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What Goes Bump in the Night

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by alysonpaige Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:28 pm

Killiam smiled and softly clapped his hands together. "Great, glad you decided to."

(This is my last post for the night. Try not to go too far without me Wink)

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:31 pm

(All right then. Smile See ya.)

Hazel smiled broadly. The more people, the better. "All of us are." She stated.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by Bells Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:35 pm

Lucas couldn't believe what was happening. He suddenly went from being alone to being in a group with four other people. Clutching his staff to his chest, he grinned, shoving his hood back and glancing around at all of them again.
"I... um.." he began, trying to figure out what to say. He couldn't exactly go on about how excited he was. Plus, he realized, he wasn't being a very good host. "I... would you like a... um... drink?"
He'd managed to keep his house stalked with a little food, since he'd been managing to pick up on odd jobs here and there, as long as people didn't realize what he was.

((See you!))

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:42 pm

"I'm fine anyway." Hazel responded, and Caelan gave a small nod as he answered for himself, "Same here."
Hazel absentmindedly was studying the staff in Lucas' hands. "What kind of magic do you use?" She questioned after a pause, just curious.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by Bells Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:53 pm

Lucas glanced down at his staff, hesitating a little before glancing back up at Hazel.
"Light magic," he explained. "This is to help me focus it," he paused, hesitating once again before continuing on with his explanation. "My magic is a little too strong for small things, and this staff is to limit it."

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:59 pm

"Ah, I see." Hazel said, understanding what he meant. She knew she had troubles when she began using her magic, not able to control when she used it and how much. Years, and years, and years of practice it took to control it.
(I actually gotta go so...this is probably my last post. Smile.)

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:37 pm

(By the way, got a question. Would we want to chat on this while we're all on or just reply whenever we can?)

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by Bells Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:28 pm

((I'm fine with either way. ^^ ))

Lucas flushed a light shade of red, gripping his staff closer to himself. To be honest, the only magic he could easily handle without problem was his healing magic, because it wouldn't cause any problems if he used too much power.
"So..." he began, a thought occurring to him. "If you don't mind me asking... what are all of you?"

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:34 pm

(All righty. Smile I kinda just wondered about it Razz)

Hazel had her hands clasped lightly in her lap as she answered with a slight smile, "Well, I'm an elemental witch, Caelan here's a shapeshifter and my familiar actually." She assured, "He's not like those old tales say, where they blab nonsense about familiars being demons." She figured the others wouldn't necessarily mind if she stated what they were-considering they said what they were eagerly before-so she continued, "Killiam's a dragon, and Milina's a fox spirit."

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:00 pm

((I was gonna wait, but I decided to go ahead and post.))

"Wow," Lucas said, just staring at them for a moment. It was quite a group of people. "It's... unbelievable to have so many different types of people in one place... especially with that place being my own house."
He gave a small chuckle at the last bit, trying to wrap his head around it all. The biggest thought that was crossing his mind was the most important one, he figured.
What happens now that we're all here and we all decided to group up together?

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:11 pm

Hazel glanced up at Lucas, and then back at the others. Their features showed all the same thing. What do we do now?
"Well...I know we don't have any direct right now. I've been hearing around that some paranormals are congregating in a city on the west side of the country. It's probably a long shot though, might just be rumors. A trip that distance wouldn't be worth it if there was nothing to go to."

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:19 pm

Lucas hesitated, running the idea through his mind. It wasn't a bad one.
He allowed his eyes to sweet over the house. He had it pretty nice here, even if it was lonely. Was it worth leaving this for a rumor? He allowed his thoughts to trace back to how excited he was just a few minutes ago when he accepted the idea of joining up with them.
It was worth it.
"I... I would... um... be willing to go," he muttered, suddenly unsure of his decision. Even if he was willing to do it, what if the other two beyond Hazel and Caelan were against it?

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:25 pm

"I understand the hesitation." Hazel assured. "I had to give it quite a long thought. I wouldn't have suggested it though if I didn't think there was a chance it was real."
She shrugged. "I'm not the one to make that decision though. It's up to you guys."

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:28 pm

Lucas cheered up instantly. If there was a good chance that there was a place with more paranormal people then he'd just have to take the chance. After all, if it was so nice just to be with four other paranormals, then what would it be like with even more?
"I'm certain," he offered. "I would love to go and check this out."
This time around, he managed to keep his voice steady and clear of hesitation. His staff was grasped tightly in his hands, however it was almost more out of excitement than nervousness.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:32 pm

"Well, if we want to take a trip like that, we need provisions. And since everything's rationed that means...breaking in to get the supplies." Hazel continued, looking around at the group. She knew that like the gates, the ration stations were heavily guarded. It would be difficult to get at but maybe...having more people now would make it easier to accomplish.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:39 pm

Lucas's eyes went wide as he heard her speak. A moment later, however, he was trying to decide whether or not to say the thought that popped into his mind.
"I... I could..." he began, then paused as he realized he wasn't speaking loud enough for everyone to be able to hear him. Clearing his throat, he tried again."I could bend the light around us. I... that would be... it would make it hard to be seen. Since... um... light is what... makes... people see things..." he trailed off, giving a sheepish smile, and turning slightly red. "I mean, it's an idea... um... yeah."

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:43 pm

Hazel looked at him, giving a smile. "It's the best idea we have." She admitted. Caelan beside her nodded his head simply in agreement.
"Good, so we have a plan now. Awesome." She didn't let it completely show through but she was actually excited. There was...purpose now. Not just for her and Caelan. She was a part of something.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:58 pm

Relief flooded through him as he grinned.
"I'm glad I helped," he said. "So... this plan..." he hesitated, then continued on. "When do you think we'll be putting it into action?"
He couldn't help but feel his excitement growing even further than it had already been. They had a plan, and he had an important part. They were going somewhere with other people like them.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:10 am

"Well, I figure we'll be heading out tomorrow so we'll have to do it tonight." Hazel replied. "I believe the guards change shifts in an hour or so. That gives us a little more time to think what we need to do."

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by alysonpaige Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:36 pm

Killiam sat back and listened to Hazel and Lucas converse, open to getting out of this city, a city he'd been in far too long. He knew it was time to go and decided to speak up. "Well, if we need transportation west, I think I've got us covered."
Milina was shy to speak up, but knew she had the ability to trick people, after all she was a trickster spirit. She tucked hair behind her ear and swallowed a few times before clearing her throat and speaking. "I'm pretty good at pickpocketing and stealing, I could help."

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:41 pm

Hazel looked over at Killiam and Milina, and if she had been younger, she probably would have blushed from practically forgetting about them. "This'll just be perfect then." She commented, "So, we need to figure out step by step what we're doing."

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by alysonpaige Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:50 pm

Killiam scooted forward in his chair, getting in the scheming mood. "I do know some factories and stores over in the industrial district that are less heavily guarded." He suggested, not wanting to get caught after staying hidden for so long.
Milina nodded in agreement and scooted herself to sit on the floor cross legged, thinking best that way.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:53 pm

Hazel nodded, leaning forward slightly, her arms bent and her elbows resting on her knees. She had her hands clasped lightly. "That sounds better, going to a couple of those instead of taking on the head distributor." Caelan nodded himself, agreeing with the notion.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by alysonpaige Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:02 pm

Killiam nodded. "We'll have to hit those around midnight, that's when the guard is usually changing or on a break." He had missed planning things like this, it had been so long since he had been an adviser to a witch and/or king/leader that he had almost forgot how it felt to do it.

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:04 pm

Hazel nodded, a slight smile curving her lips. It had been a while since she needed to have, and plan a 'plan of attack'. It was almost invigorating. "Sounds like we've thought of everything."

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What Goes Bump in the Night - Page 4 Empty Re: What Goes Bump in the Night

Post by Sponsored content

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