyebrow while crossing my arms, leaning on the door frame comfortably.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:36 pm

Veronica imediately stopped and took a few steps back. "Alright, alright doll. I'll stay back." she walked behind the guy again, as if trying to show she was not a threat. Her gaze went to te girls knife as she sighed.
"Must everything be so violet?" she muttered under her breath to herself. A translucent figure that only she could see came up next to her.
"Because hun, you are a daughter of death." the ghost smirked at her before drifting off again.

Drew sighed and looked at her. "He is a dangerous man...who looks just like me. Only, he is evil and uncaring and has no soul. And isnt afraid to kill." drew said, attempting to sum up everything that E!Drew was in a few statements. "He doest care who he hurt, and manipulates people's fears together what he wants."

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:11 pm

That all sounded so very captivating... "Is he just He or does he actually have a /name/?" I say with a slight smile at the tease. I had my magic too, didn't I? I wasn't the best but my aunts had done well enough to teach me how to defend myself, mentally or physically.

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

Post by Momo13 Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:17 pm

Drew swallowed. "Yea...not one he goes by though. He goes by E!Drew.....the evil version of my self. I know it sounds lame and stupid....but where we aer from....I, for some reason, and considered an all powerfull protector." He shook his head at that. He didnt want people thinking of him like that. He didnt want to be considered soemthing so high and mighty. "So, for someone to be exactly like me, but have no morals and somehow more powers....Its scary. Threatening even. And he strikes fear further into the hearts by calling himself Evil!Drew, or E!Drew for short. as if to remind everyone, that an evil me excists."

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Just Before Dawn - Page 6 Empty Re: Just Before Dawn

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