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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:28 pm

Lorrick grinned and pulled her down into his lap, not caring about the nosey customers who were watching them. He kissed her ear, holding on to her tightly. "I think that you're amazing. The way you light up when you're up there...." His voice trailed off, his smile growing as he looked into Kylia's eyes.

Skylur laughed and moved her hips sideways to knock into him. "Better watch it," she warned. "I got into a flour fight with my brother once before. I dominated." She gave him a look to show him that she meant buisness before breaking it with a large smile.

Lily raised her eyebrows as she studied him, mulling over that question. "I would guess so," she said honestly, wondering where that had came from. "Why?"

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:34 pm

"Because I don't," Jarred said as he looked at her, his voice sincere. He sat on the ground in front of her, like a kid waiting to hear a story. "I normally would discuss this with my sister since she is an empath....but she is not here."

Cass watched her and grinned, waiting until she looked away before putting a hand print of flour on her cheek. He didn't mind getting dirty, and it was at least fun. More fun than he'd had in years.

Kylia blushed and grinned, leaning against him. "You're full of pond water," she muttered before turning her head to catch his lips. She gave him a good, mind blowing kiss then slid out of his lap and went back to finish her session at the mic.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:46 pm

Lorrick moaned slightly when she left his lap. He watched her as she went back on stage, really wishing that they had stayed in bed after all. A while later, when she finished her set, he slid out of his chair and hurried on stage to sweep her up easily into his arms. Once again, without caring about the whistles from the crowd, he kissed her deeply, his love for her obvious to anyone who looked.

Skylur's mouth opened in slight shock, a laugh bubbling up from her throat. She looked over at Cass before narrowing her eyes and putting both hands in the bucket of flour. Quickly turning towards him, she clapped her hands together and immediately blew the cloud of flour into his face.

Lily studied him closely, wondering how she ended up with this sweet and complex hybrid as her protector.... "Well..." she said slowly, not knowing what to say. "What is it that you want to know?"

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:56 pm

Jarred stared at her for a long moment then sighed. "What is the feeling that starts here?" He asked, pointing to his heart. "It makes your heart move more rapidly than it should, and takes your breath away. You feel heat in your cheeks and when you look at the thing that caused it, you feel lost for words or just lost in general in taking in its sight."

Cass laughed and grabbed another bunch of flour, throwing it at her before shifting around the island in the middle of the kitchen to be out of her reach, his brow wiggling playfully.

Kylia squeaked in surprise, but quickly found herself wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back. "Maybe we should find a hotel before we go home," she suggested, her voice quiet enough that only he could hear.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:05 pm

Lily let out a small laugh, shaking her head. "Sounds to me like you're talking about love," she scoffed. She leaned back in her chair, her hands lightly resting on her stomach. Love was something she was taught to ignore. Nothing ever came out of it but trouble and pain. If you fell in love, you might as well shove a knife between your ribs and into your heart.

Skylur laughed, her hair and face covered in flour. She picked up the slightly flimsy lid to the flour bowl and placed a handful of flour onto it. Carefully lifting it up, she pressed down on the side most of the flour was on and then let go, smiling as the flour flung off it and landed around Cass. "I warned you," she laughed. "I dominated."

Lorrick grinned, holding her tightly against him. "Very good idea," he whispered against her lips. He walked down the stage, Kylia still in his arms as he grabbed her coat in one hand. He walked outside and unfurled his wings, instantly taking to the sky.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:55 am

"Really?" Jarred asked, looking a little more than shocked. "Huh," he said as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "And what about the feeling when your palms get sweaty and you're uncomfortable in front of people?" He asked as he looked up at her.

Kylia grinned widely, a happy, bubbly laugh escaping her as she clung to him. She kissed him just below the ear, whispering things of a grown-up nature.

Cass chuckled and tackled her, covering her in flour. Caught up in the moment, he kissed her gently. He blinked, realizing what he did and pulled away with a slight blush. "I'm sorry," he said quietly.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:43 pm

Skylur gave a soft smile and looked up at him. "Don't appologize," she whispered, taking his shirt in her hands and gently pulling him back toward her. "There's no reason to be sorry." She kissed him softly and slowly, giving him time to pull away again if that's what he wanted. But her heart was going nintey, her stomach twisting in a way that made her have to hold back a smile.

Lily turned her head to the side, her eyebrows rising. "Nervousness," she supplied, studying him. "Do you honestly not know what your own emotions are?"

When they landed, Lorrick walked into the small hotel, dropping money for one night on the counter. "John Smith," he told the cashier, giving his fake name. He kissed Kylia teasingly, not caring that they had an audience. When the red-faced teen gave him their key and room number, he grunted his thanks before going to the room, his lips never leaving his wifes.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:17 pm

Kylia gladly kissed him back, all to happy to let him carry her, not even noticing the poor boy that had to witness her husband eating off her face. "I missed you," she murmured between kisses. Of course, she didn't mean missed him as if he'd been away for a long time. He hadn't gone on any adventures in at least three months. No, she missed him in a physical sense.

Jarred stared at her and shook his head quietly. "Not....not really...some I know and can recognize sorta from Sky...or when she points them out...but," he gave a small shrug, a slight blush coloring his cheeks as he realized he was feeling what Skylur would call embarrassment.

Cass blinked a little shocked, but kissed her back, his arms holding her tight and bringing her closer. Both of them were covered in flour, but the thought didn't even seem to bother him. The only thing he could focus on was her warm lips against his, and the strange stirring in his chest that felt


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:57 pm

Lorrick grinned as he opened up their hotel room door and kicked it shut behind them, his lips not once moving away from hers. "I've missed you too," he whispered, lying her on the bed. He laid on top of her, careful nbot to put too much of his weight on her as he trailed kisses down her neck and to her collarbone. "We need to do this more often," he murmured, pulling gently at the collar of her shirt, his lips getting slightly lower as he teased her.

Lily turned her head to the side, studying the hybrid. This was something that she didn't know. Hybrids of the angels were....interesting. This was definately something Mathew would love to know.... Sighing, she bent over at her waist to rest her head on her knees, only to shoot up like a rocket in pain. She took a deep breath with her eyes closed before slowly opening them to study Jarred again. "My goal for the past couple years has been to kill the man who killed my sister. That man is your father. So why are you being so nice to me?"

Skylur gave way to the emotions that were building up in her chest, her guards around her mind falling apart. Almost instantly, she felt everything Cass was feeling which only made her emotions stronger, more intense. She was always careful of this,, always made sure she never let this happen. If she was careless, her own emotions would go on an overload, filling her up to the brim with one or more feeling. This time, it was love. Love for this guy she only just met. She turned her head to the side, the kiss deepening, as her hands trailed down his chest.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:06 pm

Cass continued to kiss her back, it taking a moment before he got his bearings back. He pulled away before they could go to far and looked at her, holding her close and out of breath. He slowly reached up and caressed her cheek, eyes searching her face. Well...this was a pleasant turn of events.

Jarred thought for a moment then looked at her. "Because....I feel when I'm around you," he said slowly. "And no one deserves to die at the hand of someone they consider a friend."

"Yes we do," Kylia said a little breathlessly before she slipped out of everything and got him to do the same. She was so not in the mood for the teasing. He'd been teasing her all night. With that, she got exactly what she wanted and was absolutely ecstatic about it.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:51 am

Skylur had to hold back a soft groan of disappointment when Cass pulled back. The emotions raging inside of her wouldn't settle; they kept getting louder and louder. She squeezed her eyes shut and placed her head on Cass's shoulder which only proved to fuel the storm inside her. Without a word, swhe pushed away from him and rested her head on her knees instead as she waited for herself to calm down. Her parents had warned her that something like this might happen someday....she just never believed them.

Lilith couldn't help but give a small smile to that statement. "But it happenens," she told him. "It happens all the time. Those feelings you seem so intriqued with? They go on overload in certain situations. And some situations are so horrible that they cause people to do things they wouldn't normally do. Like kill someone they concider a friend." Her eyes were on Jarred, but she wasn't really seeing him. Instead, she was seeing Rylie. She was seeing Mathew. That night was burned into the back of her eyelids, causig her to squeeze her eyes shut to get rid of the image.

She was lying on his chest, her soft breath tickling his bare skin. Lorrick lifted his hand and gently moved a strand of hair away from her face, a small smile curving the corner of his lips. Even after all these years, his love for her was still strong enough to bring him through anything.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:23 pm

Cass watched her and frowned, wondering if he did something wrong. He went over beside her and sat down, rubbing her back gently. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly.

Jarred's brow furrowed slightly and he shook his head. "That is not right," he growled softly. "Friends should not kill friends." The thought bothered him...immensely. He couldn't even describe how badly it upset him.

Kylia was smiling happily as she laid on him, her eyes closed, her hands balled up into small fists. "I love you," she murmured, not wanting the moment to ever end.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:36 pm

Skylur relaxed at his touch, a soft sigh escaping her lips before she bit the inside of her cheek and shook her head. "No," she muttered, squeezing her eyes shut. "Please...Don't touch me..." Her voice came out like a whisper, barely loud enough to be heard. "Stupid empathy," she groaned, pressing her head against her knees until it hurt. She slowly slid her wall back into place, cutting herself off entirely from his emotions.

Lilith laughed, patting him on the head before she got up and moved to the bed to lie down. The pain in her stomach wasn't as bad as it used to be, but it was still there. "You lived a shealtered life, didn't you?" she asked, sighing softly. "Whether it's right or not, it happens. It happens for reasons that I'm assuming would piss you off even more."

Lorrick wrapped his arms around her and held on tightly as he kissed the top of her head and smoothed down her hair. "I love you too," he murmured. "Did you want to sleep here, or go home to the kids?"

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:44 pm

Jarred stared at her and frowned, standing and moving over beside her, helping her get into the bed and pulled the covers over her. "Why is it like that?" He asked as he watched her, wanting to know more.

Kylia looked up at him and frowned slightly, her finger reaching up and brushing his cheek. "Neither," she said as she watched him, a gleam entering her eyes.

Cass sighed as sat beside her. He moved his hands to lap and frowned as he stared at them. "I'm sorry," he muttered.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:59 pm

Lily studied him for a moment, before patting the spot next to her for him to sit. She closed her eyes for a moment and thought, bitting her lip--a nervous habbit she thought she broke years ago. "I'm not sure. The world's just a f*cked up place," she finally muttered. "When I was born, my family was whole. Nothing was wrong with it. Until one day, both of my parents were killed when we were 8 by the 'new and improved angel assassins'." Lily was staring off into space, no longer in the room with Jarred. "So my sister and I set out on our own and met Mathew and Rylie. They lived with these people who made it their life's mission to destroy the monsters." At this, she looked ovedr at Jarred with some appology. "We stayed with them, trained with them, became what they were. Everything started to look up again for a while. We had a family again. My sister fell in love with Rylie and I fell in love with Mathew." Lily barely noticed the small tear that was beginning to fall from her eye. "The night my sister was murdered, we were on a mission. We heard of this Angel that was in town, hunting down one of our members. James was his name. When we found him, he had another Angel with him." She looked at Jarred again, her face hardening. "We tried to take them both out, but my sister was killed. Rylie tried to save her, to bring her back with us, but Mathew wouldn't hear of it. He shot Rylie to 'take him out of his misery of losing her', grabbed me, and ran." She shook her head, wiping the damn tear off her cheek. "Mathew's been an asshole ever since."

Lorrick raised his eyebrows, a grin forming on his lips. He gently turned Kylia around so she was covering him, her face inches from his. "Oh really? And what is it you think we should do instead?" he murmured, kissing the spot just below her ear.

Skylur shook her head, turning slightly to look at him. "It's not your fault," she murmured, her face reddening with embarrassment. "Sometimes I wish I wasn't born with Empathy. It'd make life a lot simpler."

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:08 pm

Cass looked over at her and smiled slightly. He reached up and brushed some flour off her cheek as he looked her over. "That color looks good on you," he said, talking about the blush that covered her cheeks.

Jarred's brow furrowed as he listened. "Who were they hunting?" He asked quietly, trying to put it all together. A whole range of emotions were flooding him, almost putting him on over load again, but he managed to control them to an extent.

Kylia grinned and hooked her legs around his waist as she moved so she could kiss him. "I'll let you guess," she muttered, kissing him like she had in the coffee shop.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:12 pm

Skylur smiled softly as she turned her head and kissed the inside of his hand. "Let's finish those pizzas. I'm starving," she murmured as she stood and brushed herself off.

Lily shrugged her shoulders, taking a small breath. "We never figured that part out. All we knew was that an angel was hired to kill one of our friends. We couldn't have that." She looked over at Jarred, her eyes hard, the sarrow from earlier no longer in sight. "This is what I grew up with, Jarred. Friends kill friends all the time. Wether its for a good reason or not, it happens."

Lorrick moaned softly as he kissed her back and let his hands trail slowly down her back, exploring what he already knew by heart, but couldn't get enough of...

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:41 pm

Cass stood and sighed, following her back over to the pizza dough. He kissed her cheek gently as he went to the other side of her and stared at the glob on the counter. "Alright chief, now what?" He asked, looking confused as to what to do next.

Jarred ran a hand through his hair as his eyes fell to the ground, apparently having a hard time letting it all soak in. His brow furrowed, his forehead crinkling slightly as he tried to understand.

A while later Kylia was asleep next to Lorrick, her head on his chest with a triumphant smile on her face. She couldn't have been happier in that moment if she had tried. She'd already reached max capacity of happiness and was over flowing so much she couldn't even label it happiness. It was bliss.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:17 pm

Skylur smiled her thanks at him before they began cooking again. Eventually, they were sitting at the kitchen table, their homemade pizzas in front of them. Despite what had happened earlier, she was at peace, relaxing into the chair.

Even with her eyes closed, Lilith could practically feel the confusion radiating off of him. "Questions?" she asked softly, trying to fight off a sleep that suddenly threatened to take her.

(Shall we take it to the next day? Take Lorrick and Kylia home and bring in Landon?)

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:45 am


Cass ate his pizza happily, his eyes dancing with delight. It had been a long time since he had actually eaten real food. Some sauce got onto his fingers and he frowned at it then glanced at Skylur, a mischievous gleam in his eye. He waited until she had began eating, then struck, swiping the sauce onto her nose.

Jarred gave a slight shake of the head as he looked up at her. "I am not sure my emotions could handle more," he said as he stood. He covered her and turned to leave the room.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:52 pm

Lilith was half asleep already when he began to leave the room. When she woke up, she wouldn't even remember asking this of Jarred, but when the mind got shut down, the heart was on its own. "No," she murmured, her eyes closed. "Stay with me? Please?" Her voice was barely audible, only loud enough for Jarred to possibly hear what she wanted to ask.

Skylur's mouth opened in surprise as she looked down at the sause on her nose, her eyes going cross eyed. She looked back up at Cass, a laugh bubbling up inside her throat. "You jerk," she said, the smile on her face completely turning the insult around.

Lorrick woke up when the sun started to show its head above the horizon. He looked down at the still sleeping Kylia, a fully awake smile on his lips. The one good thing about being an angel? You never needed very much sleep. He had been running his fingers through her hair all night, only falling asleep an hour or two ago.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:57 pm

Jarred paused on his way out then turned to face her, his brow furrowing slightly. "Alright," he said, pulling a chair up beside her bed and gently taking her hand. "Rest."

Cass grinned at her and wiggled his brow playfully. He tried to hide a yawn and sighed watching her, occasionally glancing out the window. "Wonder what time it is," he murmured thoughtfully.

Kylia shifted in her sleep, her hands balling into small fists. She murmured his name, her brow furrowing slightly as she began to have nightmares.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:29 pm

Fml. I wrote everything. Then it all got deleted. Ugh.

Lily gave a small, weak smile before exhaustion took her under. The last thing she remembered was the way her hand felt so tiny while Jarred held it. She felt safe as she fell asleep for once, something she wasn't used to feeling.

Skylur looked over to the oven clock, her eyes widening slightly when she saw the time. "The sun will be coming up soon," she said with a small laugh. Getting up, she took her and Cass's plate to the sink. "Guess we should get to bed, huh?" She ran her fingers though her hair as she thought, gently biting her lip. "Well, Jarred's room will be empty until he comes home, so you can sleep in there if you wanted to?"

Lorrick knew his wife well enough to know what was going on in her mind without his daughter's gift. "Kylia," he murmured, shaking her gently. "Sweetheart, wake up."

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:53 pm

Jarred watched her sleep and gave a small smile to match hers, unsure of what to think. All he knew was that he hadn't seen anything like her in all his life. Even as she slept he found her...astounding.

Cass looked at her and gave a small nod, not really liking the idea of her being alone in her room without the help of her parents to protect her. "Alright, would you show me the way?"

Kylia groaned slightly and just cuddled him closer. She woke from her nightmare, looking up at him through sleepy, no where near awake eyes. She blinked a few times before she closed them again.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 8 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:17 pm

In her sleep, Lily felt the rusty knife slice her open once more, but this time, the blade got caught in her skin. Ridges formed on its edge, cutting her even deeper, the pain blinding. All she saw was Mathew's face; on it was a huge, malicious smile and eyes glittering with glee. All she felt was the white hot pain that was coursing through every inch of her abdomen. With a cry, she shot straight up in bed, creating a pain in her wound very similar to the one in the dream. "Shit," she half-whimpered, sliding back into the pillows carefully.

Skylur nodded and led him upstairs to the room right across from hers. She smiled at him and pointed toward her own room. "If you need anything, you know where I am. Just...make yourself at home." She gave a tiny wave, before turning to head into her room.

Lorrick grinned softly and kissed the top of her head, smoothing her morning hair down a little bit. He didn't care in the least how long she slept, just as long as she was nightmare free.

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