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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:43 pm

Wait. What. A visitor? I looked up at him, confused and weary. "Marge? I thought she was too old for the walk." I stood, walking over to him.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:50 pm

Michael shook his head. "No, it wasn't Marge. She's sick so she won't be out here for a while." He grabbed the milk from the fridge, pouring some into a bowl of pancake mix and focused on stirring that instead. "It's not important who did you sleep?"


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:57 pm

I narrowed my eyes, letting it drop. "Okay, I suppose, besides the snow lady dreams." I looked around, trying to make sense of the chaoticness of last night. Must of been the hot choco. Not more sugar for me. I glanced back to him. "It's really cozy here, did you buy it?"


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:42 pm

Michael tensed at the mention of "snow lady" dreams. He gave a sharp nod and set the bowl down slowly. "I'll be right back," he muttered and turned off the eggs which were now cooked, then made his way to the hall and to his room, shutting the door behind him.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:01 pm

I blinked, looking around. Did I do something wrong? I looked myself over, trying to see if my disheveled hair scared him off or something. I looked back up, feeling stupid. I was invisible. Right. I stayed at the table, fighting off a random onslaught of tears, feeling oddly stupid. Gar.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:07 pm

Things began to crash in Michael's room, sounding as if they were being thrown against the wall or something.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:14 pm

I flinched, darting up. What the? With out hesitation, I scrambled toward the noise, stopping short at a door. "er.." I knocked hesitantly. "You okay?" My goodness, what the hell was he doing?


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:26 pm

There wasn't an answer, just more things crashing against the walls and a soft sob.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:48 pm

I broke through the door, glancing around wildly "M-Michael? Are you okay? Where are you?"


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:01 pm

The room was in shambles, pictures shattered on the floor. Michael was sitting against the far side of the bed, his back to her and his eyes on a snow globe that was in his hands. His face had the reminants of tears, his eyes red rimmed as he stared at the globe. He didn't notice she was there, nor did he nessiccarily care at the moment.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:06 pm

What in the. What did this? I shuffled forward hesitantly, reaching out to place an invisible hand on his shoulder. "M-Michael? What happened? You're scaring me..."


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:12 pm

Michael tensed at her hand, winced at her words. He didn't like scaring her, but he didn't like being...this. "I'm sorry," he murmered, that being his only explination. Inside the snow globe was a bear that changed into a boy every few minutes and a woman watching him and beckoning him to come to her. "She came last night," he finally said after a long moment.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:28 pm

I frowned, not understanding, "Who? Are you okay? What happened here?" I squeezed his shoulder trying to sooth him. I felt like I was missing something; something big.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Black&White Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:02 am

Wasn't sure what to do... But it was nice. It was comforting, being close to another being again. Even if it wasn't one of my kind. "Thank you," i mumble into his shirt. Leaning into him slightly more, imitating him to put my arms around him. It's...odd... but...

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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:34 am

Michael stared at the snow globe, taking a deep breath. "I told you about my story...didn't I?" He asked, glancing up at her. He couldn't recal if he had gone into detail or not.

Jason smiled and couldn't help a small chuckle. "Any time," he said softly as he held her. "Did you want to shower or anything?"


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:46 am

I shrugged, peering at the snow globe. "Vaguely. You're a polar bear as punishment. You also told me not to come in here." I replied nonchalantly, looking around. What was so dangerous about this room anyway?


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:50 am

Michael remained silent for a while, his eyes trained on the snow globe. His room held the scars of torment from an earlier time when he had first been sentanced to this hell of a punishment. Large claw marks riddled just about everything, including the bed. "Have you ever heard the story of the Polar Bear King?"


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:00 am

I blinked, turning my attention back to him. It sounded vaguely familial, "I think so... Why, is it about you?" I shifted, settling on the bed, my eyes drifting back to the snow globe. "is so pretty, how is it doing that?" I reach out toward it curiously.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:07 am

Michael did his best to keep from flinching it away from her, part of him, a large part, not wanting her to touch it. "Yes," he said softly, his eyes falling on her face. "And no....same concept...different ending..."


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:18 am

I stroked the globe, entranced by it. "How do you know? Has your story ended yet?" I didn't spare him a glance, I was to busy trying to figure out how the globe kept chaning him from human back to polar bear.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:37 am

Michael stood, putting the snow globe back on the desk. "Almost," he muttered softly and looked down at his large hands. He felt the rage burn through him again and he clentched them into fists, staring at the ground as he forced himself to control it.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Black&White Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:45 am

"I will..." I guessed. Nothing more to do? But it was nice here... No contact for such a long time. Wizard was afraid to touch, as if all his details in me might smudge like a picture. He would touch when taking from me, but it was never nice or long.

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:45 am

I tore my gaze from the globes, moving in closer to him. "Hey, you okay?" I asked, my voice soft, not wanting to further upset him. "You know, at the very least, you have me." I offered him a small smile.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:50 am

Michael looked over at her, his eyes full of sadness, but gave a small nod. "Thank you," he murmered and his eyes fell to the floor again. He took a deep breath, his mind once again entering the near constant arguement of whether or not he should just give in. He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a deep breath. "Come on," he murmered, guiding her out. "I'll finish making you some breakfast."


Jason smiled down at her and gave a small nod. "Alright, do you need me to show you how to turn it on before you get in?" He asked, thinking this would be a very good thing to know so the cold water didn't come crashing down on her.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:53 am

I sighed and let him led me out, sparing the snow globe on last longing glance before the door closed, taking it from my sight. I sighed and went back to the kitchen, taking my seat and staring at the food.


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Cursed      - Page 7 Empty Re: Cursed

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