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Wishing Stars deviation

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:18 am

Lucia finished getting ready quickly and met Ryder by the door, slipping her hand into his. She wondered how her parents would react to her sudden attention change. She had never really been so focused on one thing as focused as she was on Ryder. She hadn't really felt love for a man, either, but he changed that, too. "I loe you," she said, her voice taking a turn toward being more shy.

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Guest Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:40 am

Ryder ginned and brushes his fingers against her cheeks as he watched her, his wrist still uncovered, not that he noticed. "I love you," he murmered and kissed her, his body craving her. He pulled away and went down the steps, gently pulling her along. "Do you want to walk there? Or would you rather take the bike?"

(gah, I really want to play witch Kelony!...can we make her Ryder's cousin?)


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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:18 pm

(Only if I can bring in Kal. . . *evul grin*)

Lucia shrugged and looked up at him, her body wanting to be with him. She wanted him to hold her, to keep her safe, but she knew that it wasn't very realistic that she could constantly be near him. Some time, she was going to have to go home. "We can walk," she said, her lips curling up at the end.

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Guest Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:09 pm

(ok ^.^)

Name: Kelony Tanner
Age: 18
Looks: Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Images11
Ryder smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist and walked with her to the park. It was a nice day, warm with a cool breeze. The park was pretty well quiet except for the occasional squeals of delight from the children on the playground. He could get use to this. He liked the feel of how calm and serene it was. "RYDER!" a squeal pierced the air. Ryder looked around in shock, his arm dropping from Lucia's waist just before a girl barreled into Ryder, hugging him tightly. "Ryder! I can't believe it! I was actually on my way to come see you!"
"K-Kelony?" Ryder asked looking stunned as a broad grin streched across his face. He hugged her back tightly, chuckling. "What are you doing here? I didn't think you guys were coming back after you moved to California."
"Oh, it's just me," Kelony stepped back for a second but quickly went back to hugging him tightly. "I'm so glad I found you. I was starting to feel really scared. Dah let me graduate early. You won't believe it! I got accepted to Julliard! That's why I'm here!"
"Oh wow, that's awesome Kelony! I'm so happy for you!" Ryder looked over at Lucia grinning widely as he held Kelony. "Oh, Kelony, this is Lucia. She's my girlfriend. Lucia, this is my cousin Kelony. She's like my sister."
Kelony let go of Ryder and grinned at Lucia, giving her a large hug. "Hi! It's so nice to meet you!"


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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:00 pm

Lucia's eyes went wide as the girl, Kelony, rushed up rambling loudly. She held a chaotic energy that Lucia couldn't place. It was almost urgent or overly excited. Maybe a mixture of the two. She managed a smile and pushed her hair back. "Nice to meet you, too," she said, watching the girl. She glanced up at Ryder quetly and then back to his cousin.

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:27 pm

Kelony grinned widely as she looked between Lucia and Ryder. "I'm so happy I found you," she said as she seemed to settle, finally getting over the initial excitement of seeing Ryder. She seemed to have tears in her eyes but she quickly pushed them back. "Can I treat you guys to lunch?" she asked hopefully.
Ryder glanced at Lucia, letting her decide as he slipped his arm back around her waist.


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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:45 pm

Lucia shifted for a mintes and then shrugged and then looked back up to Ryder. She didn't feel right making this kind of desicion. She had just met the girl and she didn't want to take advantage of her kindness. Especially not one of Ryder's relatives. She continued to find ways she might accidentally make herself look bad and frowned gently, her eyebrows furrowing a little.

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:48 pm

Kelony glanced at her phone and her eyes went wide. "Nevermind! I'm so sorry! But I just realized I have practice that I have to get to!" She quickly hugged Ryder and then Lucia and flashed them a smile. "I promise to take you both to lunch one of these days. I'll see you later!" She turned on her heel and ran in the opposite direction.
Ryder chuckled and shook his head as he watched her, then looked back at Lucia. "She's not usually this hyper. Someone must have given her coffee."


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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:55 pm

Lucia managed a full grin as Kelony ran off and then looked at Ryder, "If you say so," she said quietly. She was going to believe him because she had only known her for about fifteen seconds. They were still in the park and she slid her hand into his, leading him toward the swings.

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:03 pm

Ryder raised a brow and followed her, smiling softly. He helped her into a swing and then began to push her gently. He grinned to himself, unable to help the feeling that they were back in elemetary school.
Ryder handed Lucia a note and she looked it over.
"What's it say?"
"Well why don't you read it?"
"I didn't know potatoes could write."

He grinned at the memory, looking back at Lucia.


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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:37 pm

Lucia grinned back at him while he pushed her and could help but think of ten years before, doing the same thing. They were nearly inseperable back then and her crush was as desperately obvious as it had been before they got together, though she didn't ask to marry him as much. "I love you, Mr. Samuels," she said, grinning.

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:40 pm

Ryder grinned, catching the swing and holding her close to him. He kissed her neck softly. "Even if I am a potatoe?" He asked teasingly.


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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:55 pm

Lucia chuckled quietly, but didn't answer for a moment, savoring the feeling of his lips on her neck. Then, she opened up her eyes and looked straight t him, her lips still slightly curved. "Even if you're a potato." She felt like she'd love him any way he was.

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:57 pm

Ryder grinned and kissed her softly before letting her go and pushing her again. "I love you too, Lucia." He watched her, his eyes taking in all of her beauty and radiance. He felt his heart swelling with the love he had for her, as if it was going to burst.


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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:37 am

Lucia smiled back at him and then let her eyes scan the old playground thoughtfully. She had really missed this place. The high school seemed so much larger, colder. Not so much now that she thought about it, but the start of the freshman year was hell. She had moved up with her friends, but she still felt like eveyone was judging her. She felt like eveyone had known her secret. She pasued and hopped off the swing, landing and then walking to Ryder, putting her hands on his chest. "Did you know I was adopted?" She asked.

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Guest Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:30 am

Ryder wrapped his arms around her, kissing her gently. "No, you never told me that. I just remember you disapearing a lot as a kid," he moved to kiss her neck as he held her. So, Lucia was adopted huh? That must be interesting.


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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:16 pm

Lucia blushed a little, shocked that she had given it away so quickly. She didn't expect people not to know... Though no one had ever shown that they knew. She sighed, smiling a tiny bit. "Oh, well now you know," she said, leaning against him and looking up.

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Guest Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:19 pm

Ryder smiled down at her and kissed her gently. "I still love you," he murmered, his eyes shining with happiness at her being with him. A slight sadness pulled at the corner of his eyes. "Did I tell you Adam died?"


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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:27 am

Lucia's facial expression instantly changed to soemthing sad. Adam... She may not have been close to him or really talk to him, but she knew who he was and she had a heart. Instinctively, her fingers curled, gripping the fabric of his shirt, like he might start to go away from her. "N-no, you didn't tell me," she said, meeting his careful blue eyes with her own green eyes, the windows that were showing all of her vulnerabilities. She had always tried to keep them closed, but every time someone brought up someone else dying, they seemed to open back up. She was always reminded of the night her sister overdosed. She was reminded of how she spasmed and spasmed, her nose bleeding viciously, and her eyes rolling back. She was reminded of the fear that lit up her parents eyes and the way that they didn't call an ambulance because they were too afraid of the police coming and taking away their stash. They watched their own daughter die in front of them and Lucia watched as her sister faded away.

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Guest Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:31 am

Ryder gave a small nod and tightened his grip around her. "Ya, there was an accident a few months ago..." He swallowed hard and then cleared his throat, looking around. "Should we head home?" he asked, desperate to change the subject before he broke. He couldn't stand the thought of crying in front of her again. What would she think?


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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:33 pm

Lucia looked at him, quickly pulling his head down to kiss him deeply. She knew that they both needed a distraction and maybe this would help. Her fingers tangled in his hair and she pulled away after a minute, biting her lip. "Yeah, let's go home." She paused, realizing she had said home. She brushed it off as her own home, but she couldn't help but think of his house, not hers.

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Guest Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:42 pm

Ryder grinned and kissed her again before walking back towards his house with her. He wondered if her parents were freaking out yet. What would they do if they figured out she was with him? He shrugged off the thought, figuring she had taken care of it. As they reached the front door he still couldn't help preparing himself for an onslaught of "I can't be with you anymore because of my parents" type statements that would most likely come in the days to follow. He opened the door for her and followed her inside. "Want something to eat?"


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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:39 pm

Lucia shook her head, folding her hands as she walked in, something just in ther smell of his house making her feel so much more comfortable. She wanted to sit around and spend time with him and relax, but at the same time, she didn't want to do that with Ryder. It was too relaxed, too quiet. She wanted to spend time with him, nothing more or less. She figured she ought to talk to her parents, but she had texted them telling them where she was, so it wasn't in the front of her mind.

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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Guest Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:54 pm

Ryder raised a brow as he watched her, kissing the top of her head gently once he made it over to her. "You sure? I can..test my cullanary skills...or we could go out for dinner or something." He didn't like that she wasn't eating. When was the last time they ate? He couldn't even remember. His arms wrapped around her waist again as he swayed gently from side to side in a silent dance.


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Wishing Stars deviation - Page 10 Empty Re: Wishing Stars deviation

Post by Avery Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:00 pm

Lucia nodded, swaying back and forth with him. "Yeah, I'm sure," she said, nodding. "I'm not very hungry." She honestly couldn't remember the last time she had eaten anything, but she wasn't very hungry. She gently put her hand over her stomach, feeling a little tiny gurgle, the complete emptiness finally hitting her. She still wasn't hungry, though.

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