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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:37 pm

Skylur looked over her shoulder and at her brother, exasperation writen on every part of her face. "Must you do that?" she asked, taking her Moolatte and starting toward a booth.

Lily sighed and stood, looking toward the heavens. "These creatures are made to be invincible. So why do they always run?" she muttered to herself as she walked over to where the Angel went. She placed a hand on his shoulder and turned him to face her. "You took two of my daggers. But I still have a pocket knife, a metal stake, and my trusty pistol. You run, and your little sister dies too. All I asked you to do was ask why my twin was murdered. Five simple words. Go ahead, Angel. Ask."

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:46 pm

Jarred stared down at her as he shoved Skylur behind him, his emotions raging wildly as he tried to figure out what was going on. Who was this person and why was she threatening him and his sister? Why was she interested in him? He'd never seen her before in his life. For a moment, the fear and confusion he felt inside flashed across his face, the fear more fleeting than the confusion. "Why?" He asked, voice tense.

Cass stared at the girl, moving behind Jarred as well and gently putting himself between Jarred and Skylur so that he too could protect her. Why he was risking his life for this girl he barely knew was a mystery to him, but then again, he didn't want another girl killed. Another girl like Trish.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:58 pm

Skylur placed her hands on Cass's back and peered over his shoulder. She narrowed her eyes at the girl with red hair, effortlessly tuning into her emotions. Anger. Remorse. Revenge. It was all coming off of her in waves. "I think we should go," she whispered to Cass, pulling on his sleeve.

"Because she broke up with her abusive boyfriend," Lily whispered, a single tear running down her cheek as she looked up at the Angel without blinking. "He called GWC. She was killed by a "protector" because she was protecting herself. Now, where's the justice in that?"

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:05 pm

Cass nodded and backed up with her slowly, quickly taking her out the back door. He slipped his hand into Skylur's taking her anywhere that was away from the strange girl. "Will your brother be able to find us?"

Jarred stared down at her, his brow furrowing. "What is a GWC?" he asked, totally clueless. "Why would her protector turn on her?" Once again, his innocence shone through, his eyes searching her face for an answer. Curiosity overwhelmed his thoughts as he stared at this girl that had water leaking out of her eyes. His mother had called them tears. He gently brushed it away without a second thought, it being a normal reaction around his mother and his sister. He then stared at the tear that was on his finger as if it was something new to him.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:12 pm

Skylur nodded, starting into a light run. "He always does," she muttered, turning down an alley way. When they were a couple blocks away, she pulled out her cell phone and dialed her mother's number, crossing her fingers that she would pick up.

Lily snapped out of her grief as soon as he touched her. Automatically, her hand flew out and caught his wrist, her eyes blazing in anger. "Don't you dare touch me, you monster. Or I swear to you, I'll plunge my knife into your gut right here in this shop. Your little sister won't even know."

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:22 pm

Jarred blinked and stared at her, confusion and...hurt? flashing across his face. He didn't understand. He had never been treated like this before. His eyes searched the girl's face. "I...I am not understanding.." was all he could get out. "I..I do not know what..I do not understand."

Kylia was washing the vegetables for dinner with the phone rang. She had been on edge ever since her children had left, not wanting them to go. In a flash, the vegetables were left in the sink with the water running and she was fumbling to answer the phone. "Skylur? Honey? Is that you? Are you alright? Is your brother ok?" Questions came spilling from her mouth, her dark chocolate hair now collecting strands of grey but her caramel eyes still held the light of youth.

Cass stared at her, watching her with slight curiosity.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:30 pm

Skylur bit her lip, her eyes on Cass. "Mom, what's GWC?" Her voice came out strong, but questioning and slightly wavering. The girl in the coffee shop obviously thought Jarred was something he was not, and she seemed to have a good reason to too.

Lily narrowed her eyes at him, registering the emotions that flashed across his face. "You honestly don't know, do you? You're an angel without ties to the GWC, huh?" She laughed, spinning on her heel and starting toward the door. People were starting to watch them, a few of them getting suspicious of their behavior. "Your daddy obviously hasn't been very truthful to you." Without looking to see if he was following, she walked outside and into the afternoon light.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:37 pm

Jarred stood there in stunned silence for a moment then followed after her. "What is a GWC?" he asked, his deep voice filled with curiosity. He still wasn't use to the feeling, it was overwhelming.

Kylia fell silent, her eyes flickering to Lorrick, wide and fearful. "Why do you need to know about the GWC? Is someone trying to hurt you?"

Cass watched her and in a quiet voice he answered her question. "The Guardian Wing Company."


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:45 pm

Lily kept on walking, still not looking behind her. "The Guardian Wing Company," she told him, placing her hands into her coat pockets. "The exact company I'm guessing your father works for. Or, used to work for if it's true that your mother is human."

Skylur's eyebros pulled together in confusion as she studied Cass. "The Guardian Wing Company," she told her mother, ignoring her questions. "What is it?"

Lorrick looked at his wife, his eyes hard as he watched her facial expressions and listened to her side of the conversation. Nearly 18 years since that had been brought up....Now, suddenly, the GWC was showing its ugly head again, and this time, to his children. His wings twitch into responce to that thought, the urge to fly to them and protect them overwhelming.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:49 pm

Jarred blinked a few times. "What is that?" he asked, falling in step beside her. He was more curious than ever now. His parents hadn't said anything about it before.

Kylia tripped over her words for a moment as she tried to think of a way to explain. "It well...It's a company..that makes your father. He was part of the GWC...before your were born. That's how we met..he was my angel. Angels can be called to protect or to guard a person for a certain length of time...but when the time is up...the person who has been guarded must be turned into an angel as payment."


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:48 pm

Lily laughed as she stradled a park bench, her back to the arm rest so that she could keep her eyes on the man. "I usually kill the angels. Not explain the ways of the company that made them." She said this so conversationally, it was as if she were talking about the weather, the concept of killing so natural to her.

Lorrick stepped closer to Kylia, his hand resting on her shoulder. "Tell her to get her ass home," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Her brother too."

The crease between Skylur's eyebrows deepened as she listened, her eyes never leaving Cass. He was the only thing around her that was making sence right now. "But...You're not an angel. Right? I mean, you're not like Daddy. You're human. Right?"

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Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:15 pm

"No, no of course not. I'm not an angel. We...your farther and I that is, went into hiding after.." Kylia paused and let out a sigh. "Your father wants you to come home with your brother, I'll explain when you get home." She looked up at Lorrick, her eyes searching his face. Her brow was creased with worry, fear. Something that had seemed to be ever constant in her life, though once Jarred was born she quit fearing for her self, and instead, feared for her family.

Jarred sighed and frowned. "I..I must find my sister, keep her safe," he paused his eyes searching her for a moment. "We will meet again?"

Cass watched and listened quietly. His brow furrowed slightly when she asked her mother if she was an angel like her father. His head turned to the side as he tried to comprehend this fact. An angel..and a human...having a family? It was unheard of.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:26 pm

"Tell me something first," Lily said, looking up at the half angel, her eyes narrowed. "What has your life consisted of?" He obviously had no charge in his lifetime, therefore, he had never /had/ to kill an innocent. But was there another reason this unnatural creature deserved to die? She would not be able to find it in herself to but a bullet through his heart for simply being born the way he was.

Skylur automatially shook her head no. "No way are we coming home. Jarred is fully capabile of keeping us safe. And I can easily pick up on people who have bad feelings toward us. We'll be fine. I love you, Mom. Tell Dad I love him too." And with that, she quickly hung up, pulling the phone from her ear to stare at it. She didn't know why she refused to go home, the words just escaped her lips.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:32 pm

Jarred blinked a few times, his brow furrowing. "Taking care of my family," he said simply. "I have a mother and a sister that I protect...and errands as mother calls them." He shrugged slightly. "Recently I have been searching for an animal that goes by the name of dog...Skylur's birthday is soon and it is required to give presents on makes her smile." He gave a small nod. "I have heard her say she would like this dog, but I am having a hard time finding one." He looked...miffed. Maybe slightly irritated. But other than that, his emotions were gone again. "That is what my life consists of. Making Skylur smile and keeping my family safe."

Cass watched her carefully for a long moment, unsure if he should say or even do anything. "Everything alright?" he finally asked.

Kylia stared at the dead phone and turned to look at Lorrick, shaking her head as her lip quivered. "Tell me they'll be ok," she whispered.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:46 pm

Lily couldn't help but laugh at that. This time, it was a surprised, happy laugh, not containing any of the sarcasum or hint a malice that it usually did. "A dog is a furry creature that walks on four legs," she told him, standing up. "Pretty common actually. You're either blind or stupid if you can't find one." Rolling her eyes, the smile still on her face, she began to walk away, her hands in her pockets.

Skylur looked up from her phone, confusion still writen across her face. "I'm not sure," she murmured. "I just learned that my parents are fugitives and my father was part of some company made to protect others." She cocked her head to the side, her back curls falling around her face. "Although, that would explain a lot."

Lorrick wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head. "You know I can't tell you that," he murmured, rubbing her back softly. "They're in the city though. I could easily find them if you wanted. Drag them back here if I have to."

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:51 pm

Kylia clung to Lorrick, burying her face in his chest. "We can't keep them here forever Lorrick....but I'm so scared....what if...what if you just found them and explained to them? I mean, they have to have some kind of knowledge about us and the GWC Lorrick. We knew they were bound to run into it one day..."

Jarred watched her leave, his brow furrowing. "I will see you again, won't I?" For some reason, he didn't want her to go.

Cass frowned as he watched her. "Protect people?" Cass shook his head as he watched her. "The GWC doesn't protect people anymore, Skylur. They kill people."


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:01 am

Lorrick, nodded, sighing softly. He closed his eyes, imagining that his kids were only toddlers again, easy to keep track of and never asked for explanations. "Would you like to come with?"

Lily, glanced over her shoulder as she kept walking. "I'm not sure," she called. "But I'll be seeing you for sure." She turned the corner once she reached the fountain, moving out of the angel's range of sight.

Skylur opened her mouth and closed it when nothing came out. Swallowing, she tried again. "Kill people...? Wha....what do you mean? Why would they kill people?"

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:11 am

Jarred frowned as he watched her go, then quickly began his search for Skylur. Within minutes he had located her and was beside her again, his blue eyes searching the surrounding area for threats, his emotions tumbling wildly as he tried to comprehend the knew emotions he had felt that day.

Kylia gave a small nod, taking a deep breath. "Yes please."

Cass stared at her. "They assassinate people. They are dealed out private organizations."


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:19 am

Skylur stared at him in shock, unable to comprehend what she was being told. Looking over to her brother, her eyes wide, she swallowed hard and asked, "Has the GWC always been like that?" The question was directed at Cass, but seeing her brother took some of the worry away, and replaced it with a calm sence of safety. She didn't even notice the actual emotions that he was giving off for the first time in his life.

Lorrick gave a small nod as he walked outside of the house, Kylia's hand in his. Locking the door behind them, he took her in his arms just like he used to 20 years ago and pushed off from the ground, his wings catching the wind. His shirt shreaded instantly and he cursed under his breath. You think he would remember a tiny detail like that.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:03 am

Kylia couldn't help the tiny giggle that escaped her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning against him. She smiled happily, burying her face in his neck. It was just like old times. She didn't realize how much she missed it until now. She kissed his neck lovingly and then watched as the world below her faded away.

Cass shook his head as he watched her. "No, they only started that...twenty years ago? Maybe? They use to be for protection and it wasn't a common thing. Now..well. It's not a pretty sight. If you see an angel from the GWC, you can bet your life that you won't see the next morning."

Jarred listened carefully, putting his arm around Skylur as he always did. He scanned the park for these angels, hoping none were looking for them.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:49 pm

Lorrick held her close to his chest, a small smile forming on his lips. "Things sure have changed, huh?" he asked softly, flying toward the city, his wings beating powerfully.

Skylur looked up at her brother, her eyes wide with fear. "You don't think dad was an assassin....Do you?" The thought made her stomach quezy, nearly bringing her down to her knees.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:23 pm

Jarred kept her steady, letting her use him to hold herself up. "No. He is not an assassin." His eyes searched the boy, then his sister. "He said twenty years ago. Father has been an angel for longer than that."

Cass shrugged and watched them, hands in his pockets. "I doubt your dad is an assassin," he muttered, not liking that Skylur was upset.

Kylia gave a small nod, her head still resting against his shoulder. "It much more than I would have thought," she said softly, cuddling him closer as the night air whipped past them, making her shiver slightly.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:43 pm

Skylur wrapped her arms around her brother's waist, giving Cass a greatful smile. Looking up to see Jarred, she bit her lip. "You don't think....I mean, you're twenty....Mom said that her and Dad went into hiding....Do you think it was because she was pregnant with you?"

Lorrick held onto her tightly as he started to fly over the city, his eyes scanning the ground. He quickly found his kids standing in an alley way with a strange kid, seemingly deep in conversation. "There they are," he murmured, landing on the top of a building. He scanned the area around them, automatically looking for any danger. He quickly found a red head sitting in a close resturant. Normally, he wouldn't be concerned, but her eyes were glued to the kids and she held something sparkly in her hands.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Guest Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:14 pm

Jarred looked down at her, his brow furrowed. "I do not know," he said, then paused, tensing. He looked around, hearing the beating of wings. Almost immediately, his wings were open and he was shielding Skylur and Cass as his eyes scanned the alleyway. After what he had just learned about angels, beating wings weren't exactly a welcoming sound. His eyes landed first on his father and relaxed. His eyes then landed on the red head, and he tensed again.

Cass was in shock to say the least, not expecting such quick movement. He didn't even know what they were hiding from. He looked at Skylur, wondering if she had an answer.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation - Page 2 Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation

Post by Kara Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:37 pm

Skylur saw and felt the confusion coming from Cass, giving him an appologetic look as she stepped from her brother's embrase. "I told you. He's protective." She pointed to the resturant across the street to show him the red head from earlier now walking toward them.

Lorrick looked over to his wife, a dangerous yet protective glint in his eyes. "Will you stay here?" he asked, not wanting to endanger her anymore than she already was. It was stupid of them to let their kids come into the city unprotected. Stupid and careless. Without waiting for an answer, he started to climb down the fire escape, quickly pulling his wings against his spine to hide them from the red head. He jumped the rest of the way to the ground, landing as agily(sp?) as he did when he was twenty instead of forty. He didn't look his age, thanks to the angel DNA that was grafted into his cells, but his dark black hair was showing greys and he had the faint sign of laugh lines around his eyes. "You kids need to go home. Now," he demanded, striding over to them without so much as looking at the scrawny kid. His eyes were glued on the red head who casually held a pistol in her hand.


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Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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