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Something Goes Bump In The Night

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:48 pm

Alice nodded and laid her head on his shoulder. "I... dont know how much more I can see..." She said. She felt weak and ackward but she closed her eyes feeling faint

Slade nodded and closed his eyes. "Ok..." He walked farther down and went into a huge empty space. "A room?" He looked confused.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:52 pm

Aria looked around, "Maybe at one point it was." She could see a rumpled dress that looked good back in the day but now is worn from age.

Brian held her closer, "I know we need to find a way out." He stayed there holdin her thinking that he felt sorry for her no one deserved to see something that bad.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:06 am

Slade chuckled and nodded. "Well that dress looks like it had alot of use.." He picked it up and sighed. "I wonder who wore this...."

Alice was done crying but stayded there. His arms were.... safe for her. Her heart had begun to beat fast and she felt heat come to her cheeks. He smelled wonderful and she wanted to stay like this...

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:18 am

Aria shruggs," It looks really old I would say someone from 50 years ago maybe even later." She went closer to the dress to see what it looked like. She touched the drees when a girl wearing the same dress on the floor walked in front of her. Aria turned white, "Please tell me you see this too."

Brian continued to hold her since he didn't know what to do but she also felt good in his arms. Yeah he picked a great time to think about a girl. Brian pulls away blushing a little,"Umm maybe we should find the others."
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:25 am

Slade looked up and saw the lady. His face went completly blank and almost dropped the dress. "Who are you?" He asked the figure as nice as he could.

Alice blushed and looked ahead. "Um.. I think they are fine... lets keep looking..." SHe stood and started to walk the oppostite directiong to what looking like a kitchen.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:31 am

Aria eyes got huge staring at the ghost. She couldn't believe that she was looking at a ghost right now. Aria started backing up and ran into Slade causing both of them to topple over. She looked only to find she was on top of him. She scrambles off really fast, "Sorry." She turns her attention back to the ghost who is laughing well at least she finds that funny.

Brian nodded before he followed her into the kitchen. He only hoped that there were no dead babies in here to. He stuck close to Alice trying to protect her from anything
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:36 am

Slade muddered something that sounded like its alright. He stood and looked at the ghost. "This is your room right?" He asked with a small smile.

Alice walked in and saw nothing interesting. She looked inside a drawer and found a letter. She took it in her hands and opened it. It was a letter to a woman for her love in a war. Alice closed her eyes and put the letter down and whispered "She killed herself..."

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:42 am

Aria stared at the ghost that now became silent again. The ghost nodded to answer Slade's question. "What happened to you?" In response she showed her neck and I could see rope marks that showed of hanging. Her stomach sank, "I think I might be sick."

Brian didn't know what to do he could see her face crumbling in grief. "When I was little I sat on metled chocolate and for the rest of the day people called me poopy pants." He blurted this embaressing story out hoping to take her mind away from the depressing letter.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:45 am

Slade closed his eyes. "You took your own life...." He whispered. He looked up at Aria and whispered "Leave... go to the hallway.." He looked up at the ghost with a soft expression. "Im sorry..."

Alice laughed a shaky laugh. "I wanted to take my own life... I almost did it to.... except my parents came home and found me...." She sighed and took the letter and put it in her Black Veil Brides bag she left by the door.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:54 am

Aria nodded trying to keep the food she ate earlier from making a reaperence. She sat down in the hall putting her head between her legs. When she looked back up the ghost lady was in front of her. Aria screamed. The ghost spoke,"You remind me of her.....Leave this place and never come back......Please before it is too late." I stared in confusion," who do I remind you of?"

Brian didn't know what to do or say ,"I'm sorry." He took her hand. "We all have our flaws, he pulls up his sleeve to show her his cut marks some going across some going up and down.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:57 am

Slade looked up at the ghost but she was gone. He cursed and went into the hallway. The ghost was talking to Aria and he let them have thier conversation.

Alice took her other hand and touched his cuts. She pulled up her sleave and showed him the same. She retook his hand and held it. She felt better knowing that he understood. She pulled down her collar and showed her burn marks.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:12 am

Aria looked at Slade with wide eyes hoping that maybe he could help. The ghost shook her head than dissappeared leaving with one word hanging in the air Leave. "That was crazy."

Brian looks at her scars touching the burn marks. "I never did anything like that I kinda stuck to razors."
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:14 am

Slade nodded and looked at her. "Are you ok?" He asked concerned. The ghost mad ehis stomach feel sick and he felt awkard.

Alice shook her head. "It... was a lighter... right on the skin..." SHe said. The pain was unreal but it was better then cutting. She had more burns on her stomach but she didnt show them. She still cut and she had new ones on her left arm.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:27 am

Aria felt terribly pale, "Ummm I'm not sure but I don't think my legs are working." She felt weak for admitting that but it was the truth.

Brian takes her arms and looks at her scars he feels bad for her, "Its not healthy trust me I am still fighting the urgs. All this ever leads to is more pain and hurt." He wanted make sure that she understood that.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:29 am

Slade nodded and held out his hand. "Take my hand then I will pick you up." He said with a smile. He felt bad for her... something inside him tugged at his heart.

Alice shrugged. "I dont care... I need it... I crave it." SHe whispered. Tears sprinked her eyes and she left them fall down her cheek. She knew everyword was true.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:52 am

Aria smiled, still embarresed she took his hand and was lifted off the ground and into his arms. She didn't expect him to be that strong but then again she wasn't really big. She rested her head against his shoulder. "So what now?"

Brian wiped away her tears. He grabbed her head and made her look him in the eyes. "Please stop." His eyes pleaded with hers. They were close and if he leaned one more inch they could kiss but he didn't want to force her to do anything so he stayed where he was pleading with her to stop cutting even though he knew that he was just like her fighting the urge.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:57 pm

"We still look around.... I will carry you until you have your balance back." He smiled at her. He lead her into a diffrent smaller room. It was a little boy's room. The bed was bigger then the girl's but it had blue silk sheets. He sighed. "No ghost..."

Alice looked into his eyes. The tears stung them but made the icy blue sparkle. He was so close and thier breath mixed together. She moved to kiss him.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:07 pm

Aria laughed, "Try not to sound too excited about that we don't want the ghosts to hear you." She looked around the room wondering who lived here and what exactly happened here. Aria wiggled around,"I think I'm good you can put me down." She hated feeling weak and at this moment that is how she felt.

Brian was shocked when she kissed him but he immediatly got over it and kissed her back. When they pulled apart he smiled at her. He was going to say something to her when the rug under them was pulled quickly away. They landed on the floor together, "ugh what the hell?"
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:11 pm

Slade shook his head. "I dont think that is a good idea.." He said looking below him. The floor was going to give away if they both were on it. He said closing his eyes.

Alice laughed softly and stood. "Sorry.." SHe blushed and started to walk away. Your an idoit she thought to herself. She sighed and kept walking her mind was fuzzy.. she needed a knife.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:41 pm

Aria sighed, "Well then can you walk into the hallway and put me down." She was starting to feel uncomfortable. It was nice that he was holding her but she liked her freedom to be able to move whereever she wanted.

Brian ran after her, "Where are you going?" He grabbed her arm and turned her around. Brian was starting to wonder if maybe she regretted kissing him.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:45 pm

Slade nodded and made it to the hallway and set her down. "Hope you can walk." He smirked and looked around. He took in a deep breath and sighed and leaned against the wall.

Alice ripped her arm away from him and ran to the kitchen. She found a knife and slite her arm. She didnt make a sound but tears flurished. The blood dripped onto the counter and she closed her eyes.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:59 pm

Aria was glade to finally be back on her legs. She walked a little to make sure that she could walk. Aria smiled when she found that she could. She turned to Slade, "Hey you okay?"

Brian ran after her and saw her cut her arm. He took the knife from her and threw it. "Alice why?" He ripped a piece oif his shirt to wrap it around her arms.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:03 pm

Slade nodded and sighed. "I guess but I think that I will be ok. So where should we go next?" He asked with a smile.

Alice closed her eyes and kept her mouth shut. She didnt want to explain and soon the pain went away. She looked up and took in a deep breath.

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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:13 pm

Aria pointed down the hall so far it they still hadn't found a way out. We walked down the hall when suddenly it got cold. I breathed and could see my breathe oh great why did these stuff keep happening. Suddenly a deranged laugh came from what seemed like next to her she jumped.

Brian looked at her with sad eyes, "Alice?" He could see that she been crying. He hugged her feeling like she could disappear again.
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Something Goes Bump In The Night - Page 2 Empty Re: Something Goes Bump In The Night

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:16 pm

Slade heard the laugh and looked at Aria. His face drained with color and he felt his adenline kick in. "Wha tthe...." He looked to his left and then to his right. Nothing was with them.

Alice cried then when she was done she looked at him. "Lets find a way out of here..." She said. She took his arm and wrapped it around her lsim waist and they walked up the stairs.

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