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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Team Sherlock
Rebel Wolf
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:08 pm

James and Damon lead their slaves into the castle, Damon wondering off to look for some food for them after some insistance from James. James turned back to the two slaves, his arms crossed, and his face unreadable.

Azriel's eyes flashed with suspicion for a second, before returning to normal. "As long as you behave if we see my father. I don't want you guys getting hurt, er, I mean I don't want anything of mine destroyed."

Rusty snorted and gave Azreil a look before tilting his head. He'd always been fascinated with witches and turned to look at Azriel's slave as his own mentioned she was one. Just then the scent of witch came to him and he confirmed it to himself she was indeed one.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:26 pm

Blaise: I was reluctant to leave the outdoors and the sky, but knew i had no choice in the matter, at least for the moment, so i grudgingly followed as we all went inside. I remained silent, arms crossed, and glanced around, studying the interior of the castle. I was nervous, and although i was trying not to betray my feelings of anxiety, i wasnt entirely certain that i was succeeding.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:30 pm

Adair made sure her face held innocence, but not too much and her gaze was once more on Azriel. "Of course I'll be on my best behavior, i wouldn't dream of doing otherwise," she said. She felt eyes on her and turned to see the other bloodsucker staring st her. She didn't like the fact that he was watching her. "Yeah, I'm a witch, one of the last in my bloodline too." Adair watched the girl that had spoken for a moment, picking up the fact that she was a werewolf. "So then you're a werewolf?"
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:14 pm

Aria gave the girl a quick smile, "Yep." She heard of witches but never seen one. She looked at the vampire who owned this girl. He didn't look that impressive to be a prince or what ever he was to the vampires. She didn't really care as long as he stayed away from her. Aria then realized that another vampire was mentioned and couldn't help but flinch too many vampires in one place. Though she was excited about seeing the castle. She loved the architecture of old buildings.
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:15 pm

Damon came walking back with a tray of food in his hand. He gave the plate to James and yawned, stretching. "Bring them to the pool after they eat. Make them. I don't want them starving themselves." James sighed as he watched Damon leave.

Azriel motoined towards the door. "Then lets get a move on shall we? We can take a quick swim in the pool later."

Rusty brightend at the mention of the pool and grinned, then frownd. "As long as we don't run into your brother."
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:21 pm

Adair stood and raised an eyebrow when she heard the mention of a brother. All of a sudden she was the slightest bit nervous about the fact that there were a multitude of bloodsuckers in the castle. It would make it harder to escape, but she pushed back the thought. "So then bloodsucker, you have a brother?"
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:44 pm

Azriel's eyes darkened and his eyes became distant as he searched with his mind for his brother. He felt him and scowled, noticing that he was indeed in the castle. His voice came out straind. "Yes. Don't push him is all I've got to say. He's just as bad as my dad." He ran a hand through his hair, a habit he had anytime he was anxious about something. He prayed that his brother would behave and not kidnapp his slave just to feed. He'd do something like that. "He's not got a sliver of kindness in his black unbeating heart."
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:51 pm

Adair crossed her arms and opened her mouth, ready to say something about all bloodsuckers not being kind, but she could see that Azriel and Rusty were both kinder than most. She shut her mouth and decided against a comeback. "Lead the way then, oh great bloodsucking prince."
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:56 pm

Aria followed behind them not comfortable around them. She still didn't trust vampires or like them as for the witch the jury was still out on that one. She sighs why couldn't life go back to the way they were when she was younger and do whatever she wanted. Now she has to worry about stinking vampires. "Great more vamipires." Aria mutters.
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:06 pm

Rusty snorted. "We heard that." He pinched her cheek softly and playfully before bringing up the rear.

Azriel snorted and covered his mouth to hold back a laugh. "So the little female can be funny." He lead the way through the halls, pointing out cearting things to them.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:12 pm

Aria tried her hardest not to smile at them. Great she was starting to like these vampires. That was something she couldn't handle. "How old are you guys?" She was curious with their age since she heard they never aged which of course was problematic especially for her.
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:15 pm

Adair smirked slightly and glanced at the werewolf, and then at Azriel. her eyebrow raised the slightest when she heard him snort. In a way, she could see that not all vampires were pure evil, but that didn't mean she trusted him any less... "Nice snort, bloodsucker." As soon as she heard the werewolf's question, she wondered the same thing herself.
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:24 pm

Blaise: My eyes narrowed slightly and i frowned a bit as my 'master' told the other one to force us to eat. I didnt trust anything that came from him. But i wasnt sure that starvation was much of a better option.... i would need energy to be able to escape.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:33 pm

James offered them the large plate. "You really should eat guys. You'll need your energy." His voice was soft, trying to coax them to eat. He really didn't want them starving.

Azriel raised an eyebrow. "Well....I was born during Ancient, sometime when they first created the calender I guess....I was fifteen don't know my age really." He shrugged.

Rusty smiled. "I'm the same, except I'm Spartan, not Greek like my friend here. Despite the enemys our clans were we stuck together."

Damon made it to the pool and dove in.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:38 pm

Blaise: I eyed the food warily, unwilling to take it. "I'll pass, thanks. I dont exactly trust you. Any of you. I'll take my chances with starvation." i said levelly. Although i was hungry, my caution overwhelmed my hunger enough that i could ignore the food for the moment.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:38 pm

Aria was intrigued she wondered what it felt like to live that long. She imagined the past worlds and how she would have fit into society. She wanted to know what Greek culture was really like or the spartans. She always loved history. "How did you become a vampire?" she blurted out without thinking. Why was she so curious about them?
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:41 pm

"Actually, the Egyptians created the calender in technicality. The Greeks and Romans just stole it, making changes until it resembled more closely to todays calender," Adair said, showing her brains, the brains that she normally kept hidden along with the fact that she loved history.
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:47 pm

James picked up a lone grape and popped it in his mouth, chewed it slowly, then swallowed. "Please eat. Damon can be persuasive. He'll force you to eat, and I'd rather you did it willingly and without pain." His voice became straind.

Azriel smirked. "Yes, but we improved it. I must admit though, it was smart of them to actually think about starting to record history. Well, all they did really was record how much trade they got and accounts of wars, but still." He stiffend as he heard the question of how they were changed, and the nightmares resurfaced in his mind. He looked to Rusty.

Rusty had the same haunted look on his face and sighed. "That's a story for another time. Proably when we make it to the pool, eh?"

(*grins* Me big history geek. ^^ Or at least that's what my sisters call me. I'm more interested in the Ancient Greek stuff though, due to the fact I'm half Greek on my mom's side.)
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:53 pm

Blaise: I frowned and moved my gaze to the ground, debating this. I found myself believing him, because frankly..... what he was saying didnt sound all that far fetched. And then the word 'pain' got thrown in, which would inevitably mean violence, and i didnt know what KIND of violence would be occurring. I would not be able to escape with broken limbs, for example. So, reluctantly, i dec ided that it was in my best interests to just eat and get it over with. Reluctantly i ate a bit, enough to take the edge off my hunger, and then stopped. "There...." i grumbled. At least now the only thing grumbling was my mouth and not my stomach....

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:59 pm

Adair wanted to smile, but she bit the feeling back. She could not start feeling relaxed or even happy around these bloodsuckers, that was like guaranteeing her demise if she trusted them. "Yes, but just remember to give the right people credit for it."

(I can relate to the history geek thing, except my mom and best friends are the ones that call me that. ^_^ Ancient Greece is pretty epic.)
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:05 pm

Azriel opend a large door, which led to a large indoor pool. "Anyone up for a swim? There's all sorts of swim suits and other gear for you to try out in the dressing room. I'll stand gaurd to keep others out." He groand as he heard a splash in the pool, and the whole left side of him was soaked. He glared, his eyes turning red as he looked over at his brother, swimming around in his black swim trunks. His eyebrows lifted and he gave a dark smile, his black eyes devious. He swam to the edge and laid his head ontop his hands. "What brings you and these fair ladies to our pool, Prince Azriel?" He looked them over curiosly and sniffed the air, seeing that they weren't human. All the more fun to try and make them submit later. He gave a real smile then, his fangs flashing as he got out. "I'm outta here though. Can't leave James along with our new slaves." He patted Adair on the head as he left and shut the door.

Rusty growled. "I hate your brother."

Azriel smirked. "As do I."

James relaxed, his honey gold eyes lightening some. "Good girl." Smart girl was more like it, but he didn't have time to correct that as he heard Damon coming back.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:09 pm

Aria nods then keeps following. She started to pay attention to the witch's and vampire's conversation. They were talking about ancient greek. Aria unfortunatlly never payed attention in history class to remember much from it except the Olympics and the fact that the did the Olympics naked. She remebered her friends laughing really hard at that one and making stupid jokes. Aria felt a the corners of her lip tup up from the memory.
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Ravyn Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:10 pm

Blaise: I rolled my eyes at his words, but bit back any retort as i picked up on the sound of footsteps, stiffening. Was my 'master' returning? I hoped not.... that.... would not bode well. But i resisted the urge to flee immediately and steeled myself, pulling my icy mask back on and eliminating any outward signs of fear or nervousness as id been taught since i was little. What would happen would happen. All i could do for now was wait and see what fate hadi store for me.

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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:13 pm

Adair noticed the other bloodsucker and instantly had a strong dislike for him. granted she wasn't fond of bloodsuckers, but he was even worse in her book and she was just now seeing him. The second he patted her head, her eyes narrowed and her mind immediately went over spells. The idea of turning him into a toad seemed very inviting. One he was gone she glanced at Azriel, thinking that maybe he wasn't too terribly bad, but once again pushed away the trust she was starting to have. "Just by a glance, I can tell I hate him as well. It's incredibly tempting to turn him into a toad or a fruit fly."
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Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix) - Page 4 Empty Re: Bloody Moon (Fantasy Mature mix)

Post by Bells Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:08 am

((Sorry for this taking so long, I've been very busy lately))

Seria watched this all, standing as far from the vampire and the other slave as possible. She'd never liked being around anyone, and this wasn't about to change any time soon. Shrugging slightly to herself, she ate as she was told, there wouldn't be any chance of escape if she was dumb enough to try and stave herself. No, she would plan a better way, a sure fire way. Eyeing the one who had bought her she resisted the urge to bare her teeth at him. She wouldn't allow anything to get in her way, if anything, or anyone, did. She would take care of them.

Last edited by Heist on Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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