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Can't fight this anymore....

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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:51 pm

The hand writing was shakey, the note having been scribbled quickly and weakly.

Dear Blake,

I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you. I realize now that I was just beyond helping. If there is anything I could have redone, that would be to have kissed you before I left. You were so good to me and I feel like I took it for grantued. I hope you forgive me and don't blame yourself for how this turned out. Just know I'm happy, no longer in pain. I'd tell you to give my body to the organ donners, but I don't think they want something so damaged....Thank you Blake. Thank you for all you did for me. I'm forever endebted to you.

Your friend,

"No! Don't touch me! I am perfectly fine to walk on my own!" Lou said to the nurse, not paying attention as she accidently ran into Blake. "ouf!" She stumbled back, the guy feeling like a brick wall.

Tucker ran a hand through his hair. "Ya, I know... and ya I am sorta tired....but I sorta just need some company..."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:55 pm

Blake probably would have finally broke down and cried a little if that girl hadn't rammed into him just then. He caught her arm before she could fall completely to the ground. "Careful there," He muttered, righting her and letting go, having heard her whining about not being touched.

" just need a friend," Bonnie said, holding back a sigh. They'd been more than that, but she had a feeling that was all she could hope for right now. "Okay, what time tonight?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:02 pm

"Seven?" Tucker asked hopefully, feeling a little bit better now that she had agreed. It was about time he got some sort of social interaction. He needed it before he exploded.

Lou blinked at him, her mouth dropping open slightly; he was hot! "Uh, thanks." She smiled, running a hand through her dark brown hair. The other was wrapped in a light gauze. The area around her eyes was a slight bit darker than the rest of her skin. She raised her brow, trying to decide what color his eyes were.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:05 pm

"Sure...see you then," Bonnie said, waiting a moment before hanging up.

"You're welcome..." Blake politely smiled slightly at her, nervous as to why she was staring at him. It was a little creepy. "Uh...I'm Blake." Might as well fill the awkwardness with introductions.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:10 pm

"Sounds good," Tucker said before she hung up. He sat his phone beside him and laid back on the dock, passing out from exauhstion.

"Oh, I'm Lou," She smiled, her voice carrying a faint Brittish accent. "Sorry, but what color are your eyes?" She watched him, wishing she could pick out the rest of his colors, but all she could see was black, black-er, black-is, white, white-ish, and grey.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:14 pm

"Eh, I don't know," Blake said, kinda shrugging as he ran a hand through his hair. He'd never really thought about it, though girls had told him what color they were before. "Blueish gray?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:17 pm

"Oh," Lou said as she tried to picture the color. "Sorry," she said after a moment, blushing slightly. "I..can't see colors" She gave a small, embaressed smile. "What brings you here to this prison for the sick, the afflicted, and the..well the stupid?" She asked waving her wrapped hand and giving a small laugh.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:21 pm

Blake raised his eyebrow when she said she couldn't see colors. But his expression faded to kind of gloomy when she asked why he was here. He looked down at he note in his hand and sighed, folding it up to put in his pocket. "A friend was really sick, so I came by..." He trailed off, not wanting to talk about Alice. "Why are you here? What happened to your arm?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:25 pm

Lou smiled widely. "Chem accident. Apparently when you light a copper pipe bomb, you're not suppose to hold it." She giggled and watched him for a moment. She gave a quick look around for the nurse then looked at him. "Wanna get out of here?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:28 pm

Blake just gave her an odd look. "I think you should stay here, Lou..." Or whatever her name was. He had this feeling there was more wrong with her than her arm. "I have to get going anyways, though it was nice meeting you."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:33 pm

"Fine, but you're missing out." Lou shrugged, ducking out the door with a smile. She hated being in the hospital. She walked casually down the sidewalk, dressed in jeans and a black T. She had only been there on a check up anyway. She scanned the rows for her Harley.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:37 pm

Blake stood there for a second, confused by that encounter. He made his way back out to his car, the death of Alice weighing down his spirits more and more as he walked. When he got to his car it wouldn't start. "Perfect," he muttered sarcastically. "Fucking perfect."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:40 pm

Lou finally found her Harley, a large smile plastered on her face as she swung her leg over, turning the key and slamming her foot down on the throttle(I think that's what it's called) to start it. She kicked up her stand and started out of the parking lot, slowing when she reached his car and tilted her head slightly. "Car trouble?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:42 pm

Blake glanced up, hearing the accent. Oh, it was her. "Car won't start," He said, trying his best to say calm, when he was falling apart inside.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:44 pm

Lou sighed and walked her bike into the empty parking spot next to his car and turned it off. She got off, setting it down on it's kickstand and walked over to the front. "Pop the hood, let's take a look."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:46 pm

Blake raised an eyebrow but unlocked the hood and got out. He was embarrassed that he didn't know a thing about cars. He was supposed to as a guy....


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:56 pm

Lou opened the hood up and looked over everything, checking his oil and the other fluids. She frowned slightly and got down, managing to manuver her way under the car. She cleaned out the filter underneath, but that wasn't what the problem was. She sighed and shimmied back out from under the car, a little grease on her cheek as she sat in the driver's seat and popped open the compartment next to the steering wheel. "Well, here's your problem. Your spark plug is shot." She looked at him. "Got any spares?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:57 pm

"Uhm..." Blake went around to his trunk, where there was a bunch of random crap that had piled up over the months of having his car. He held up something. "Is this a spark plug?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:04 am

Lou shook her head, fighting back a small giggle. She went to the back with him and dug through the trunk and sighed. "Looks like you don't have one. I can give you a ride to the gas station if you want, they usually have some on the shelves."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:20 am

Blake glanced at her motorcycle. He couldn't just ride behind her like some kind of girl. He pulled out his wallet, finding some cash. "If I give you money, will you go get it and bring it back, instead?"


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:24 am

Lou smirked at him. "Sure," she held out her hand for the money and took it, then went and grabbed the dead spark plug so she knew what to look for. "Woos." She muttered playfully as she got onto her bike and kicked up the stand, starting it up again. She backed out carefully, then left him in the parking lot, reving her engine happily as she shot down the road. Fifteen minutes later she was back with a package of plugs. She parked next to him and slipped off her bike, setting it up on it's stand and killing the engine. "Here you are." She handed him the money and the box of plugs.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:29 am

"I...don't know what to do with these," Blake said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. The spark plugs, he meant. "I'm not good with cars."

As it got close to seven, Bonnie tried not to be nervous about tonight. It wasn't her usual nervous she got around Tucker, it was more of a scared nervous. After months, how would this go?


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:33 am

Tucker woke at a quarter to seven and looked at his phone. Cuss words flew from his mouth as he jumped up, snagging up his phone and ran for his truck. He was about five minutes late when he finally pulled into Bonnie's driveway.

Lou gave a small smile. "Don't worry, it's ok." She took the box again and went to the driver's seat and sat down, searching through the box for the plug that looked like the dead one, pulled it out, and popped it into the slaught. "There you go, now try it." She moved out the way, letting him in.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:41 am

Bonnie didn't really notice, having not been counting down the minutes like that other time. She walked down the stairs, not nearly as excited as she should be, and walked out to his truck. "Hey Tucker."

Blake left the driver's door open as he attempted to start the car...
and it worked. Smiling, he turned it off for again.
He grinned over at Lou. "Thanks, I owe you."


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:45 am

Lou shrugged as she got back onto her bike and smiled at him. "Just think of it as bein neighborly." She winked at him and started up her bike. "See you around?" She asked a little hopefully.

Tucker got out and went around to her sighed and hugged her tightly. "Hey," he said quietly, not letting go. Gaia he'd missed her. He'd missed her voice, her touch, her eyes. Everything.


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 Can't fight this anymore.... - Page 20 Empty Re: Can't fight this anymore....

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