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Something Goes Bump In The Night

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:00 pm

Slade chuckled. "Well Alice your becoming a slut." Alice rolled her eyes and stood. "Sorry you had to see that." She hit Slade and looked at Aria. "Oh yeah we know hun... they have visted us too many times..."

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:06 pm

Brain still felt embarressed but he was getting over it. Aria looked at him teasenly, "Well Brian you pick a wonderful time to finally get a kiss." Brian pushed her "Thanks for saying that out loud." Aria turned back to Alice and Slade "What are we going to do about the ghosts?"
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:07 pm

Alice and Slade shrugged. "I have no clue.... maybe we should split up again?" Slade suggested. He looked at Alice who shrugged "Its up to you guys.."

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:16 pm

Aria didn't want to leave them again but maybe they could figure out answers if they were apart. "Alright." Brian took Alice's hand. He didn't want to leave her.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:20 pm

Slade looked at Aria. "Maybe you and Brian should go together and me and Alice this time..." He said thinking aloud. HE needed to spead with ALice before she was in this relationship.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:25 pm

Aria nodded she could tell that Brian was reluctant to leave Alice but he did. He gave her a quick kiss then left through the door. "So when did this all happen?" Brian smiled, "umm it kind of came out of the blue." Aria smiled, "Well I am happy for you,"
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:28 pm

Alice looked at Slade who pursed his lips. "Are you okay?" Alice asked stepping towards him wit hher hand outstretched. Slade caught her wrist and brought his lips to hers.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:32 pm

Brian smiled at her, "Thanks." He thought he had something with Alice but he didn't want to get in over his head. He liked her alot and he didn't want to get hurt again or hurt her. Aria looked at him, "You okay? Your not cutting again?" Brian shook his head, "Just thinking."
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:34 pm

Alice pulled back and looked at Slade. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!" She yelled and moved away from him. Slade hung his shoulders. "I.. dont know.. now I can finally get over you.." Alice was shocked to hear his words. "Get over me?" Slade nodded and walked out of the room leaving Alice by herself.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:39 pm

Aria looked at him with questioning eyes,"Brian don't get this way again." brian pretended not to know what she was talking about. "What way?" Aria rolled her eyes, "Keeping me out last time you did that you got hurt and Brian I will die first before I let that happen again." Brian sighed, "I just don't know if she truly likes me it seems like this place changes you."
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:44 pm

Alice felt alone and sat down. Her mind was foggy and she felt sick. She huntched over and got sick. She got sick alot and groaned. "Br-..." Her words died.

SLade walked faster into the kitchen. His eyes swepted over it. He didnt know what he was looking for.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:51 pm

Aria looked at brian, "If she didn't than that is her loss but since she seems to have good taste I know she does." Brain smiled then frown he got a bad feeling. Brian turned around and went back to Alice he didn't have a good feeling. He walked back into the room to see Alice sick. He ran over to her, "Alice." Aria looked around for Slade but didn't find him she went around the house sh found him in the kitchen. "What are you doing?"
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:55 pm

Alice didnt respond. SHe was passing out. The man ghost apperred and gave Brian a sad look. "Take her tothe hospital wing and give her a potion with the name 'Rose'."

Slade turned and leaned agaisnt a counter. "Why?" He asked grummbling. He found a bottle of whisky and wanted to pour ALice out of his life.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:00 pm

Brian didn't question him just took alice in his arms and ran towards the hospital wing. "I will maje you better," He told her. When he found it he set her on a cot and looked through the cabinet to search for the bottle. When he found it he grasped it and gave it to Alice.

Aria walked over and grabbed the bottle, "Do you think this will help?" Aria felt stupid that she thought he was over Alice. Even if he was to like her she would always feel second best to her. Aria sighed pushing her feeling aside.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:07 pm

Alice drank it and sighed. She fell asleep but was haunted by nightmares. She wanted to.... die.

Slade moved away from her. "Leave me alone..." He went down the stairs and looked for something to end this crap.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:13 pm

Aria followed him, "No I will not let another person die in front of me or drink there self away till death is there only friend." She was tired of people feeling sorry for themselves everyone had there problems so you have to face them and get over it or talk to someone to help you get over it.

Brian sighed in relief that she was sleeping and still alive. He hated that he left her. Why did Slade leave her? He couldn't think about that right now instead he was focused on Alice. The ghost lady appeared next to me. "You know that you can't save everyone. Trust me I tried and look where it got me." Then the lady disappeared.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:27 pm

Slade rolled his eyes. "Your just a girl with a perfect life..." He said closing his eyes. He didnt want to deal with this right now. He just needed to breath.

Alice woke up gasping for air. "Brian?!?!" She screamed out. Her heart was pounding and she started to thrash around then all of the sudden she got quiet. She didnt move and her breathing was shallow.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:38 pm

Aria gave a bitter laugh, "You think my life is perfect try watching your dad live his life just drinking and when he got drunk beat me. Oh try this how about watching my father kill my mother in front of me. You don't know me so don't try to." Aria tried calming heself down but all she felt was anger. She threw the bottle at him, "Go ahead drink yourself away. I don't care anymore." Aria turned to leave she would feel bad about this later but right now she was too mad.

Brian feared something was wrong with Alice, "Alice!" He didn't know what toi do.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:43 pm

Slade turned and pulled her against him. His lips crashed against hers and he held her there. She pissed him off so much and yet here he was kissing her.

Alice woke up once more and screamed. When she was done she looked at Brian. "WHat... happened?" SHe asked closing her eyes.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:49 pm

Aria protested at first to him kissing her since she was so mad but then she gave in to the kiss. His lips were softer than she expected, kissing him made everything go away for a while at least. In the back of her mind she worried that she might be a bad kisser.

Brian hugged her, "I don't know you got sick and I took you up here to give you medicine and then you screamed. God you scared me so much."
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:51 pm

Slade pulled back and kissed her neck and went back to her lips. She wasnt a bad kisser at all. She was one of the best. Her lips made his mind go crazy.

Alice held onto him. "I..sorry...." SHe said her eyes closing. She held onto him and kissed his neck.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:57 pm

Aria pulled him closer getting lost in the kiss. She liked this feeling and didn't want it to end but she knew she could keep kissing him forever.

Brian sighed, "Its not your fault you just seemed like you were going to die. He tightens his hold on her a little. He pull back to look at her face. He presses his lips to hers for a little while then pulls back. "Feeling any better yet?" He smiled.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:03 pm

Slade finally broke the kiss. "Now..." He said with a smirk. "THat should shut you up for awhile." He teased.

Alice nodded and pulled him to her. Her lips molded themselfs against his. His lips were like candy and she wanted everything from him. Her fingers wove themselfs into his hair.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:12 pm

Aria smiled, "Oh that only shut me up while your kissing me otherwise I will keep talking." She teased him. Aria didn't worry about anything right now there was only her and slade. She wanted to keep kissing him but she knew that she shouldn't do it unless he tried first.

Brian loved kissing Alice she tasted like sweet vanilla and cinnomon. He didn't think he would ever tire of kissing her he could let it go on for a while. Brian pulled away coming up for air.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 4 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:16 pm

Slade chuckled and kissed her cheek. "THen you need to learn how to shut up." He chuckled and lead her away from the hallway.

Alice smiled and layed her head on his chest. SHe took in a deep breath. "We need to move.." SHe whispered.

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