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Something Goes Bump In The Night

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:21 am

(okay Smile )

Alice looked at him and laughed. "I think that we would be okay... She said with a smile. "But you guys have to stay out of the room... Lets go back to her room..."

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:26 am

Brian didn't want to leave them alone but he let them go do what needed to be done. Aria gave a reasurring smile to Slade and Brian before her and Alice left to go to her room. There Aria sat on the bed and Alice right next to her suddenly it felt like this has happened before.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:58 am

Alice looked at her. "Im getting a desva vous feeling.." She said shaking her head. She felt alittle dizzy. "What should we do now?"

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sat Oct 22, 2011 8:11 pm

(Hey do you want to start the story since it is yours?)
Aria nodded in agreement. This felt so familar like they were here this way all the time but then of course maybe they were. "Umm should we just call her?"
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sat Oct 22, 2011 8:43 pm

(um you can... i cant log on my computer yet -_- I have to wait lol just write the first chapter or you can write like 2 if you want Smile )
Alice shrugged. "It... depends... I think we have to do something that will well make her want to come.. because I am very stubborn." They heard a ghostly chuckle and Alice smiled. "Well that was freaky..."

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:18 pm

(okay I will write the first chapter from Aria's perspective since she is my charrie but do you want to change any of there names?)

Aria looked around with wide eyes, "Yeah, maybe that was you." Hmmm aria didn't know how to make her come out. She knew when her and Alice touched it created something maybe that could make her come out. She took Alice's hand, "We know almost everything we just need you to tell us the rest." When she didn't appear Aria sighed, "Please." Then suddenly she was in front of them.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:20 pm

(nope :3)

Alice was shocked. The girl looked so much like Alice. Her heart started to pound. "Alice?" She asked. The girl smiled and whispered yes.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:39 pm

Aria stared between the two seeing the simalarities. "Wow." It was weird how much they looked alike. Then Aria thought of something why wasn't she here, the ghost her from the past. Why did only Alice stick around and not her? "Where is she?" When the ghost Alice looked confused Aria clearified. "Me, Where is she why isn't she here?" Saying it that wasy made Aria feel a little crazy.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:49 pm

The ghost of Alice gav eher a wry smile. "She does not haunt this place for it was not the place of her death.... there is a old barn on the other side of this land that holds the key you look for... I will only unlock one window but you must find it... Alice dear... I think you will understand why I chose this window." And she was gone.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:59 pm

Aria turned to Alice, "Do you have any idea what window she is talking about?" She wanted to see herself and learn the answers she was looking for about her past. Alice had her diary to tell her what she felt and herself, but Aria had no one. She couldn't even remember anything from her past.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:03 pm

Alice shook her head and thought. "It could be the one in the attic.... it was where I had my first kiss with him..." She whispered. "But the staris leading up to it were destoryed..."

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:21 pm

Aria sighed, "Somehow I don't think it is that one but just in case lets see if we can find a way up." She headed to the stairs waiting for Alice to join.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:23 pm

Alice shook her head. "It isnt that way..." She opened the door and walked through. Slade looked reliefed. "I thought you both died... what did she say?" He looked at Aria.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:32 pm

Aria stared at him, "That we need to find a window that only Alice knows"
(Hey I got to go might be back later)
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:36 pm

(ok :3)

Alice nodded and turned to leave. "We need ot hurry...." She said looking down. "Because if we dont hurry we might never be able to get out of here..."

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:22 pm

Aria hurried after Alice, "do you think they will let us leave this easily?" She wanted to know because this all seemed to easy. She was having bad feeling but she ignored them trusting in ghost Alice to keep her promise. Brian ran after them, "Wait what happened? Where are we going?"
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:08 pm

Alice ran faster. Her heart pounding in her ears. She found the secret passage in the kitchen. She started to climb the latter up to the attic. Something inside Alice made her want to sop but she ignored it.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:41 pm

Aria couldn't help but feel excited they were going to get out and she was going to see herself and learn more about her past. She was running just as fast as Alice while the boys trailed behind in confusion. Alice kept running till they were at a window.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:42 pm

KARMA!!! *tackles* I MISSED YOU!!

Alice looked out the window. Her heart was hammering inside her chest and she felt alittle sick. "This... is were she jumped..." She whispered. She could remeber the day... the time... and who was outside.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:49 pm

Alice!!! Sorry school and my little sister kept me away from the computer.

Aria looked at it closely. There was nothing speciel about the window yet it held such significance. It was were a girl ended her life and that made the window forever imprinted into their memories. "So what are we waiting for lets go."
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:52 pm

Hahaha its ok love :3

"We have to wait.... there is a certain time..." alice said thinking. "We need to wait till 3 in the moring... and its only 2..."

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:57 pm

Aria sighed, "What are we suppose to do until then?" She was too excited to wait. She felt like a caged animal and suddenly she started to pace. She wanted out really bad and she hated having to wait when the solution is so close.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:59 pm

Alice shrugged and thought long and hard. Diffrent memories hit her all at once adn she stubbled back form the shock. Slade glanced at Alice , his face filled with worry. "Please explain what is going on!"

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:18 pm

Aria saw Alice stumble and went to go steady her. As soon as they touched flashes of images raced aross her vision. Alice and her running through a field laughing, Aria laughing at some unknown joke, Aria and Alice sitting on a bed together whispering secrets, and it just kept going. Aria couldn't keep up with the images she soon became dizy and then it slowed down and she saw her and Alice running and screaming. A disturbing voice floated from the image, "Running delays the inevitable."
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:01 pm

Alice looked at Aria with a small fake smile. She had seen the vision to. "What does it mean?" She whispered low enough for just Aria to hear.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 8 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

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