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Something Goes Bump In The Night

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:58 pm

Alice nodded confused. "We.. cant be together..." She said looking down. She knew it was true.. she couldnt be with him right now... because he was the one that she loved in her past life. Slade was her destony.

Slade rolled his eyes. "Lets find Alice and Brian. My money is that they are making out... again." He chcukled and shook his head.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:06 pm

Brian stared in shock, "Why?" He knew this was all to good to be true. His stupid heart wanted him to believe that this time was different than the past.

Aria nodded and got up to go find them. She hoped that they were safe. Aria smiled at Slades comment, "Well as long as you have someone to make out with then your gonna do it."
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:13 pm

Alice looked up at him and stood. "Because... Slade is my destiny apperently and all the freaking forces of THIS NATURE IS GOING AGAINST US!!" She said feeling th pain go through her entire being.

Slade chuckled and wrapped his arm around her waist. "Well maybe but it works.." He said kissing her cheek.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:18 pm

Brian shook his head, "No you will not make excuses for this. You make your own decisions Alice." He felt hurt and angry, "If you wanted to be with Slade all you had to do was tell me not make up some BULLCRAP THAT FORCES ARE WORKING AGAINST US"

Aria truned and smiled, "Slade you very distracting I thought we were going to find Alice and Brian."
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:58 pm

Alice rolled her eyes. "SHUT UP ALREADY!! I DONT WANT SLADE BUT I HAVE TO OKAY? SO LEAVE MY ALONG!!!" She ran out crying.

Slade chuckled and kissed her forehead. He heard Alic ecrying and he turned. Alice ran into him and he loked at her. "Did he break your heart?" Before Alice could answer Slade went off to find Brian.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:06 pm

Brian sat down on the foor great he was stuck in here with a girl who didn't want him and the guys she acctually did want. His life sucked at the moment. The guy ghost came back. Brian asked, "Why can't we be together?" The guy looked at him with sympathy,"I'm sorry I can't tell you that but there is a way to break it." Brian perked up listening. "The answer lies in the past." The he was gone again great another riddle.

Aria ran after Slade and got in front of him blocking his path. "What the hell are you doing?"
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:09 pm

Alice took in a deep breath and the gentleman ghost appeared. "You can be with him... you need to figure out the past... once you do.. yoou can unlock all the rest..." He was gone. Alice stood and walked into the study. She walked by Brian and found the letters and began to read them.

Slade shook his head. "HE BROKE HER HEART!!" He said anger boiling inside him. He was going ot enc Brian.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:17 pm

Brian looked up at Alice, he felt his heart pull for her but he didn't get up or speak. He didn't know if his heart could take another heartbreak. He looked down again wondering why this was happening to him for millionth time. "I love you." He barly said the words but he was sure she heard them.

Aria pushed Slade back getting mad that of course he would take her side. "What makes you so sure he did it? I know Brian and he is too nice of a guy to do that and he really likes Alice." If slade hurt brian then she would hurt him and she knew how to fight so it wouldn't end well.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:28 pm

Alice stopped and dropped the letter. "Wh-what?" She asked looking at him. Her eyes shown nothing all emotion left her face. Her heart was the onlything that moved.

Slade nodded and took in 3 deep breaths. "Sorry.." He murmmed and turned to leave. "I really am.."

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:39 pm

Brian reapeted himself again. "I love you." He knew that everyone would say that it was to soon to fall in love but he knew that he loved Alice. Not as just a friend but as something more. He regretted saying the words for fear of being rejected again.

Aria sighed all her anger draining out of her. "Slade wait. Don't go." She took his hand trying to say that she was sorry for going off on him like that. She sometimes could be too much.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:44 pm

Alice stood and walked over to him. She knelt down and took his face in her hands. With a pause her lips were against his with such fiercness.

Slade turned and his lips brushed hers. He put his forehead on hers. "I hurt you... and I am sorry..."

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:52 pm

Brian kissed her back with a love and then a certain hunger to be near her to took over and he pulled her closer to him deepening the kiss. He left it like that not wanting to take anything further for he didn't want to upset Alice.

Aria kissed him long and sweetly, "Just don't do it again." She kissed him more likeing the feel of his lips. She came back up for air. "Where did you learn to kiss so well?" She mocked.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:56 pm

Alice lied down on the floor and pulled him ontop of her. She smiled and was breathless. She pulled back and gav ehim a sad smile. "I thought... you hated me..."

Slade chuckled. "Pratice." He teased her and kissed her neck. He only kissed Alice and now Aria. He liked the way she felt in his arms. He wanted to keep her safe.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:07 pm

(Go team Brian and Alice. And Team Aria and Slade lol)

Brian frowned he moved a piece of hair from her face, "I could never hate you Alice." He kissed her forehead. Brian rolled over and brought Alice to lay on top of him.

Aria didn't want to leave Slades arms they felt nice around her. She laughed at him kissing her nieck it felt good but it tickled. She took his face and crushed his lips back to hers. She could spend eternity likes this making out with slade.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:10 pm

(lol just watch something weird happen xP))

Alice layed down ontop of his chest. Her hair covered his chest and she giggled. "I love you two."

Slade smiled under the kiss and pulled back. "Alice and Brian..." He reminded her. He knew that somehing had happened.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:15 pm

Brian smiled, "Really?" He feared that she was only saying that he felt so insecure of himself. It made him feel weird but having Alice kiss him and be near him drove away those feelings.

Aria reluctently agreed with Slade they needed to go find Brian and Alice. "Alright lets go."
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:21 pm

Alice looked at him and nodded. "Yes..." She whispered. She looked into his eyes to show that she ment it.

Slade lead her down to the study. He sat there in quiet and watched them. He told Aria to be quiet.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:30 pm

Brian smiled broadly he couldn't believe it she loved him back. Suddenly Alice was flung off him. A guy stood there raging with jealousy, "She is mine." He kissed Alice with a ferocity. Brian got up to help Alice get away but he thrown back.

Aria watched with Slade at first it was cute just seeing them two them all hell broke loose. Aria didn't know what to do she wanted to go help but how could she defend against a ghost.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:36 pm

Alice felt someone's lips on hers. They felt like Slade's. She wrapped her arms around this person's neck and thought about Brian. The lips turned into a harsh kissing.

Slade ran in and looked at Alice. "ALICE GET AWAY FROM HIM!" He yelled at charged. But a force took him back and ran him into a wall.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:42 pm

Brian looked on with horror, was she kissing him back? He was going to be sick. Still he tried to get to her but everything he did failed.

Aria entered the room and towards Alice she seemed to be the only one able to get there. She pulled alice away. When Alice and Aria touched a spark flew at the ghost causing him pain. Aria stared wide eyed.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:45 pm

Alice lfell to the floor and passed out. Slade got up and looked at Aria. "What did you do?" He asked. Alice was passed out and he picked her up. "the ghost... and you two touched..."

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:04 am

Aria eyes were stil wide, "All i did was touch her. I didn't know sparks would fly." She felt a little shaky and would have fainted if it wasn't for brian. "Don't worry Aria I got you then he picked her up and went to the hospital wing where Alice and me layed. Brian felt worried Aria and alice didn't look good he was torn between which he would be by,
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:10 am

Slade sat by Aria. His head was in his hands. "We need to figure this out..." he said. He was scared for both of them.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:15 am

(I like really want to make this into a book)
Brian sighed in relief and went to sit by Alice he grabbed her icy cold hand. "Yeah we do and fast otherwise something really bad is going to happen." He stared at Slade and they way he was looking at Aria he gave the same look to Alice. Brian felt bad for him he seemed to care deeply about both of them.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 6 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:19 am


Slade felt pain and saw Alice ster. He looked at Aria. "Aria please... come back to me.." He whispered. He was in the edge of tears.

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